Fallen Again

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It's been an hour since I set off on my journey to find Asriel.  It was a clear night and the moon was full and brighter than ever, I was starting my long journey into Mt. Ebbot, I forgot how long it took to get there even though it was right next to the city. Over the next hour or two I walked silently through the night to the sound of gravel or dirt crunching under my feet. All the pain I was going to experience in this journey, it was all going to be worth it, I was going to see Asriel. All of the sudden I heard rustling in the bushes Must be the wind I thought to myself. Now I was imagining things because I heard foot steps, but then, something jumped in front of me scaring me so much I lost my breath and fell on my butt, I looked up and... it was just Froggit. He croaked and hopped away, Stupid Frog I thought again.

It's been two hours now. My legs were cut from branches and thorns, my arms were bit from mosquitos and other bugs. This was awful, I wish I could drive to Mt. Ebbot or take another form of transportation, it would be way easier, but there are no paths in the woods and its to rough. How does anyone do this?! But ill stay determined to find Asriel... if he wasn't a flower, hopefully he found a power source or soul to keep is form for good or for a while, if not I may have to find a way to turn him into his true form. I walked and walked for what seemed like ever but, Mt. Ebbot was in sight, just a little longer or cuts and bruises and ill make it. Ebbot looked a lot different from when I came, the was dead and it looked lifeless from before but now it looked like grass and stone, some of the caves were caved in and impossible to get through or even to because there were fallen trees blocking them! How did it get this bad so fast. I didn't have time to think about it I had to get into that cave and get out, I don't know how, we could use the barrier since that's like the only way out. Could we climb the cave back up? Okay, I'm getting to ahead of myself, find Asriel, my main goal I thought again and again. I made it to the cave where I fell, I didn't want to hurt myself so I found a foot, I looked down into the dark void of Mt. Ebbot, where no one but me has ever returned from. How scary. I made my way down into the cave finding footing, I was going to use an old rope to use to hook to a rock and climb down. I was doing fine but I started to worry about... something. I didn't know what but it was unsettling, all of the sudden a rock crumbled under my foot, I almost fell but I caught myself and just on time to, and I know its strange or maybe just me but I swear I heard someone say Damn it! When I caught my footing but I think it was my imagination since I was so scared but the flowers should be there if Asriel... or Flowey, was tending Chara's grave, I almost forgot I was climbing down. All of the sudden, the rocks seemed to crumble into dust in my hands, and they were! "No, no NO!" I screamed "Help! Asriel! Flowey! Someone!" I screamed, but nobody came a voice echoed in my head and with that, I fell, I kept falling into the darkness until I couldn't see anything, any light anymore. I screamed into the darkness but nothing came out, because no one would hear. I hoped that there were flowers but if not, I hope the impact from the blow wasn't enough to kill me. All of the sudden, I felt a sharp pain I'm my body and blacked out.

I woke up to find Asriel above me "Asriel!" I screamed with joy, I jumped up to hug him but phased through him. I fell on my hands an knees in confusion, I looked up at him and he started me in the eyes "Why are you here Frisk?! Run! RUN!" He yelled in my face. I blankly started at him "Asriel what's going on!" I cried into his chest. Then he faded.

I jolted up on the cold hard ground. A nightmare! Again! I stood up and fell down because of the pain in my leg, it must have been broken or twisted severely, but I was in so much pain I cried. I managed to look around to see the ruins. I don't know if it was possible but the ruins were in... ruins. It looked awful, there were vines and the nice purple and white pillars were in shambles and yellowed, everything was fallen or broken down and the plants (except the flowers on Chara's grave) were browned and dead. It was clear no one has been here in a while. I tried to stand with all the pain and called for help, if Asriel was nearby he should hear me. I called for help again... nothing. I kept this up multiple times, calling, waiting and nothing. I decided to stand no matter how much pain I was in. "Help! Asriel, someone! Is anyone there?!" I called and limped into the shambles or the ruins. I kept getting caught in vines and thorns that grew from the ceiling or the cracks in the walls and floor. I walked up the steps and pushed through the vegetation to find the first puzzle Toriel showed me that opened to the ruins. If I could remember correctly it went something like... press each button on the second row then press every one on the fourth row and.. pull the lever! And it worked! The door opened up with a mechanical vrrrr, dust fell from the old door grinding open. I walked through the dark room, I heard water running through the irrigation systems, I'm surprised it wasn't dried up. "Hello?" I said through the darkness... it echoed. I progressed forward but but I tripped over something, it was so dark I couldn't tell what it was, maybe a rock or something like that. It had to be big because it didn't budge. I stood up and brushed myself off not paying attention to my leg. After walking through the ruins I made it to Toriels old home! I ran in and looked around, I walked into the living room and looked around, someone is or was here. There was a fire in the fireplace and there was a cup of something on the table, I put my hand on it and yanked it away, it was piping hot. It reminded me of when Undyne tried to become besties with me and made me drink that tea that burned my throat out. I walked out of the living room and into the hallway, something felt weird, I could feel some ones presence. The house was overrun with vines though, it was foggy.. like super foggy and dusty. I pushed open the door to my... or who ever else Toriel took in, room. I poked my head in but it was to dark to see, I had to let my eyes adjust. I waited for a few minutes looking around the rest of the hallway. When my eyes adjusted I walked into the room and screamed in fear or joy. "Oh my god Asriel!!" I screamed. He was lying on the bed and had vines grown up some of his body. He wasn't moving.

No Bounds (Frisk x Asriel) (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now