Causing Trouble

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I walked onto the beach, feeling the warm sand on feet, I moved my toes around and felt the sun on my skin. Asriel stood behind me, he'd never really felt the sand or the sun like this before. I smiled when I saw him staring at the ocean and feeling the sand. I picked up a clump of sand, it hit his chest and slid off him. "You jerk." He pressed his lips against mine and we walked into the waves of the ocean. The water was cold but it worked with the heat. I walked deeper into the ocean and a wave hit me in the face knocking me over and filling my mouth with water. I hit my face against Asriels lime green shorts. He lifted me out of the water, we both laughed. After we swam for a while I laid on the beach and fell asleep, Asriel sat next to me looking out into the sea. When we got back to the hotel it was noon, we decided to find some place to eat out. I dressed into some short jean shorts and a white shirt with gold on it. Asriel dressed into some plaid shorts and a black tank top.  We walked along the beach, there was a seafood restaurant, I loved sushi! "Asriel do you want any seafood?" He looked at me. "Never tried it." I smiled and dragged him onto the pier. The waved hit the structure poles, shaking the pier. We went into the restaurant and sat at a table. A waitress came over, she smiled. "What can I get you today?" She smiled. I looked at a menu. "Can I have some sushi and a water?" She looked at  me funny, I have no idea what Asriel ordered, I was looking outside at the city. After sitting for a few minutes our food came. I had no idea that sushi could be ordered, I thought it was at a bar. Asriel got crab legs and a piece of sushi. He noticed I was looking at it. "I'm going to try some." He said. I smiled and ate sushi happily. Asriel bit into his crab legs and smiled. "Try some sushi." I stabbed his sushi with a fork and waved it in his face. "If you try these crab legs." He teased me waving it in my face. "Okay." I shoved the sushi in his mouth and grabbed the crab leg. Asriel face scrunched up, he clearly didn't like it, but I loved the crab legs. He swallowed it and stuck his tongue out. I laughed and clapped my hands quietly. He stared at me. After we paid we still had awhile before going back to the hotel. "What should we do now?" I grabbed Asriels hand as we walked down the pier. We sat on a bench and looked out at the waves. I laid on Asriels arm staring into the distance. I closed my eyes. "I wish we could stay like this forever." He ran his fingers through my hair."Mhm" When I opened my eyes back up, Asriel was smiling at me. "What?" I asked. He just laughed and looked away and looked back. "You're so cute." I put his arms around my hip and stood up. We made our way off the pier. On our way through we stopped at a gift shop, We got matching T-shirts and some things for our friends. After sitting on the beach for a few hours we made our way back to the hotel, we walked around looking around at it, there was red carpet and the walls were pale yellow. We walked into our room and stayed there for the rest of the night. I watched TV for a while and Asriel laid next to me playing with my hair. I sat between his legs and put my head on his chest... He seemed happy. At one point Asriel dozed off and fell asleep over my head. I smiled and slowly got up. Trying not to wake him I laid him down on the bed and walked into the bathroom to take a shower, the bath was big and hard to work, the knob was weird and there was no faucet, the water came from a hole the ceiling, but other than that it was nice. I undressed and pulled the curtain shut. The water was warm and the body wash made my skin soft. I washed my hair and rinsed it. I heard someone knock on the door. "Hey Frisk can I come in, I need to go to the bathroom." Asriel said. I laughed. "Come on in, I'm in the shower." I heard the door open. When Asriel left I turned to shower off and dried my hair. I put on a pair of short shorts. They were bright pink and had a stripe up the side. I slipped on a light blue t-shirt and walked out of the bathroom. My hair was still wet and looked like long brown ramen noodles. Asriel snickered. "Nice hair." He punched him in the muscle. "Shut up." "Okay." He got up and walked into the bathroom, I heard the water running. I changed the channel on the TV and watched this show with Mettaton. "Oh, Mettaton. Always in new shows." I flipped the TV of and grabbed my phone off the bed stand. I messaged my friends telling them about our day and what we did and how much we enjoyed it. "And... Send." My finger hovered over the send button but Asriel scared the crap out of me. "Don't forget to tell them about the thing we got." I grabbed my chest. "I didn't see you get put of the shower." I sent the message and laid on my back recovering from the scare. Asriel slid in bed next to me he put his arms around me. "I love you." He let go of me and grabbed my phone, he set it on the bed stand. "Really?" I folded my arms. Asriel grinned and pressed his lips hard against mine. I kissed back just as hard. I propped myself up on one arm and laid on top of Asriel. He moved his tongue around the inside of my mouth. We pushed out tongues against the other and smiled. Asriel moved me beside him so we were both on our sides, he pulled my body close to him. My stomach tingled. He smiled at me and bit his bottom lip. Asriel continued to kiss me, and tangled his legs around me. He moved his hand up my inside of my leg and put his other hand on my hip. We stopped kissing for a moment. My breathing picked up, so did Asriels. I closed my eyes and bit my lip. I nodded and when I opened my eyes back up Asriel was grinning wickedly. He moved on top of me and slid his fingers down my hips and gripped the top of my shorts.

No Bounds (Frisk x Asriel) (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now