Yelling Matches and Scaring Tony

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Joanie' s POV

I woke up to my alarm beeping out jingle bells,after a horrible nightmare, I hoped no one heard. I put on a fake smile and turned off my alarm. I got dressed thinking about last night, I hurried to the kitchen to get breakfast.

As I walked into the kitchen, I smelled bacon and eggs, so I sat at the table. "Would you like toast with your eggs, My Angel?" Asked Sam. I nodded and went to go get coffee. I felt two arms snake around my waist, I turned around and looked at my captor

Sam smiled and kissed me on the forehead. "Morning, my angel. Did you sleep well?" I thought about this, " It was a little cold, you can make up though." His face turned reddish and I kissed him on the lips, he deepened the kiss. "EWWW!!! PDA! PDA! PDA! GET A ROOM YOU TWO!" I looked at Tony, a disgusted look on his face. "Maybe we will, maybe, just maybe, It will be yours." I said, my voice was almost above a whisper, and very dangerous, but he heard me, and so did everyone else.

"I-I have to go work on my suits, JARVIS!" Tony said,"Yes sir, would you like me to have Bruce or Steve to bring you breakfast" "YES!" And with that Tony scampered off to his lab.

"I have never seen someone, beside Nat, scare Tony like that." Steve said looking at me with admiration, I took my plate from him and started to scarf down my breakfast.

"What's the rush, Joanie?" I looked at Sam, He knew what I was going to say. "Going. After. Jade Wood." I said, still holding my plate,"No." Said Steve. "Excuse me?" I said my sass taking control over my body. "You heard me, You are not going, you do not have permission to leave the base." I looked at Steve "Oh, I see, Dad." I said.

I crossed my arms and sashayed me hips. "Why can't I go, Old man." I said, putting all my pain Into it."Because, you are going to help me find Lily and Bucky, it is safer." I looked at Sam, His look told me the same thing. "I don't care, she killed my only family, I have to avenge their deaths. You of all people should know what I mean Steve, I am going to find her, and you are not, going yo stop me." Clint, stood in the doorway, decided if he should walk in and get breakfast, or back away slowly, and pretend he wasn't even there.

"I see you Clint, don't think I didn't notice, because I did, so you can come in, as long as you have no problem with me going after Jade." He slowly backed out. "OH MY GOSH! YOU TOO! UGH, I WOULD THINK THAT YOU WOULD BACK ME UP ON THIS!" I yelled, I took off my shoe and threw it at him.

He scampered out and ran. Sam grabbed me and held me in a hug. He whispered sweet nothings into my ear, trying to calm me down. It wasn't working.

*later that day*

I was hitting the punching bag, taking out all my anger. My wings sprouted out and I took my punching to another level all together. I was flying around the punching bag, hitting and kicking it like there is no tomorrow.

"And I thought my reactor beam was bad for punching bags" "Shove off stark!" I growled, not wanting to hang out with him. "Oh...I see, you want to be alone...well that is not going to happen, Joanies" I stopped punching. "5 seconds." I said, "5 seconds for what?" "To get out of the God forsaken gym, before you can't have kids ever again." He looked at me and mouthed the word bluffing. "5...4...3...2" Tony ran out of the gym and I continued my training.

*Later at the Gym.*

"Miss Houstan,Mr Wilson and Mr Rogers has required your presence." "Thank you JARVIS, I will be right there." Stupid talking, stupid Tony, for inventing the stupid wall, his voice, his stupid politeness, and sassy attitude on occasion.

"WHAT DO YOU WANT WITH ME ROGERS! IT BETTER BE GOOD ENOUGH, OR YOU AGREED TO LET ME GO AND GET JADE!" I walk in, totally mad at Steve. He was such an idiot sometimes, he can go on his mission to save Lily and Bucky, and I could go and avenge my brother. Sam came in and hugged me from behind, putting his chin on my head."Sam, get off." I said, my voice dangerous and demanding. He quickly let's go, but not before giving me a kiss on the cheek. Despite my anger, I blush. Darn it! Why does Sam have to be so gosh darn cute when I am mad!

"Well I thought you liked me, but I did not know it was that much." My eyes filled with horror. I said that, out loud. "Don't get a big ego, you will end up like Tony." SAM scoffs in mock horror. "Ok, well now that is done-" I threw my dagger, it landed right above Steve's head, killing a few of his hairs. "DON'T EVER, EVER DECIDED TO TELL ME WHAT I CAN AND CAN'T DO ROGERS, I SWEAR TO MY POOR LATE MOTHER AND ADOPTIVE FATHER, I WILL END YOU. I KNOW YOU ARE GOING THROUGH A TOUGH TIME BUT YOU DON'T NEED TO BE RUDE! I DON'T CARE IF YOU ARE MY BOSS. I will and can end you." Steve looked shocked, he just nodded. "That wasn't why I brought you here, The team is worried about you. You have gotten angry at the drop of a hat, Sam can barely calm you down, and you threw a knife at my head. What is going on?"

Should I tell them, maybe they could help. I decided to tell them, I started to speak. It was hard but I did it.
"I have been... uh... having... nightmares. Bad ones, waking up at the crack at dawn, because...I just my family, and friends, die in my dreams, getting tortured. That coma...that was the best sleep I had in months."

The rest of the avengers came out of their hiding spots, with shocked expressions on their faces. "Why didn't you tell me," said Sam,"I would have been there for you, If you had told me-" I was mad, and the yelling was going to happen anyways so,"REALLY! I HAD A NIGHTMARE WHEN YOU WERE ON THE COUCH WITH ME...DID IT GET ANY BETTER?!NO! SO DON'T SAY IT WILL GET BETTER, BECAUSE IT ISN'T, I DON'T KNOW WHAT FANTASY WORLD YOU LIVE IN I-it won't ever g-get better." I broke down, crying. The sobs racking my body.

Sam came and held me, stroking my hair. I cried harder, I yelled at him, at him. The love of my life and I yelled at him. I was a horrible girlfriend, or whatever we were.

"Shh, it's ok. I am here, your ok." He grabbed my shoulders and pulled me away from him, forcing me to look into his eyes." I love you, Joanie Houstan, you are the most beautiful, strongest, and smartest girl I will ever meet. I am never going to love another person as much as I love you. Your Mother and brother would be so proud of you right now." I cried harder, my wings bursting out and wrapping around us, pulling him closer. He kissed me, I kissed him back. He held me to his chest. Holding a broken girl, who only wanted to live a normal life. Who only wanted love, no, needed love.

"Oh my God." I heard Clint say. I shrank my wings, to see a woman. She had brown hair, a metal leg, blue eyes. She wore ragged clothes and carried a gun in her hand.
"Steve, I need your help, Bucky is gone and I don't know where he is." Steve walked over to the woman. He grabbed and pulled her into a hug. Only saying one word,


Hey guys, I am back from vacation and here is the next chapter for the book. I love you guys, so thanks for the reads.

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