Chapter 7: Thank You

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Enid's POV
I sat on the rooftop about all day and I heard walkers starting to come into the ally about 3 hours ago but I didn't want to draw attention so I sat there until now. I decided to go inside as I could hear the hungry walkers more. Now that I think about it, they could be after someone but I didn't think about it. I can't risk my life. I proceeded inside to where it was safe. I thought that maybe I should go around the store more and discover new things since I may be here for a while. Longer than expected now, because of the walkers surrounded outside.

I walked down the grocery store hallway and it lead to the bathrooms, the office, and security camera room. I decided to check out the bathrooms first. I went into the one with the sign that said women and when I walked in there was two dead walkers laying on the floor. I jumped a little but came to a realization that they were, indeed, dead.

"Disgusting," I whispered to myself.

I walked out and skipped the men's bathroom and went to the security room. The door was slightly open and when I peeked in, I saw a dead walker laying on the chair and the cameras were glitching. I found the glitching super annoying so I found out how to unplug the televisions, and I did.

Next I wanted to check out the office. I walked in with caution. This room was surprisingly clean, but I could tell that someone was living in this tiny room. I walked around the office and I found a name tag that said Eric Dixon.

'Eric Dixon' I whispered to myself. Dixon. Dixon. Dixon as in Daryl Dixon. I remember this name from a person in Rick's group back at Alexandria. I personally never talked to him so I don't know much about him. I think Carl has mentioned him before, but very briefly. I've never heard of the name Eric Dixon, though. I wonder who he could be. This name continued to float in my head for a while.

I continued around the office and I found a picture of an older guy, Daryl, and a young girl about my age. Hmm, is this Daryl's family? I took the picture and slipped it in my pocket as I inspected the room. I found a little box sitting in a corner. I peeked inside as I found some canned and bagged foods. Chips, cheese, chocolate, sardines, and anything else someone would take and hide just to survive in a zombie apocalypse. I also found about 6 water bottles. I packed up my book bag with all these essentials and I went back down the hall to where the actual store was.

Maggie's POV
Ever since I walked away from Rick when I was told the news, I've been crying in Glenn and I's room. I don't know what is happening right now. For all I know, he could be getting eaten alive right now as I cry like a hopeless baby. I don't know, maybe it's because I have no one left. Or maybe it's because I'm pregnant. He doesn't know it, but I am. I'm scared, but I don't want to be afraid of living. What happened to Lori is simply a part of life. People die. It doesn't matter if we're in the middle of a zombie apocalypse, everyone dies eventually anyway. I can't just sit here crying as I stare at pictures that we took when we were feeling like being romantic. I can't just sit here wasting all the memories. If I don't go, he's going be trapped out there forever.

I wiped my tears and jumped off the bed. I packed my belt with guns, knifes, ammo, and a box of raisins in case I get hungry. I began to go towards the bedroom door and as I was about to grab the handle, the door swung open and I jumped back trying to avoid getting hit. It was Rick and Carol.

"What do you guys want?" I asked as politely as possible.

"Just checking on you," Carol said as she rubbed my shoulder and smiled," it will be okay."

"You going anywhere, Maggie?" Rick questioned me instantly.

"Why do you think that?" I asked back.

He pointed at the knife, gun and everything else I had on my belt just to prove to me that it's not that hard to tell I was going somewhere.

"I have to find Glenn. If you guys aren't doing it, I will myself," I admitted.

"No, Maggie. No. Just wait another day. I promise after today, you can go look straight at sunrise," Carol said and Rick agreed.

"Fine. But I'm going on watch at the first gate. If he's out there, he'll send a sign."

"Alright let's go. We got work to do," Rick told Carol and I because we always have jobs around here.

I followed them out the door and we left our house. Carol went down the road to the pantry house while Rick and I went to go out the first set of gates. There's the first gates that surround the whole town and then a second set all around that leads to the "outside".

Glenn's POV
Nicholas and I stood on the garbage can, hopeless, waiting until we die. I didn't know what to do. All I knew is that I had to live. My beautiful wife is out there. She's the only reason that I am alive in all honesty. I didn't want her risking her life to save me, and I knew that's exactly what she was going to do. I have to get out of this mess.

"You need to get home, Glenn," Nicholas said to me.

"You do too," I said back.

"You have family back there. I'm all alone," he stated.

"Hey. Don't say that. You have all of us Nicholas. I'm going to get us out of this mess," I assured him.

I frantically kicked walkers in the head in anger. I looked to my side to see Nicholas crying and starting to zone out. I began to scream everything I could but he blocked me out. I pulled him towards me and started to yell at him some more.

"Nicholas! Look at me! Look! At! Me!"

He was teary eyed and I didn't know what made him act like this. He was scared.

"Thank you." He whispered as we took his gun out up to his head.

I began to question where he got the gun because I thought we were both unarmed when we got across the walkers. I guess not.

I began to shake my head signaling 'no'. He pressed the gun against his head harder. Then came the gunshot. Blood splattered all over my face and Nicholas' body soon collapsed on top of me, causing us both to go down. My back hit the hard pavement as Nicholas laid across me. I watched as the walkers ripped open his stomach. I screamed and cried, knowing that I would be next. My back was also in excruciating pain, which didn't help.

I looked around and I came up with an idea that might work. I slide out from under Nicholas and carefully hide under the garbage can, stabbing walkers with any sharp object I could find if they tried to grab me. I laid under the garbage can now in relief.

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