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Sam's PoV

I felt Joanie go tense and look into my eyes with her hazel ones."Oh my Joanie...You been a bad girl, time for a punishment." She brought out a silver dagger, and Joanie went even more tense,like that was possible. She hide in my arms and froze. I gave her my com and started to distract the woman.

"Why are you here, Agent 45." I spit out the word 45 for extra effect, and I continued to talk."You know what I don't care, all I know is that you are going leave with your sorry ass in tow with that silver dagger of yours." Agent 45 smirked and her skin turned black, silver and grey." Cap, we are at my balcony. Hurry"
I heard Joanie whisper."You turned black" I said,"H-how?" "My power and Curse. You see when I was working in my lab, some chemicals had gotten into my drink, and It slowly was killing me So I came up with a plan. I cured myself but it is contagious still, I killed my Boyfriend and Many others. Only I am contagious though. If I touched you now you would die, slowly and painfully."

"Not today Agent 45!" Clint and he shot her with an arrow." What's your name, Agent 45?" My Head shot up as I heard Steve throw his shield. "STEVE DON'T TOUCH HER!!!!" I yelled. Agent 45 landed on the balcony and came to touch me. Everything seemed to go in slow motion...45 lunged for me while Tony, Clint and Wanda, shot at her with a mix of magic, reactor beams and arrows. Agent 45 was close enough to touch me, but before she could, Joanie jumped out in front of me, getting tackled by Agent 45.

"I wasn't going to hurt you, but it will work." She laughed, " My name was Jade, Jade Wood, and you cannot touch my skin of black and Death, If you do, say goodbye to your family and friends." She ran off but no one cared we were all concerned with Joanie. I walked to her,tears threatened to spill on my face. I grabbed her, not caring if she was contagious or not. "Why? Why would you risk yourself for me?" Natasha and Clint came over. The two assassins crying and hugging her whispering sorry in her ear. I looked at her, taking in beautiful features, her pale skin and black hair, her gorgeous hazel eyes. She is going to die. A voice said in my head. No, she isn't. I thought. She looked at me, angry and confused. "Why, Sam." She said her voice rising." BECAUSE SAM, YOU ARE MY BEST FRIEND, MY FLYING PARTNER, MY BROTHER'S FAVORITE SUPERHERO. I HAD A CRUSH ON SINCE I SAW YOU, BUT I HAD TO GET KNOW YOU BETTER!! YOU WERE TO GODDAMN PERFECT FOR ANYONE HERE! I LOVE YOU AND I KNOW YOU WOULD NEVER LOVE ME BACK!!" I looked at her, didn't she know that loved her too. "SAM! SAY SOMETHING! SAY THAT I WAS RIGHT!! YOU NEVER-" I cut her off with a kiss.

She leaned into the kiss. I opened my eyes and she did too. We pulled away, staring at each other."I have always loved you, Joanie Houstan. I be goddamn stupid if I didn't." And with that she kissed me again.

*1 month later*

Joanie was sleeping on the couch book in hand... Day and Night. Again? After reading Fire and Ice, by Meghan Jackson, she became obsessed. I don't really get it, but I love her for it. I snuggled next her. Wrapping my arms around her, I listened to her heart beat, the thing that almost never continued to this day.

*3 weeks ago*

Bruce and Tony worked on a cure 24/7, day in, day out. They brought her in for tests and soon figured out most of the chemicals, except for one. "SAM!!" I ran towards my name, l rounded a corner and found Wanda holding Joanie. "Her heartbeat was extremely slow and I almost couldn't find it. "NO! Help me get her to Tony." We dragged her to the lab. When we got there, they were working on the cure. "She collapsed!" Bruce ran Over and took her from me, Tony rushed over and brought a syringe." Let's see if this works..." he pushed the meddlesome needle into to her ivory skin. Bruce hooked her up to a minister and stepped back. Her heartbeat went crazy and Tony and Bruce ran forward, but her heartbeat settled again.


"She is going is in a coma... we can't pull her out. We got to see if she pulls through." I stayed by her bed. Steve brought breakfast and sat down in a chair." She is going to be fine, she is the strongest person I know in this century." Steve looked sad too. Joanie had been helping him get used to the 21st century, watching the right movies and t.v shows that helped him figure out the world. We stayed there for the next few days sleeping very little, watching the minister, hoping and pleading it wouldn't go flat. Signaling that she was gone forever.

But she I will never will know. I don't even care. All I know Is that she is the best thing that will ever happen to me.

*Present day*

"Evan! Sam! Don't kill them please...I will be there j-just don't hurt them." I shook Joanie awake and hugged her. Her nightmares were always to horrible to talk about. "Sam," "What my angel?" "I have to go after her, alone." "What do you mean Joanie?"

"I am going after Jade Wood."

======================================================== I am just going to leave this here*Runs away from angry readers* Love You guys BYE!!!

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