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" Hello." I heard Maria answer. "Maria, It is me. Joanie, I am under attack, my brother Evan is hear, and I can't my staff." I heard bickering on the other end, some cussing and then "Where are you at, 67 midville heights, Lavalette, West Virginia." My brother trembled in fear and looked at me. I hugged him and kissed on the forehead.  "Got it, wow Emily really did hide you guys well didn't she? Eve-" "Is Agent Phil Coulson my father?" I stated. I heard coughing and Maria answered strained "WHAT?!" "Mom told me with her dying words," My brother whimpered and I pulled him closer, " I will talk to you when we get there,  I will hold off till then." I hung up the phone, silently pleading that they will get here in time. 

The banging continued and I stepped out of the bathroom. "Stay here Evan, don't move, lock the door and don't let anyone come in but me." I went to my room looking for my staff, I heard a crack from the front door. I quickly looked for my S.H.I.E.L.D protocol staff, mom smuggled it for me when Fury wanted on my first ever mission at the age of 16. Mom dropped out of S.H.I.E.L.D, taking me with her, we vanished from any files at S.H.I.E.L.D, my mom later got married to Chase Houston and changed my name to keep my- our cover, they later had Evan, my little genius brother. 

" Joanie Veronica Houston, Evan Michael Houston, We are W.O.L.F  we have come to help you with your freedom," I silently scoffed at this statement. "Evan? open up quickly!" I heard me, NO! It could not be me or my voice. I found my staff and grabbed it. There was a woman who looked exactly like me turning the door knob. "DON'T OPEN IT EVAN!" I screamed and I threw my staff at the woman, It got her in the chest. Ouch, that looked like that hurt... I thought, I pity her, with my S.H.I.E.L.D, training, my aim was on point thanks to Clint Barton and Natasha Romanoff, and several of S.H.I.E.L.D's best agents. 

I kicked her in the face and It shimmered, the nano mask. I silently cursed at S.H.I.E.L.D for programming for voice replicas in the mask. Five more men and Women came up and held me back as the woman slapped me. I kicked the men behind me in their biggest weakness, and elbowed a few women in the face and boobs. 

"tell him to open the door and we won't hurt him," The woman said as the men struggled behind me as I thrashed. "Now."  she said, her voice dangerous, I spat at her. "Fine, Agent 45," the woman I had threw my staff at, got up and went the bathroom door. The men pulled me away from the door and put a nano mask on me, I watched in horror at the mirror in the hall, they made me look like a scarred  woman with Dark green eyes, and a big nose and eyes. 

"Evan it is ok now, open the door, they are her to help us they found the woman that killed mom." The door opened and Evan ran to the woman. I sucked in my breath. Evan looked at me, giving a look of pure hatred. 

2 men grabbed Evan and the woman went and changed her face back. Evan Gasped, "You Imbeciles what have you done with my sister! DAD will come save me and Joanie!!" Evan wasn't thinking right, I knew it.He was upset and rambling "Well that is why I sent my men to kill him, and Joanie you could've saved your brother if you had went along. Bag them." 

 My vision went black. 

~Time Skip~

"Joanie! Joanie! WAKE UP! HELP ME! HEELL-" 

"SHUDDUP boy, the procedure isn't  done yet, you will get her killed. Take him away! start his procedure!"

EVAN! EVAN! NOO! PLEASE! I screamed in my head 

~Time Skip~ 

"ma'am?" I groaned. "MA'AM!" I sat up and felt a tug on my back. I looked behind me and saw two black majestic wings on me. "WHAT THE HELL IS THAT!?!?" "Those are your first enhancements, the others as such, the ability  to grow them to any size you need or want." I punched the man, and got up I ran to the door. It burst open with 15 soldiers, holding me down."LEAVE ME ALONE! WHERE IS EVAN! BRING ME MY BROTHER! DON'T TOUCH HIM!" "I am sorry to inform you, but Evan Michael Houstan is dead. He died during the experiments. He was just not strong enough to hold on. He was to get-" I slapped him, only to be restrained  once more. "Don't you tell me that he wasn't strong enough. He is supposed to live have a FAMILY! that isn't messed up!!"

The door opened and the woman that was at my house. "I am Anna Rosewaki, you are one of the first to survive the procedure to give enhancements. Thank for your cooperation, you will be sedated now." with that she turned away and walked out. 

I thrashed, I kicked and then the doctor brought a needle to my arm. I stopped thrashing and the darkness welcomed me like an old friend.


I was hooked up to a machine, beeping every heart beat, annoying me. "Tell me were the S.H.I.E.L.D base  is or I will make it hurt. and with that he numbed my hands and burned them. there was no pain until there was everything. "Where is the base!?" the woman screamed. she started to burn me all over and whip me for info, I wasn't going to let her make me tell her something by torturing me.

*A Few Months Later*

I was in my cell, waiting for the woman ,or Agent 45, come get me again for interrogation. I had burn marks all over my skin, in my left arm was the #45 carved into my skin. I shivered remembering the second day of torture the only one without physical harm...


"GET UP! You have a present today, I sat up weakly, pain raging threw my body. They opened my cell door and threw a bag in the room. I pulled it towards me. My arm screaming from the 45 that was carved into it. I opened the bag and I gasped. There was my brother, dead. Brown wings peaking out from behind him. I pulled him out of the bag and cradled him. I sobbed, stroking his wings and singing a lullaby in his ear 

"You are my sunshine, My only sunshine, you make me happy when skies are gray," My throat hitched up as I continued.

"You'll never know ,dear, how much I love you please don't take my sunshine away." I continued to cry and hold my only family, left in my hands.  The woman came back ripping Evan out of my hands, "NOO! GIVE HIM BACK! YOU MONSTERS! GIVE HIM BACK! p-p-please he is my only family l-l-left." 

the rest of the night I cried letting all my pain wash away with my tears, I held on to one brown soft feather and soon, that was taken too.


I heard screaming and gunshots, I grew my wings so that they would cover me totally. Hiding me from the fighting. "There is an hostage here!" a voice yelled. I quietly muttered to myself the rest of the lyrics to the song 

"The other night dear, as I lay sleeping, I dreamed I held you in my arms, But when I awoke, dear, I was mistaken. So I hung my head and I cried. You are my sunshine, my only sunshine. You make me happy when skies are gray. You'll never know dear, how much I love you.Please don't take my sunshine away.I'll always love you and make you happy,If you will only say the same. But if you leave me and love another, I will regret it all some day.In all my dreams, dear, you seem to leave me.When I awake my poor heart pains. So when you come back and make me happy,I'll forgive you dear, I'll take all the blame. You are my sunshine, my only sunshine"

The door opened and a man walked in, he wore red, white, and blue. "Ma'am we-" I stood up"DON'T CALL ME MA'AM THAT IS WHAT THEY CALL ME!" I said they as if it were poison in my mouth. He slowly walked towards me "Sorry lady, we are going to get you out of this place, I promise." I shook my head and grew my wings enough to cover my torso, the man eyes went wide and I smirked. But then pain took me again and I frowned, "They killed him." I said, "Who" the man asked gently,

"My little brother, and they are going to pay for what they did to me and him." 


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