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I laid in bed next to Asriel staring at the ceiling. My hands were folding on my stomach. Asriel laid on his side and put his arm behind his head and stared at me. I rolled over and ran my fingers through my long hair. "So. We were caught. We need to be more careful next time." I sighed but smiled and giggled. Is snuggled into Asriels chest and he put his arms around me. We were still in our jeans and shirts from today. I groaned and Asriel put his head on top on mine. We snuggled in for bed time, I heard Toriel and Asgore walking around, but I don't think they would walk into our room without knocking. "Asriel? When are we going to tell your parents were dating?" I kissed him multiple times. "I don't know. Maybe this week." He kissed me again and closed his eyes. "I love you. So much." Asriel said, I giggled. "I love you to baby." I wrapped my arms around. I closed my eyes and reality faded into a dream. I sat next to Asriel holding his hand, we were sitting on a hill above an ocean or lake, the sun set into it. Asriel turned and kissed me, we held it for a long time. I combed my hair behind my ear mid-kiss and pushed Asriel onto the ground. We broke apart gasping for air and I laid on his chest. We watched the sunset and listened to the sounds of nature slowly settle down. After a few minutes something felt wrong. We sat up quickly and looked around. "F-frisk?" Asriel turned to me. "This doesn't feel right." We started to sweat. The ground began to shake like an earthquake. Asriel tackled me and clutched me in his strong arms, he was shielding me. The water began to get closer up shore and huge waves formed. A horrifying CRACK! Rang through the air I looked at Mt. Ebott as rocks crumbled down the side. "Frisk! Get out of here!" Asriel screamed, something in his voice sounded scared. Tears rolled down my face. "No I refuse to leave!" I clutched his shirt. "Get out! I'm not gonna let you die!" He screamed in my face. "No! No one is dying on me! Not today!" I yelled back. The skies turned red and a crack formed in the ground. It was dangerously close to us. The crack opened up. Asriel threw me through the air, I fell against the ground hard and slid into a tree. I looked up to see Asriel stand up and slide into the ravine. "ASRIEL" I screeched and cried through the air louder than I have ever said anything before. I screamed as loud as I could, half of the town could probably hear me. I ran as fast as I could, my determination boosted me so I was going as fast as I've seen anything move before. Asriel disappeared into the darkness. I grabbed his arm and yanked him as hard as I could onto the surface. I hugged him as hard as I could and cried into he chest, I sobbed until her stopped me and put his arms around me. "Oh Frisk! Asriel! Where ARE YOU.... HeeHeeHeeHee" I voice boomed through the air. Chara.

Asriel shook me awake. I was screaming so loud the whole town heard me. "FRISK WAKE UP." Asriel yelled. I hugged him and sobbed into his chest. "It was awful Asriel! Truly awful!" I put my face in his chest. Asriel grasped me in his arms, I put my legs in his and curled my arms around him. "What was it Frisk!" He calmed me down and pulled me as close as he could. "I- I- I HAD THE WOST NIGHTMARE!" I screamed. "It was so real! I thought you were gone!" I cried out. "Shh... its okay. I love you Frisk, just explain what happe-" Just then we froze and lost our breaths. "WHAT!?"  I heard someone say. I slowly regained my conscience and looked up above Asriel who was still frozen. I looked over and apparently the door was busted open. "T-t-tor-I-el?" I gasped so hard I almost choked. "You and Asriel LOVE each other?" She said. Me and Asriel untangled quickly and sat on the edge of the bed. My heart pumped so hard Asriel could feel it. Me and Asriel yelled things and stuttered but it all sounded like. "Auh! Nah, we... nah! I mean!" We both stopped and took a deep breath. It was time to tell the truth, I squeezed Asriels hand. "Toriel... me and Asriel have been dating since I went back into the underground." I looked down. "We wanted to tell you but... we didn't think you'd approve of us." Asriel finished my sentence. "So if you can't  except us then. We can't stay. We'll find some place to live on our own because.." "We love each other so much" We both said then held hand, I smiled sweetly. There was tense silence. "I cannot! Believe this! My son! Is dating the girl who lives under my roof and who I take care of like a daughter is!" Toriel said, we prepared for the worst. "So cute!Awww!" She put her hands together and smiled putting her head in the air. "What!?" We yelled confused. Me and Asriel looked at each other. "Adorable!" She said. We sat in stunned silence then started to chuckle. We broke into huge laughing fit. I threw myself back on the bed and laughed. "I thought you were going to keep us apart!" I sat up and said to Toriel. "Now why would I do that?" She asked. We both hugged her. Asgore came into the room who was listening from outside. "I approve too." He joined the hug. After they left we collapsed on the bed and I rolled on top of Asriel in relief. I combed my hair behind my ear and kissed him. Instead of breaking apart Asriel picked me up and held me in his arms in the air. I opened my mouth and our tongues touched, our tongues wrestled, we broke apart. After sitting on the bed I passed out immediately, I felt Asriel playing with my hair just before I fell asleep. I smiled and blacked out.

I rolled over and stretched and made sleeping sounds, I rolled over and hugged Asriel. "Morning." He hugged me back. "How do you feel?" He asked. "I feel great." I yawned. He nibbled my ear and I giggled uncontrollably. I got up and dug through my drawer, looking for an outfit. I pulled out a cute grey shirt with a mustache on it and some torn skinny jeans. I slid them on not caring Asriel was there. We were getting very comfortable around each other, I walked over to my desk and tore through it looking for a comb to do my hair. I brushed it and put it into a braid that went over my shoulder. "You look super cute today." Asriel walked over and stood next to me, he had black jeans and was looking for a shirt, I didn't notice it before but he had the Delta Rune tattooed across his chest. I dragged my hand across it. "When did this happen?" I asked him. "Also when did you get so buff." He had abs and biceps, that wasn't there when I met him for the first time. "I don't know. It was there when I transformed out of a flower and Frisk. It's not like I didn't work out when I was alone." He said. He slipped a black shirt on and put his zip-up jacket on over it. We walked out of our room and into the kitchen, the white tiles with green diamonds in them were cold on my feet, I pulled out a chair and sat down, Asriel sat next to me. "Morning my little love birds!" Toriel sat a plate of food in front of us. I had eggs and a blueberry bagel. Asriel had some cereal and some carrots. Toriel sat down and drank coffee. "What are you going to do this weekend guys?" Toriel asked us. "Well we need to see Sans." I said. "I don't know why." Asriel added. We ate our food and talked about my dream last night but we decided it was just another nightmare. "Hopefully you don't run away, a nightmare is why Asriels here." Toriel carried her plate and cup up. We laughed. "Don't worry, we won't." I said. I stretched and got up, I put my socks and shoes on and got my black leather jacked. "You should braid your hair more." Asriel opened the door. "Its cute." I kissed him and giggled. "Maybe... It is more comfortable this way." I touched the braid and thought about wearing it like this more. We walked down the sidewalk and waved at Asgore who was tending to the garden. "Morning Asgore!" He looked up. "Good Morning Frisk!" He yelled back. "We'll be back in a couple hours!" I said. He smiled and waved looking back down to the flowers and shrubs. I got into the passenger seat and closed the door. Asriel got in the driver seat and turned the car on putting it in drive, the car roared to life. Asriel pressed the gas petal and the car moved forward. After ten minutes of driving I pointed to the road the Skeletons lived on. He turned down the road and park beside the house. "You should say here, I'll only be a minute." Asriel smiled. I frowned and whined playfully. He reached over and kissed my forehead. He got out, and I got out and walked over sitting on the stairs outside the house. Asriel knocked on the door and Sans opened up. "Asriel! Come on in!" He acted peppy but I could tell he wasn't really that happy. I sat on the porch for about 15 minutes, I swear I heard someone yell once but I just thought it was my imagination. After a little while Asriel stormed out, he was mad and steamy. "NO!" He yelled. "I LOVE FRISK, I'M DATING HER BECAUSE I LOVE HER!" He raised his voice louder. I stood and backed onto the sidewalk. Asriel stormed up to me and stared me in the eyes. "Frisk. Kiss me. Kiss me like you mean it." He said. "What?" I asked. "Don't question it babe. Just do it." I shrugged and smiled. I kissed Asriel as hard as I could, I bit his lip and we opened our mouths, our tongues moved around in each others mouth. We broke apart gasping for air.

Sans who was just a couple years younger than me slammed the door and looked extremely mad

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Sans who was just a couple years younger than me slammed the door and looked extremely mad. "What was that about?" I asked as we walked to the car. "Nothing. I'll tell you later." He said. I looked suspiciously at him and raised and eye brow but I just closed my eyes and giggled. I lightly bumped into him. "Lets go babe." Asriel opened the door for me and I got in, he got into the car and turned it on, we drove away.

No Bounds (Frisk x Asriel) (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now