The Meeting

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I sent the message and set my phone on my lap. Asriel glanced over. "What was that about?" He asked. "Just telling my friends to come over later. We're gonna tell them we've been dating." I laughed. Asriel smiled and turned to look at the road. There was a moment of silence, all you  could here was the radio playing. I frowned and looked and Asriel. "What was sand so mad about?" Asriels face went blank. He stared into the night for a second then looked at me. "Do you really want to know?" I nodded. Asriel frowned and put his head on the wheel. He looked up and took a deep breath. "The only reason Sans called me over was to talk about you and me. The conversation went a little like this. I came in and Sans got all steamy. He was like, Why are you dating Frisk Asriel? I looked at him all funny. 'I like her you know. I should be the one with her.' I looked at that skeleton like I was going to crack his head open. He had the guts to square up to me. I looked at him and said that I was dating you because I love you. His eye turned blue and Sans got Pissed. Sans started to scream. 'You don't love her! You never will! I wish she never got you from the underground!' I got so mad I hit him across the head. His eye started to flame with blue light. He swung his arm in the air and I went flying against the ceiling. He swung his arm back and forth and I was swung into walls and all over the place." I managed to get on my feet and push all my weight into the ground. That's when I ran toward him and tackled him, I hit I'm and walked out. That's when I saw you and had you kiss me to show I really did love you." I sat in silence for a little while thinking about what Asriel just said. Sans liked me like, like liked me?! And Asriel was beat up by that little shit! I was going to crack his skull the next time I saw him. Asriel could tell I was pissed, we didn't say anything for the rest of the ride home. When we pulled in the driveway it was dark. We walked in and all my friends were there... except Sans. "Hey Frisk! Hi Asriel!" Undyne waved. She came over and whispered loudly into Asriels ear. "Hurt her and your gonna have a spear in your broken neck." I stared blankly  at Undyne. She noticed me and smiled walking back. "Okay guys we have something big to tell you!" I smiled, my stomach knotted thinking what my friends would say. Everyone looked around at each other. "Me and Frisk are dating." Asriel grabbed my hand and kissed my cheek. There was a giant gasp. I blushed embarrassed. "AWWWW!" All my friends said... Except Undyne she said. "Eh. I knew it for a day." Everyone crowded us. They started asking us questions like, is that why you were in the underground, how serious is it, do you plan on staying with each other for the rest of your life and weird questions like that. We gladly answered them all. Everyone was Awwing us and saying how cute we were. I blushed and Asriel looked down smiling. After everyone departed after an hour I walked into the bathroom and took a shower. After that I walked into my room and collapsed exhausted Asriel came in shortly after and sat on the edge of the bed. "Hey. Sorry about Sans earlier." I looked up. "Its fine. I don't even care about him anymore." I put my face back into the pillow, but sat up. "Actually let me see where you were hurt." I pulled up Asriels shirt to find bruises and cuts all over his sides and back. "Asriel what happened! This couldn't have been from just being thrown around!" I put my hand on his wounds and his jumped in pain. "Its nothing." He pushed my hand away. "What's wrong?" I sat behind him and put my arms through his, hugging his stomach. I put my head on his back. "Just a little shook up and hurt from earlier." I frowned and got up to grab some bandages and ointment for Asriel. I wrapped a large bandage around his back and abs about 3 times and put some healing medicine on his cuts. They bubble and Asriel jumped from the pain, after I put the bandages on he put his shirt back on and hugged me. "The truth is when I was thrown around I was thrown into glass and sharp objects. I got cut real bad so when I attacked that skeleton he hit me back. I turned into my hyper-god form and cut his chest with my claws. Who knew a skeleton could bleed." Asriel touched my forehead and put his head over mine. We sat there for a few minutes, I looked at the clock... 8:38. We hadn't eaten yet. "Asriel do you want to eat something?" I asked. "Yeah I'm hungry too." We got up and opened the door to my room when we walked out I saw something I didn't want to see... Sans was standing talking to Toriel. He noticed us and looked at Asriel, Sans drew his finger across his neck. I hugged Asriel tight. "Oh there they are!" Toriel said. "Sans wanted to speak with  you." Sans nodded. "Why now." I whispered to Asriel. "Just go with it. I'll protect you if anything happens." He whispered back. "Be right back." I ran into my room and tore through the box I kept things I got from the underground in. "Come on, come on!... Found it!" I grabbed the pea shooter gun I got from Alphys in the underground when I fought Mettaton. I slid it under my jacket so Toriel wouldn't see me with it. I came back out and stood next to Asriel. "Psst." I whispered. He glanced at me. I held my jacked open so he could see the gun. I winked. "If anything goes wrong." We nodded at each other. We came outside with Sans we shut the door and Sans looked at us. "So. You really are a thing aren't you." He said. I sighed and rolled my eyes. "Yes, Sans." "Hey. I only came to say I'm sorry." He approached me and reached for my face but I slapped his hand away in disgust. "What's wrong with you, Frisk? I know you don't like him deep down." I groaned. "Here we go again. No Sans. I love Asriel with everything I've got and he does to. I thought you figured that out earlier." Sans frowned and squinted at Asriel. "Step off Sans." He said. "I love Frisk. I already told you that. You can't separate us and I'll do anything to protect her." Sans grinned. He said in a low voice. "That can be arranged." He looked down and put his arm out. "Asriel..." I grabbed him. "Asriel?" I looked up, he stood frozen, he didn't look down at me or move, he could only speak. "Help! I can't move!" He yelled. "Asriel!" I stared Sans dead in the eyes. In the toughest voice I could use I stared at him. "Let him go." Sans grinned again. "He squeezed his hand and Asriel cried out in pain. I screamed at yanked the pea-shooter from my jacket and pointed it at Sans. I shot but he froze it in a blue force field. I shot again but this time it bounced of an invisible barrier, Sans surrounded us in a blue force field. Asriel fell to the ground, he could move again! "Asriel!" I cried, I grabbed onto his and he held on to me, tears rolled down my. "Don't let go. Never let go Asriel." I sobbed over his shoulder. His hold tightened. "I won't baby." Tears came off his face. The force field started to close in until it was so small we couldn't stand or move. "You two are coming with me. He squeezed his fist and I felt so much pressure and pain that I was almost knocked out from it. We both made choking sounds. "Don't let go!" I screamed to Asriel. "Hold on!" He screamed back. Sans threw his arm into the air and chuckled. We passed out from the pain. Sans was taking us some where bad. I could feel it.

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