Turn for the worst

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Sam's PoV 

I walked to my car, pulling my keys out, and getting into the driver's seat. I pulled out of the driveway and started to the Hospital. My phone started to ring, I grabbed it out of the passenger seat and answered it. 

"Sam! Oh thank god!" I heard Lily say. "What's up Lily?" I heard sniffles on the other side of the phone, I got worried. "I-It's Joanie, Sh-She's gone into a coma" I hear, but in way I didn't hear. Tears started to roll down my face as I asked Lily how. "W-why--h-how did it happen?" I ask, afraid of the answer. "S-she got clinical depression, and suicidal. I found her this morning. She had so much b-blood on her. I -- We almost lost her. Sam she lost so much blood. So much. T-the doctors don't think she'll make it." I hit the steering wheel. "Shit." tears started to run down my face again. 

"Sam, You and I need to find Evan, he might be the only thing to pull her out. I hate to say it. I really do, He was the one who did this to her." 


I sat with Joanie, she fell asleep from all the medication for her wing and abdomen. I left the room tears still stinging my eyes. We were going to have a son or daughter,  A mini Joanie or Sam. I saw Evan, Joanie's brother, sitting in the seat outside the room. I sat down next to him. 



"So, you going to go see Joanie when she wakes up?" 

"No." I looked at Evan. His dark brown hair and hazel were like Joanie's. He seemed like her in so many ways. except Joanie would go into the room. "Why?" I ask, Evan sighs. "W-when they- ugh." Evan sighed again. "They drugged me. I had barely any pulse, my skin was cold as ice and I was as pale as a vampire. When they threw me in that room, they meant to torture Joanie. I was awake enough to hear talk to me. I started to wake up when they dragged me out of that room. I was awake as she screamed. They made me watch her get tortured, they threatened to start using the rest of us as leverage." I sighed deeply , "Go see her." He looked at me again. 


*Flashback over* 

When I reach the hospital I see bucky trying to comfort Lily. Lily sees me, stands up, and runs to me. She pulled me into a hug as she bawls on my shoulder. Bucky pulls her off of me as I go to see Joanie. 

I walk into the room. the quiet room only disturbed by the beep of the monitor. Reassuring me that she was still alive. 

"Joanie, I don't know if you can hear me or not. Frankly I don't care. All I care about is you. Your all I ever cared for in a while. When I first saw you, straight outta the infirmary. You were gorgeous, your pale skin was like a porcelain doll's skin. I felt all the breath leave as I watched you. when I saw your wings I was thoroughly convinced that you were an angel from heaven." I held Joanie limp hand. I looked at the scars that littered her arms. I looked to her left forearm where the 45 was still carved into her skin. 

"Joanie you are so loved. I don't know what we will do without you. I don't know what I would do without you." Lily stood at the doorway. Her eyes were puffy, giving evidence that she had been crying. I stood back up, giving Lily a hug. Lily sat on the other side of Joanie. holding her other hand. We shared a silent look of remorse. Joanie you got to be okay. 

*Three Weeks Later*

I sat in the chair. Watching Joanie carefully, like she would leave without me. Lily stormed into the room. A flurry of emotions sitting in the chair next to me. 

"Mr. Wilson?" a voice asks, I look towards the door Joanie's doctor, Gregory Coleman, stood there. I stood up and walked to him. "Ms. Houstan has been unresponsive for awhile now, and I'm not saying you have to but, Maybe its time to think about taking Joanie off of Life support, and let her go peacefully." I looked at him angrily, before I knew what was happenin I punch him in the face. "No, not yet. I hopefully will never give up on Joanie. Now get out my face you prick." I said before walking back into the room sitting back into my chair. "Joanie Veronica Houstan,you better wake up soon." I said. 

I looked down, but I heard Lily gasp. I looked up swiftly. There she was. Her hazel eyes drinking up the room and then us. 

"Heya Sam."

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