Frisk's Birthday

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It's finally time to do something that's been anticipated by me for a while now.

This is it

Asriel's POV
I woke up and rubbed my eyes. I looked over and saw Frisk curled up in a ball under the covers. Only her head was showing, she make sleepy sounds, stretched and rolled over then started to breath steadily again. I laid back down and stared at Frisk. I never really got a good look at her face while she was sleeping. Her hair was messy and some of it was strung over her face. She looked so peaceful. I listened to her steady breathing and touched her jaw. All of the sudden I thought of Frisk's birthday. I smiled and shook her lightly. She groaned and frowned. When I was sure she was partially awake I got close to her ear and whispered, "Happy Birthday, Frisk.  You need to get up." Her frown got smaller and formed into a slight smile. "I'm 18 now..." She said and opened her brown eyes. I stared into them and she giggled when she noticed me looking at her. I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her into my chest. She was warmer than she usually is. Or was it me. "Let's get dressed. I want to take you somewhere special." I shuffled out of bed and walked over to the suitcase. Frisk followed me eventually. She pulled out a purple shirt and a blue zip-up jacket and some jeans. I put on a purple sweatshirt and some dark blue lounge pants with white stripes down the sides. I slid off my old clothes and put on some new ones. I walked into the bathroom where Frisk was and I brushed my teeth. Frisk was in the shower, I set a towel out for her and walked out shutting the door. I pulled out my new phone and checked the time, I unlocked it and messed around with the settings and options and other things on it while Frisk was in the shower. She came out after about 10 minutes and sat on the bed,"Have you noticed what time it is." She said drying her hair. It was 7 o'clock and it still wasn't light out. "Sorry. I didn't mean to wake you up so early" I shrugged. " It doesn't really matter." "You jerk." She smiled and hit me in the arm. "I'm going to go text Undyne and see what's up back home." She got off the soft bed and grabbed her phone of the nightstand.
When it was about 8:30 we walked out to the car. We had packed our things and left the hotel. I looked at Frisk, "Our last day here. What should we do." "First I'd like to go to the beach." She said. I looked out the window at the ocean. Light reflected off the blue water, it hurt my eyes. "Then let's go." I said and turned on the car. It rumbled to life and I drove down the road and into the parking lot. We got out and searched through the trunk off the car for a change of clothes. When I found my green shorts and Frisk found her purple bathing suit we walked onto the beach and into the bathrooms and changing rooms. When I walked out Frisk was waiting for me, "Took you long enough." She said and turned towards the beach. "Two minutes. I took two minutes." I said. He smiled and continued walking. The sand was hot on my feet but it didn't bother me at all. We swam for a while and I tried to surf, someone let us try. I wasn't very good, Frisk was way better than me but she was bad too. After rinsing off and getting changed we left. I had no idea where Frisk wanted to go so I let her drive. Inside the car it was hot and muggy. It didn't help that I had fur.      Frisk drove along the highway looking around at stores, restaurants and buildings. She pointed to a large marble building, "Let's stop here... I think I know someone who will be here." Frisk pulled into the parking lot. It was an Aquarium, she paid to get in and walked through the doors. It was a lot cooler inside. Frisk turned halls and looked at signs. She stopped I front of a tank. There was a white octopus, under it a sign said "Onionson" Frisk smiled and the octopus smiled back. "Hi Oninson!" She said. It waves one of its tentacle. Apparently Frisk met Onionson underground and only saw it once. The weirdest thing was, it was in a band called the Red Hot Chili Peppers. Next we stopped at a large store where Frisk got this Blue camera and other things I didn't recognize. It was about 3 when we got back in the car. I decided to drive. I drove and looked at one more place to go before we left for the airport. It was funny but I kinda wanted to leave. As I was driving I noticed Frisk laughing, "What's so funny?" I asked, "Your just so cute. Doing these things for me but I really don't want anything for my Birthday. All I care about is you're here with me." She said. I thought about it for a while and smiled. I pulled into the airport. We didn't have time to do much so we went through security and went to a tiny store in the airport. I decided to get a couple more things for our friends and family. T-shirts and keychains. For my mom I got her a magnet she would probably like. We sat and waited for an hour waiting for the plane to arrive. When it was time we border and sat in our seats. We waited another half hour for the plane to start us and get going. When we took of my stomach sunk as we lifted off. When we got around 1000 feet elevation my ears popped and I got a small headache that went away quickly.
The ride was a few hours long and when we landed I had to keep my ears from popping. I fell asleep on the flight so Frisk had to blow in my ear to wake me. When we got out to the parking garage my mom had left us her car to drive home. When we got to the car I managed to find the keys she left me and unlock the car. Frisk looked at me, "Welcome home." She said. I kissed her, "Happy Birthday, Babe." I turned the car on and drove home as Frisk gave me directions. When we got home we unloaded the car and walked to the house. The door swung open, welcome home!" My mom and dad yelled. They hugged us. "How was the trip! What did you do? Did you enjoy it?" Mom asked. "It was great. We absolutely loved it." Frisk said, "Good." Dad replied. We dragged our stuff into our room and unpacked. "That was great." Frisk said putting things away. She winked at me, "Especially during that one night in the hotel." She looked away blushing and smiling. My face got hot, I could feel it getting red. I grinned, "Yeah... It was." I bit my lip. She smiled and finished unpacking. When we were done and came out of our room Undyne, Alphys and Papyrus waited for us. "Before you ask anything it was the best trip ever." I said, Frisk told the story of all the places we went and things that happened. Once everyone left it was 9 o'clock. Toriel and Asgore went to bed half an hour ago. We crept into our room and closed the door. Frisk fell over on the bed, "The last couple days have been the best." She said. I got undressed and slipped on a t-shirt and underwear. "Best days of my life, we never got to do much like that underground, it was actually pretty boring." I said. I laid down next to her. "Well I'm glad you're enjoying yourself on the surface." She said. "Yeah." I put my nose against her and kissed her. Frisk got under the covers and fell asleep but I laid in bed awake for an hour. When I was sure everyone was asleep I slid out of bed and put on my jeans. I walked over to the bed and shook Frisk awake. She groaned and opened her brown eyes, "What is it Asriel? It's late." "Follow me." I helped her out of bed, we quietly opened the door and snuck into the living room. I put my shoes on and slowly opened the door. It creaked open and we slipped out. I shut the door and turned to Frisk. Her arms were crossed and one eyebrow, she was smiling a little, "What the hell are we doing Asriel?" "You'll see." I grabbed her hand and walked toward the woods. There was a clearing, a cliff was at the end of it. Water from a lake crashed against it making a soothing sound. I led Frisk into the woods, there were leaves and vines. I pushed it to the side and walked into a small clearing about 12 feet in width and length. The branches from surrounding trees twisted together making beautiful walls and roofs, they had buds on them. The top of the trees had an opening where moonlight shone though. To top it off fireflies flew around and blinked green around the clearing. Frisk stared at it in awe. "Asriel! How did you find this? When did you find the time to find this!" The moonlight and green light from the bugs hit her face making her look beautiful. "One day I decided to come out here and I found this. Watch this!" I said excitedly. I put out my and and from my palms I felt something bubbling. I concentrated and fire emerged from my hands. It spit up towards the top of the trees and floated. The fire lit up the place with a glowing golden and amber light. "This is amazing! It's so... Pretty!" She said. She tackled me to the ground squeezing me, her weight pressing into my body. I looked up and she rolled to the side. We looked up at the moon and stars. We laid there frozen in time. Nothing could harm us or get to us. We held hands and stared.
When we got back to the house we had to sneak again. We ran into our room and jumped into bed laughing quietly. "We need to go their more often." Frisk said. She looked confused for a second. "Asriel when we came up from the underground... When we went fishing for food, why did you make fire with rocks. You have fire magic." She said. I laughed. "I have no idea." We laid in bed then Frisk looked at me grinning like she was going to do something crazy. "What's with that face?" I asked Frisk crawled on top of me and kissed me. She opened her mouth and I put my tongue in it. Then she did something I didn't expect. She pinned my arms above my head. "Frisk what are you doing!?" I whimpered, "Can I have one more birthday present?" She asked. With one hand still on my wrist, she freed one hand. Her hand was to small to hold both my arms down but I just acted like she could. She reached her hand into my pants. I yelped but Frisk put her hand over my mouth and slipped off my jeans. I could have easily pushed her off me but I was curious to see what would happen. She kissed me again and put her chest in my face. I see what she wanted now. I grinned and flipped her over to I was on top of her and had both her hands pinned. My knees were on the outside of her hips and I was looming above her.  "Are you going to be gentle or not because I prefer one over the other?" She asked as I slid of her pants. "Your choice." I said grinning wildly. She bit her bottom lip and squirmed but I put my knees over her legs and stopped her. She bit her lip harder, "Don't be..." She said and gave me a seducing look. I nodded. "What ever you say..." I stopped and grinned, "Frisky."

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