A Sighting and a lead

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Sam's PoV

--Three years Later--

I walked down the street, looking, hoping for a glimpse of Joanie, Jade Wood or a clue to lead me to my love of my life.

"UNCLE SHAM!" I turned and saw Emma, Bucky and Lily's little girl. "Hi pumpkin! Why aren't you at home with mommy and Daddy?" Emma giggled, "Mommy took me shopping. We met a woman and Mommy started to cry. " I looked at Emma confused."can you take me to mommy?" Emma nodded and dragged me to a bench not far away when I saw Lily.

"I saw her Sam, she was here. She wanted to know if I was ok an she tapped Morse code to me, she w-was in the base that she was in the first time and we need to-" I stopped her."Calm down Lily, we will find her, will ask Steve where he found her." We walked back to her house and I held Emma, she had fallen asleep on my shoulder and was starting to drool on me.

This is what could've been like if Joanie wasn't captured. We could've been married and had kids. A nice house in the suburbs. But we can't, I don't know how Lily does it, take care of her kid, and not worry about The team.

As we reached the house Emma had woken up a bit and was playing with the scruff I call a beard. "Uncle Sham, why does mommy cry when she sees a picture of Aunt Joanie?" I put her on the couch in the living room. "Well Aunt Joanie was your Mommy's best friend, besides Uncle Steve, and Aunt Joanie went missing, so your mommy misses her." Emma thought about this."I saw a picture of aunt Joanie with you, you were kissing her cheek." Emma said. "Then I saw a picture of you eating Aunt Joanie' s lips. If you love her why did you try to eat her lips off?!" I looked up at Emma in shock, then laughed so hard I thought I was about to die.

"What are you telling my Child Sam?" Emma's eyes lighted up."DADDY!" Emma ran towards Bucky and wrapped her arms around his legs. "Hiyah Pumpkin!" Bucky said with a smile. Why don't you go upstairs, I need to talk to Uncle Sam." She nodded quickly and rushed up the stairs.

"Sam, we found a lead. Steve remembers the old building he found Joanie in, and-" Lily walked in and cut off Bucky. " James Buchanan Barnes! I thought you said you would tell me when you got home, but you didn't. I heard about your last trip and, and ... and Bucky, I am Pregnant again." Bucky stared at her in shock then picked her up and spun her around." Honey That's great! Emma! Get down here! Mommy and I would like to tell you something important!"

Emma ran down and jumped into buck's arms. "What daddy?" Bucky tickled her stomach and pulled Lily closer."What if I told you that you are going to have a little brother or sister?" She squealed with delight and hugged Lily."Is this why Mommy was moaning the other night?" I laughed and Bucky almost dropped Emma in surprise."Well this was great, you guys need to talk so, Bucky send me the details later." I walk out of the house and turn down the street.



Hey Guys! I am sorry this chapter is short but it is more of a filler chapter.

210 READS! I am so thankful for all the reads I have gotten. So comment your favorite Sassy Joanie moment and vote.

Love You all,


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