I'm not going

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"Asriel!" I ran over to the best and kneeled I put my hand on his chest and shook him...... has he been working out? All of the sudden his eyes snapped open and he sat up so quick he almost lost his breath. Without thinking he grabbed me and threw me on the bed and stood up, I screamed but it came out as a squeal. He stared me in the eyes for a few seconds and realized who woke him up. "Oh.. Oh my god?! FRISK?" He let go of me. "What the hell are you doing here!" He said and stumbled backwards. I sat up slowly and shakily. "I came to find you. I had to see you. And bring you to the surface" I said that last part quietly since I knew he wouldn't come with me. "But why! Frisk you shouldn't be here! You need to be home with Mom and Dad and all your friends!" He said "I know..." I looked down "And I told you not to come back!" He looked me in the eyes. I started to get butterflies "I know..." I said quietly, he sighed. "Come on. I know why you're really here. Sit down in the living room ill get you something to eat you scrawny little..." He stopped. I blushed and my face turned beat red, Asriel looked away also. "Oh my god he's so hot" I said under my breath quietly "What?" "Nothing!" I screamed, e lifted an eyebrow and he walked to the living room, I sat down in Toriel's chair by the fireplace, it was warm and made me tired. Asriel pulled up a chair and sat in it backwards. "So. You came to tell me to come back to the surface, we'll put that aside for now, your hurt, I can tell. You've been wincing and limping, its your leg isn't it?" Well. He guessed about everything. I nodded, he sighed and went into the kitchen and came back out with a box. He got on his knees by me and wrapped my leg up in a bandage. "Thanks" I said "No problem Frisk" He said sat down again. We sat in silence for a moment. Finally I told him about my night terrors and how I wanted him to come back, I had to try to explain my dreams without saying anything about my feelings. After I was done talking he looked grim. "It's definitely Chara. That's what she would do Frisk... No one knows why but she hates humanity. She hates everything and just wanted to destroy everything. When we died, we both got half of a soul, so in a way, Chara is always with me. That's probably why were both in the same dream every time you have one. But now, I don't feel her with me, I think I'm finally rid of her side of the sou-.... F-frisk. Behind you..." Asriel said shakily. I slowly turned around and screamed. There was a black shadow or figure that was staring me in the face, it had a wide smile and white eyes. I fell into Asriel's arms and the figure disappeared, catching my breath I looked up and stood up. "Frisk. You're freezing! Here take my jacket." Asriel said and slid off his black vest with the royal sign on it. He put it around my arms and smiled. At first I felt awkward but then relaxed, the vest was warm and cozy, and it smelled like Asriel. After settling back in me and Asriel talked. I talked about life on the surface and he told me about how it was underground, alone and not able to take care of the rubble of the underground, but he had butterscotch cinnamon pie recipes and snail pie recipes to live off of, plus the abandoned food at the stores. Wow, he wasn't living a good life, he doesn't even know how to take care of a house alone, because the ceiling was sunken in and there were so many vines. Where did they even come from? Plus it was super dusty and their were cob webs, but where did they come from all the spiders moved out with Muffet. "It must not be easy living here... listen. Asriel. I've been worried sick since I've left" I broke into tears "I've been having awful dreams you've been in trouble. I had to see you one last time! I need you to come to the surface so you don't get hurt! So you don't die in here!" I grabbed Asriel's shirt and cried into his chest, he stared at me blankly and then pushed me against the wall he put his hand next to my head, got close to my face and said "Listen. I meant it when I said it. I'm not going up" Then he pushed away and walked away. I cried as loud as I could and Asriel stopped for a moment and continued to walk. I ran and jumped on his back "Please don't go Asriel!I love you! You family loves you! We don't want you to be alone!" I cried on his back, Asriel's pupils got small, he looked at me with a shocked face but pushed his emotions down. "Frisk. Get off me. Now." I obeyed him and jumped off his back, he looked back with teary eyes. "I love you too" and he left. I dropped to my hands and knees and pounded the ground with my fists and cried into the darkness. I stood up and ran out the door but something stopped me. I got hit in the head and fell over backwards whacking my head off the ground. Everything started to get hazy. No... I thought. I need to stay awake to find Asriel... I can't fall asleep... I can't I don't want another night terror... I can't I... just can't... With all the DETERMINATION I had in me I forced myself to stay awake. I saw a bright light and all my pain melted off. I stood up and trudged forward "Asriel! Help! HELP!" I screamed as loud as I could. "I'm hurt! I... I..." I couldn't go on. The light faded and my eyes rolled into the back of my head, I fell over unconscious.

Asriel... Asriel! The words rung in my head ASRIEL! His name burned in my head... No. I have to stay determined, Get up Frisk. GET UP!

My eyes snapped open. I was awake. No night terror, and to make sure I wasn't in a night terror I splashed water in my face. Wait water?! Yes. I was surrounded in water. I struggled to move but I was tangled in vines "Help!" I yelled over and over. When I thought all hope was lost I heard his voice "Frisk!" it kept getting louder "Asriel! I'm tangled, get me down! Please" I screamed "Frisk!" He yelled again, I saw him emerge from fog "There you are! I heard you call but I couldn't find you!" Asriel ran to me "Hurry! Cut me loose! The vines are getting tighter!" I started to lose breath. "I'm coming, I'll use my dagger I found in my bedroom! It's made for cutting plants, must have been my Dads." He ran up and cut the vines, they retreated and sprung up dropping me on my head and nearly knocking me out again. "Asriel, you saved me. Why? I thought you left." I said as he ran over and picked me up "I got so worried, I heard you yell so I came to find you and-" He stopped when I snuggled into his chest. We stared each other in the eyes and slowly put our heads together. We closed the gap between our lips and... he kissed me. He kissed me! I felt a warm feeling in my body and I could tell he felt it to. We kept it up until we were out of breath, we gasped for air and from my head bleeding I passed out for the third or fourth time today. The last thing I remembered before I passed out for a day, was Asriels kiss.

No Bounds (Frisk x Asriel) (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now