Chapter 11: Forgive Me

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Enid's POV
It has been a couple of days since Ron last talked to me about how I should change things with Carl and I. He surprisingly hasn't come up to me at all, which I'm not complaining.

I got out of my room and went across the hall to where Destiny was staying. Her door was cracked open so I peeked in to see her reading a book.

"Hey," I whispered as I slowly walked in.

"Oh. Hi," she says, putting down her book.

"I just wanted to see if you were up."

"I'm always up," she laughed.

"So do you want to go outside? Maybe grab a quick snack from the pantry? I'm sure Carol will give us something."

"Uh. Sure," she placed her book on her nightstand. I watched as she did it and I read the cover of the book:

When The World Goes Mad (not a real book I don't think)

That book describes our world perfectly.

I walked out the house with Destiny and I told Jessie we're going for a walk. We walked down the street to the pantry and we talked.

"So. Anything new?" I asked.

"Me? Oh, no. It's how it always is."

"Yeah. Nothing really exciting lately. Maybe that's a good thing?"

"Yeah, maybe. I don't belong here," she whispered.

"What? What do you mean by that?" I questioned.

"My dad doesn't want me. I think I'm just torturing him. I really need to get out of here. I think I'm leaving tomorrow, or tonight."

"No! You can't leave!"

"What? Why!?"

" just can't," I stuttered.

"I'll think about it, I guess. Think about staying here for at least a little longer."

"I've left multiple times before. It's not a good thing, I realized," I told her.

There was an awkward a silence. Very, very awkward. I was worried now that she was going to leave out into the walker infested world. I have to tell somebody before it's too late.

We got a granola bar from the pantry and we talked a little more.

"I should probably go. You see later at the house?" I asked.

"Y-yeah. Of course," she replied nervously.

I sprinted up the street and went straight to Rick's house.

"Hello!? Anyone? Daryl?" I yelled throughout the house.

"Daryl's on a run," a familiar voice said.

"Ron?" I questioned.

"How'd you know," he popped out from upstairs, smirking.

"What are you doing!? Get out! Where's Carl?" I said frantically.

I looked out the front door and I saw Rick roaming the streets. I opened it and yelled out to Rick. He came rushing in.

"He-he did something to Carl!" I screamed.

Rick pulled out his gun and yelled," where's my boy!"

"It's okay, it's okay. We're just having a little discussion," Ron explained evilly.

Jessie came running to the house because she must've heard us from outside.

"Ron! Go home now!" Jessie yelled, hearing everything that happened.

"Mom! I'm trying to make friends!" He defended himself innocently.

Jessie grabbed his shirt and yanked him outside.

"Go! Now!" Jessie yelled at him while Rick and I hurried up the stairs.

I was in front of Rick so I saw Carl first. I ran to help him as I began to cry. I ripped the duck tape off his mouth and hands as he yelled at the pain of it. Along his wrists, there was blood that circled around it all from when the duct tape tipped off. He winced as he looked down at his hands.

"He tied me up here and held a knife by my throat!" Carl's raspy voice managed to croak out.

"It's okay. It's okay," I comforted him.

Jessie and Rick were both here now. Jessie looked very disappointed in his son, and I was too.

"That boy is gonna be in for it!" Rick yelled, inferring to Ron.

"I'll take care of him," Jessie whispered and walked away in sadness.

"I love you Carl. It'll be okay, baby," I comforted as Rick walked away now too.

"I love you Enid," his throat was dry and sore probably from lots of yelling between him and Ron.

Destiny's POV
Nobody was in my house at the moment. I decided to grab my bag and pack it up with supplies. It was somewhere between lunch and dinner so the 'perfect' town's streets weren't that busy. I swung my black and purple bag over my aching shoulders and tiptoed my way out of the quiet house. I quickly ran towards the walls since no nobody was on watch. What I safe system they have here. I climbed over the wall and at the top, I saw it was clear. For at least a couple miles. I threw my book bag over and it made a semi loud thud. I looked behind me and saw all the attention on me now. My dad came running my way but I hopped the wall without carefully climbing down. My feet hit the concrete and I felt my ankles pop a little. I ran off the pain though when I saw Daryl, Rick, Enid, and Glenn all following me down.

"Leave me alone! I'm useless here! I have to go!" I shouted.

Unsurprisingly, this comment attracted a medium sized herd of walkers. I ran straight into the woods. I could fell a walker come after me from behind a tree. It swung it's arms at me as I cried for help. No weapons were in easy access. Damn, I'm stupid as hell.

Daryl's POV
I saw my daughter running away. Thoughts flooded my head with every possible way this is my fault. Rick was right. I'm a dad and I have to accept that and embrace that. I sprinted so fast when the others and I jumped the fence. She ran into the woods and I stopped when there was no sign of here. I then heard a loud high pitch screaming. It was definitely my little girl.

"Everyone stay here in case you see her from a different direction!" I yelled, throwing my crossbow over my shoulder and starting to run where I thought the screams came from.

I wondered through the woods when I came across a walker, lying on the floor. Then my eyes quickly opened up and I heard the screaming again. My girl was under that stupid ass walker.

"Get off!" I yelled with anger clearly read across my face as I yanked the walker and called it after me.

I quickly took an arrow from my crossbow and stabbed it just with the arrow, not bothering to shoot. The walker collapsed onto the ground and I saw Destiny cuddled up in a ball crying. I kneeled down so I was her height and I saw her sad eyes when she looked up now.

"I'm sorry. Sorry for being such a baby. You can go know and complain about how you hate being a father even though you aren't even being one," Destiny spat out with a threatening face.

"I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry. I am a father. I am a father! I am ready to be your father. I realized that half the time you don't even need me to take care of you. I wasted all these years being the bitch dad that I am. I hate myself for it," I admitted and I pulled my daughter into a hug.

"I love you dad."

"I- I love you too, Des." I said, using her famous nickname I used when she was little. She smiled at this comment and I helped her up and we walked home, seeing that the herd had wondered off, surprisingly.

We now here in Alexandria safe and sound. I helped Destiny move into my house and she got settled in. I decided to accept the fact that maybe life is getting better.

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