Asriel's Birthday

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I'm more comfortable in short shorts and a small t-shirt laying next to Asriel than wearing what I am now but... It will do for now. We got a rental car and drove around the city looking for places to go and we stopped at a restaurant to eat breakfast. The food was so good. When we walked in I immediately smelled food, it made my mouth water. The restaurant itself looked more casual, it had yellowish-white tiles and brown and dark green tiles forming a diamond. The seats and booths were wooden and the tables were white marble with green around the outside. We sat at a booth, Asriel got bacon and pancakes and I had an omelette with a side of bacon. When our food came and we took our first bites we immediately started to stuff our faces full of food, then after we were full we still are. The bill all together was about 35 dollars. After eating we went to a store where I bought Asriel a phone that was like mine, he loved it, the back of the phone was blue and had white around the touch screen at the front. He programmed it immediately and added me and my friends into the phone. "Do you like you're phone babe" Asriel nodded I giggled softly and nuzzled my head into his chest as we walked outside. "Hey we spent a lot of money and we only have so much, maybe we should dial it down." He said. I shrugged, "We're only here for about two more days." We got in the car, the seats were black leather. Comfy, "We should have just enough to get home." I reassured him. Toriel and Asgore probably knew I was going to go overboard for Asriel. I looked out the window, "Where to next?" Asriel looked out the windshield, "It's just about time to eat lunch... We can, I don't know eat out again." He pointed to a restaurant with a red metal roof and white bricks, the windows were wide. It was down in a dip separating the city and the highway. He turned off the highway and into the parking lot, it looked freshly paved and the restaurant looked busy. Asriel parked and we got out off the car. I looked at Asriel, "Where did you learn to drive?" He shrugged. "I really have no idea." He laughed. I smiled and Asriel opened the door we walked in and say at a table. After a little while a familiar face came over to take our order. Her gray hairs looked longer and she looked more mature. "H0i!!!" Temmie bounced around excitedly. "Temmie! How are you" she stopped and look at me. "Hooman? Hooman!!" She bounced around even more excitedly. "Hi Temmie, you are... Even more energetic that you used to me" I said "And crazy" Asriel added, I hit him in the arm. "Why are you here Tem?" Temmie stopped to think like she forgot. "More opportunity for Tem on the surface! Hnnnng! Tem must pay for cool leg! By waitressing!" She said. I glanced over to see Asriel looking like he was thinking What the hell? I turned back to order from Tem, I got a cheeseburger and fries and Asriel ordered the same thing. I guess he didn't really know all the food choices of the surface yet. While we were waiting I looked around the restaurant, the floor where brownish tiles with black lines separating them, the walls were made of fake wood and there was a big skylight, the seats were red leather and the tables were white marble with black specks. "Food... Done!" Temmie came over and set the food down. "Thank you Temmie, it was nice seeing you" I said, "Eat Temmie Flakes!" Then she walked off. I looked down to see a side of Temmie Flakes. "That was... Different" Asriel said. "I know." We ate our food. It was actually really good. I loved it and Asriel acted like he never ate it before... Which he probably hasn't. Asriel swallowed, "Frisk. Why do you always order those? I mean they're good but why do you eat them a lot?" "Because they're good." I said. He chuckled. Temmie popped out from the kitchen, "Are you having a chuckle? Haha funny. Is the food not good!?" She yelled. My cheeks turned red. "Its fine Temmie!" I said. She narrowed her eyes at me and with a hmph she disappeared into the kitchen. After we finished eating we got into the red rental car. "How is your birthday so far?" I asked him, "Best birthday ever" I giggled and nuzzled my nose against his. We both smiled and head back towards the hotel. "You're 18. Wow." I looked out the window, "Are we going to be lazy now and go do nothing." He said. "I would like that... How about I drive Asriel." He looked at me. "Okay." We switched seats and I drove to the hotel the road was bumpy. I noticed Asriel wasn't making a lot off sound. I turned to find him passed out. I smiled and looked into the distance, there was a beautiful sunset. I stared at it then someone veered in front of me from the side like they weren't paying attention. I slammed on the brakes and honked the horn, "Asshole!" Asriel sat up "Whoa Frisk what happened!" I wiped sweat from my forehead, "This idiot pulled out in front of me!" I laid on the horn. Asriel put his hand on my back. "Why don't you just drive." He said. I honked once more and continued driving. We walked into the hotel room and Asriel  collapsed on the bed. I decided to take a shower. When I got out Asriel was sitting slouched on the bed and his head was swung back. He was out cold. I got dressed quietly and slid into bed next to Asriel, he was drooling out one side of his mouth. I took a napkin off the bed stand and wiped his mouth off so he didn't drool all over me. He opened one eye for a second but closed it again and fell back asleep. "Sweet dreams. Happy Birthday Asriel, I love you." I kissed his cheek and rolled over. I touched my stomach for a second and smiled at the thought of having a baby. I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

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