The Revolt

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I laid next to Frisk in the grass at our little clearing spot, close to where I also committed suicide, "You're right this does help." I said to Frisk looking at the beautiful sunrise, "I knew you'd feel better." She said. Like always the ground was cool on my back, "I love you Frisk." I held her close, "This is nice, it's so calm." Right when I said it, something happened. There was a pounding sound that was so loud I covered my ears but it still hurt my head, "What was that!" Frisk yelled over the pounding.  It sounded again this time shaking the ground, "I don't know!" Then it seemed to hit both of us. The dream, "WE NEED TO GET OUT OF HERE!" She yelled  as the pounding got louder. We stood up and ran but the ground shook hurling us around. There was a loud CRACK! And rumble as some of Mt. Ebott crumbled. I heard Frisk scream as cracks opened in the ground and the skies became red and cloudy, "THIS IS REDICULOUS!" I screamed, "I'M BACK!" Chara bellowed through the air making a sinking feeling in our chest.  I could feel the vibrations of her voice in my chest, "MOVE MOVE MOVE!" I yelled sprinting, just then a crack opened up and I screeched to a stop balancing over the edge just stopping myself from falling me. I couldn't stay balanced, I fell, "NO!" I screamed as I fell, "Do I always have to save you!" Frisk said grabbing my arm and pulling me over. I was close to death again. We stood up and ran but debris from Mt. Ebott fell in front of us, "We need to make it home!" I said careful not to fall again, "I'll destroy you ALL! I'm going to start a revolution that NO ONE will survive!" She bellowed with a demonic laugh. We'd never make it home on time. We both screamed as something fell from the sky demolishing the street that our family and friends live on, "We're not going to make it Frisk!" I grabbed her hand jumping over rocks, cracks and fallen trees. This was going to be the end. Chara's Revolt...


Sneak Peak:


Hey Guys It AmericanFury! I hope you enjoyed No Bounds. Here's a sneak peak into No Bounds: Chara's Revolt.

My eyes snapped open as Frisk shook me awake. I had been hit in the head by something and knocked out, "Asriel! Wake up! We need to get home! If it's still there." She said, "How long was I out?!" I asked, "15 minutes." "We need to go." I jerked myself up and ran across the woods. The city lights shone in the distance, "Were almost there!" I yelled. What were we going to do if our family and friends were there? What were we going to do if they weren't. Thousands of thoughts ran through my head as we ran trying to avoid anything that would kill us. I didn't know it then, but it was going to be a long time before we called someplace "Home" Again.

Thank you all for reading Book 1. I hope to see you all in Chara's Revolt, trust me it will be way longer and way more exciting.  Romance, heartbreak action. Will the city and people make it through? Or will there be no one to pass on the memory of their existence? Find out soon.

No Bounds (Frisk x Asriel) (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now