Helping Lily

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Steve's POV


The woman I saw, she was a ghost, dead, but yet she was very much alive. "Steve. I-I don't have a explanation, f-for staying away. I got my memories back but, B-Bucky got some back, w-we got separated by Hydra, and-" I pulled her into another hug. "Lily, we will find him" Without knowing, the team left the room. We sank to the floor, I held her as she sobbed into my shirt. A few tears escaped my eye, they dripped onto her shirt. She looked up, her eyes broken and hurt.

"W-well least I haven't killed anyone." I looked down on her, tears dripping onto her shoulders. "We are going to find him Lily, I promise." Her tears streamed down her face, she clinged to his shirt. "I still have the ring, I can give it to you if you want." Lily looked up again, she nodded so fast that he thought Lily' s head would fall.

A few minutes, I came back with the ring. Lily slipped it on, tears falling faster on her face. "I remember you giving me this ring, w-when Bucky was thought to be d-dead." " There was a raid on the camp that day, I couldn't find, I only found the ring, I thought that you were dead." More tears streamed down my face. Lily looked at me with new determination."well let's go find him then."

*3 weeks later* Lily's PoV

Steve threw his shield at a Hydra agent we were fighting. We were at a old Hydra safe house, one that Bucky and I had went to before we were separated from each other. "Lily! This is it!" Adrenaline pumped through my veins. I ran harder. I kicked the Hydra agent with my metal leg. He fell down, and I ran towards the warehouse, I kicked down the door and Steve and I walked in.

"LILY!" A voice yelled. I turned around to see a certain winter solider running towards me. "BUCKY! YOUR ALIVE, I THOUGHT I NEVER SEE YOU AGAIN!" I ran at him, tears ran down his face, cutting through the grim on his face. Tears also streamed down my face too. He held me to his chest. Steve caught up to us, he looked at the scene and smiled. Bucky pulled me off of his chest, looking into my eyes, I leaned in and kissed his lips, as I pulled back, he leaned back in and kissed me again. We stood there, kissing, until..."hrm, guys great reunion and all but...the quinjet is on the roof, waiting." I pulled away, and Bucky looked at me sheepishly. We ran to the stairwell, hand in hand.


"Hey Bucky!" A young me yelled, "We need to check on Steve, I haven't seen him since school ended a few hours ago, I bet he somewhere in an alleyway." Bucky nodded, then we started looking into alleyways.

"Come on kid, Walk away now and We will let you go." Bucky and I slowly made our way down the alleyway. Bucky had taught me self defense, but as the years went on, Steve got himself into more and more scraps, creating a routine for Bucky and I.

"Hey," I said, I grabbed the teenage boy's shoulder. "Do you want to take me dancing?" The boy looked momentarily confused, so I pulled him away from Steve. " My friend would to beat you though, He would want LOVE to take me dancing, Isn't that right Steve?" Steve nodded and I kicked the man and pushed him to Bucky.

Bucky decked him, and pushed him around. The boy tried to punch him back, but Bucky ducked and pushed him again, this time into a trashcan.

He ran off, and I picked Steve up from the ground. "Nice Job, Grasshopper. That was your best one yet." Bucky said, I blushed, and twirled my hair nervously. "It was nothing, you did all the hard work." For a second, I thought Bucky blushed back, but of course not he was BUCKY, he never blushed. he was the ladies man, the guy who would date you for a few days, then break your heart.

"Come on you two, let's head to the diner."

*Flashback end*

We ran to the plane, I was shooting my gun. We ran into the quinjet, but not before I got shot, where, I did not know.



"Agent Granghopper, report to Peggy Carter." I ran to the middle of the base, the guys for project rebirth were here. I slowed down before I got to Peggy, she would not take it kindly if I came running towards her.

A rounded the corner, the men were all lined up. I looked down the line, my eyes stopped on a skinny man, be had blue eyes and blond hair. Steve, I thought angrily. He said he wouldn't sign up  again, The last night we were in Brooklyn.

I noticed that Peggy had a man step out of line, this will be good. And I was right, the man said something and Peggy punched him, knocking him to the ground. Steve chuckled under his breath, so did I. "AGENT GRANGHOPPER!" Oops.

*Flashback end*

"Lily, come on, you need to hang on. We are almost to the base, we will be there soon." I didn't even know who was talking to me, "ok, I-I w-will t-try." My eyes seemed to get heavier. And they closed.


"Hey Grasshopper!" I walked faster, not now Bucky. I silently plea in my head. "Lily! Lily! Turn back around! Talk to me!" I stopped and whipped my head around. "BUCKY DON'T! DON'T TRY TO MAKE ME FEEL BETTER! HE STOOD ME UP!" I tried to continue walking, but a hand grabbed my wrist.

I turned but I did not find the green eyes that were there. I was being kissed, by Bucky.

I want to kiss back.

No! He is our best friend!

But he's cute.

No! pull back!

I pulled back. "What are you doing!" Bucky smirked at me. "You said that I couldn't make you feel better, I am proving you wrong."  I glared and walked away. "I am not talking to you, EVER AGAIN!"

A week later

"You are going to have to talk to him sometime." Steve said. "No I don't," "You like him...don't you?" I glared at Steve. "What makes you say that?" I asked him. "When you two helped me last week, he complimented you, you blushed, then proceeded to do the nervous twirl you do." "Did not!" Steve looked at me sarcastically, "ok, maybe I like him a lot."

*Flashback end*

"Lily! We are in the lab. You got shot through the stomach you are losing a lot of blood. Banner is going to help you, ok, you're going to be fine." I looked at Bucky' s face. "I love you Bucky, I will always be there even if I don't make it." "No. You are going to make it Lily, I promise you." I smiled, but the pain overtook my body. I cringed. Bucky looked at Bruce then back to me. Black edge it's way into my vision. Before I knew it

I past out

Sorry guys, I have had a busy week and I have been working on this chapter for a bit, I thought the Idea of this chapter would be cool


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