A Week Off

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Waking up energized the next day, I yawned. The terror was over. Now me and Asriel needed to spend time together. My friends decided to set up a day for me and Asriel to spend together. First they wanted us to go out to breakfast and take a vacation, like have us go away on a vacation to somewhere since our birthdays were coming up! Who knew that me and Asriel were born in the same week! They decided this while we were "away" our friends didn't realize it but we were kidnapped, the day we didn't come home that's when they got so worried they looked for us nonstop. When we came home everyone was so relived. I shook Asriel and woke him up. "Hmmm. Urg." He groaned and put a pillow over his face. I slapped his stomach and Asriel screamed into his pillow. "I'm up! What do you want!" He mumbled. I put my hand on my mouth and giggled. I ran my finger in circles around his stomach to wake him up and put my fingers in his messed up hair. He started to laugh. "Frisk stop! That tickles!" He started to laugh more. I smiled and got out of bed. "Come on Asriel! We have a big day ahead of us." I stretched and looked though our clothes drawer for clothes. I threw some jeans and a small pink T-shirt on and threw some clothes in Asriels face. We got dressed and after we did my phone went off, I swiped my finger across it to turn my phone on. The message was from Undyne. It read, Omg you cute couple! R U ready for a vacation for just the 2 of u?! I'm waiting outside when you are punk. <3 Undyne! I smiled and messaged her back telling Undyne that we were going to be out after we pack. "Okay babe we need to pack stuff for our week away." I kissed Asriels lips and walked to my closet. I grabbed money from my closet and some clothes and messaged Undyne, Where are we even going Fish. I sent the message. My phone jingled and I looked to see what she sent back. 1st off, rude. 2nd, R u ready for this.... Dramatic pause! I waited for her to send the next message. We're sending you to a beach, and having you stay in a  5 star hotel! R u excited Frisk? My eyes got wide. That's a lot Undyne. Are you sure? I messaged back. Anything for your guys birthday. I set my phone down. "Okay Asriel apparently we're staying in a 5 star hotel on a beautiful beach." I said excitedly. "Are you serious? Awesome!" He picked me up and swung me around. After setting me down we started packing bathing suits and other things we needed for a beach. After the suitcases were packed we came outside. Fish Face was waiting for us. Her red hair was curled and he had red lipstick and red eye shadow on. She had a black leather jacket and jeans on. "How long does it take you to get ready?!" I asked. Undyne giggled. "I've done this so much it takes me 10 minutes." She said. "Come on, me and Papyrus are driving you." We got into the red convertible and drove to the airport. When we got there Toriel, Asgore and everyone else... except Sans, were there. We got out bags checked and went through a metal detector. We waved goodbye to my friends and family. "Be good my children alright?" Toriel said. "I trust you won't do anything stupid." We nodded. "Goodbye!" Our friends waved to us as we disappeared into the crowed. I held Asriels hand as we boarded our flight. We sat for about half an hour as the plane was filled with fuel and the engines started up. Neither of us have ever flown before so when we hit turbulence, our hearts raced. The flight was okay. It wasn't that bumpy and it was beautiful above the clouds. As we got off the plane Asriel looked at me. "Never again." He said. I laughed. "You'll need to unless you want to swim home." He groaned. "I love you." I put my head on his shoulder and we walked into the airport. The first thing that hit us was the humidity. It was way more humid and warm on the beach. Second, the airport had huge windows and you could see Palm Trees and sand and smell salt water. It was awesome! We walked across the airport and out, it was so warm! "Wow! Its so nice here!" Asriel said in awe.  "I need to text Undyne" I pulled out my phone and turned it on, the low battery symbol flashed. I swore under my breath. Hey guys we made it, where the hell are we supposed to go. I sent the message and Undyne sent us directions. It was walking distance from the airport. I showed Asriel and he pointed to where we were supposed to go. After walking for a little while we made it to the hotel. It reminded me of the MTT Hotel but this was different in so many ways. And Undyne was right when she said 5 stars. It was super nice. My stomach growled. "Asriel can we check in, I need to see how much money we brought." We checked in and got our room key, B15. After unpacking we came downstairs and walked into the restaurant, and I was surprised to see he was behind the counter. "Burgerpants?!" I ran up to the counter. He turned around. "Hey little buddy! What are the odds of seeing you here." He said and smiled, Asriel came up behind me. "Oh hey, you were working at a restaurant around the core when I was little." Asriel said. "That was me." He put a cigar in his mouth. After catching up we ordered some food. Stairfait stuck around but there was completely new foods I've never seen or heard of. We ate, it was the best food I've ever tasted. After eating and paying we left and went to our hotel room, it was late at night when we got there. We sat in the comfiest bed and watched TV until I passed out on Asriel. The next morning I walked out on the balcony after getting dressed, the hotel was right next to an ocean. It was so pretty! After a while Asriel came out and put his arms around me. "Are you ready for a day out there?" He asked me. I nodded and he kissed my head.

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