Chapter 10: It'll Be Okay

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Destiny's POV
It was my first night at Alexandria last night. I actually felt safe. Enid invited me to stay at her house with a girl name Jessie and her two kids Ron and Sam. I woke up late this morning and everyone was already gathered downstairs for breakfast.

"Sorry I didn't know," I apologized for being late to breakfast.

"It's fine. You needed the sleep. Ron, do you mind sitting with her and getting her some food? I need Enid and Sam to come help me with something," Jessie said.

"Oh I'm fine," I insisted.

"Yes mom. I'll stay here," Ron volunteered.

Jessie left with Sam and Enid while Ron got me some pancakes and eggs.

"Thanks," I whispered shyly.

"So, Daryl's your dad? What's up with him? I didn't really hear everything that happened," Ron said.

"It's complicated. I don't want to talk about it," I looked down at the food.

Ron didn't say anything after that and I started to eat my food in silence. When I got done, I got up from my seat and went up to the room I was staying in. I took a seat on my bed and opened up my bag and pulled out a small picture album and a necklace. I opened up the necklace and it had two tiny pictures fitted inside it. One side had my mom, the other had my dad. I wrapped the necklace around my neck and opened the picture album and flipped through the pages. I saw pictures of me and my dad, me and my mom, me and friends, and other pictures. There were no pictures of my family all together. That's when I realized that my parents hated each other. My dad didn't want me. I was an accident. I'm just useless all together.

Carl's POV
I was pushing Judith in her stroller around the town when I looked over to see Ron trying to talk to Enid. I casually watched from a distance trying not to get noticed. I managed to hear some words.

"Ron, it is what is is," Enid said.

"No. You can change it. It doesn't have to be this way!" Ron got angry.

"Well I want it this way! I'm sorry. Go find someone else. I'm taken," Enid said trying to walk away but Ron stopped her.

"Enid I love you."

"No. Stop."

"I heard a rumor that Carl likes Destiny," Ron spat out.

"That is such a lie. It's not freaking middle school. There's no rumors," Enid rolled her eyes.

I would go and punch Ron for what he said but I'm on baby duty. I turned around and walked away before my head blew off. Sometimes, you have to let things go. At least Enid didn't believe him.

Daryl's POV
I was cleaning my crossbow arrows on the front porch when I saw Rick approaching me from the corner of my eye.

"You got a minute to talk?" Rick questioned as he took a seat next to me.

"Make it quick," I snapped.

"I will, I will. So how was your life before the apocalypse?" Rick asked as casually as possible.

"Is this about Destiny?" I rolled my eyes.

"Look. The poor girl loves you. She lost her mom, you left her instantly after this started."

I was silent, not knowing what to say.

"You seemed like a pretty good father from what she tells me. Is it true you guys went hunting together? You'd get her ready for school when her mother wasn't home? I don't care if you didn't like her mom or whatever. This girl means a lot to you deep down. Do you see me taking care of Carl all the time? No because they are TEENAGERS and they don't need to be babysat anymore. You are her father whether you like it or not! I think you should reconsider this all and talk to her," Rick continued to talk and I listened carefully.

Rick walked away and my eyes began to water. I shrugged off the feeling and continued to clean my arrows. I guess I just don't want to get to close with someone. They will all die. My brother, Beth, and I was even devastated when Sophia died.

Enid's POV
It was almost time for dinner at my home but I decided to go over to Carl's house for dinner since I was always welcomed there. Since the group was split in two houses, everyone in the second house - which included Abraham, Rosita, Eugene, Tara, Sasha, and Father Gabriel - went over to where the rest of them stayed. Carol came a few minutes after me because she lived in the pantry house on the other side of town.

When I walked into the house, the smell of fresh rabbit, cheesy pasta, and Carol's left over cookies filled my nose.

"It will be a few minutes," Maggie explained to me," Carl should be up in his room."

I went up the stairs now to Carl's room. I could be blindfolded and know my way through this house. I don't really enjoy being in the same house as Ron so I'm here quite often. It makes me feel better being here.

"Hey babe," Carl greeted me when I walked in smiling.

I took a seat on his desk chair and asked," what have you been up to?"

"Just sitting here all day. Watching Judith. I'm usually the only one home in this house. How about you?"

"Well, actually, Ron is trying to get back with me. He is trying to convince me that you like Destiny but I refuse to believe it."

"Don't believe it. None of that bullshit is true." Anger grew on his face.

"It's okay," I said grabbing his hand," he is so oblivious."

Carl smiled at me and we were about to kiss when Rick called us down to eat.

"We will continue later," Carl laughed at me as he pulled me up from my seat.

"Yes. Yes, we will." I laughed.

a/n: sorry if this chapter seems short. please comment some new ideas

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