Another Night

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I've been pressured on this chapter so here it is. Hope you're happy.

I felt light and warmth on my body. I opened my eyes, I was laying on a bed of golden flowers. I sat up feeling my chest... no cut. Was I dead? I looked around to find Frisk but there was no one. Only flowers and bright blue skies as far as I could see. I was so confused. Where was I? I looked around standing up and calling for someone. Anyone. Then I heard someone speak. "It's not your time Asriel..." I looked around for the voice but no one was there. It was voice that was calm and sweet. It soothed me. Everything around became a blinding white light, I closed my eyes and shielded myself as I flaked apart becoming and joining the light.

My eyes snapped open. I looked to see Frisk sniffing and sobbing as she struggled to support my weight, carrying me to the door of our room. She looked like she was tired and just died from the inside, she had dark rings under her eyes and her face was stained from tears, "WHY! Why did I have to let him go!" She screamed at herself. I stood on my two feet, I took her a second to notice but her eyes became huge. She looked up at my smiling face. "Oh my god! Asriel! Y-you're alive!" She tackled me against the door of our room sobbing into my chest. "I'm here for you." I said and clutched the back of her yellow short sleeved shirt. "How!?" She looked up, her vision must have been blurry from crying because her eyes were filled in tears. "I don't think we should question it. Maybe its not to late to convert to our original plans later tonight." I said. She looked at me and hit me but kissed me again. "I think I would like that.. but. I need to cool down." I nodded and let go sit down. I looked at the clock in the hallway. 12:45. It wasn't that late. I stretched and walked into our room. Slid off my clothes so I was naked. I slid on some underwear and boxers. It was a warm night despite the coldness of the cement outside. I paused when I thought of myself laying on the ground. I had to shake my head to get the thought out. When I walked into the hallway I had to pinch my nose from an awful odor. I looked down at my red stained fur. I forgot I bled to death. Why was that thought to easy to push out of my head? I just died! How can I be cool with that. I ran into the bathroom plugging my nose and making a face of disgust. I caught Frisk out of the corner of my eye. She was sitting on the couch with her head between her hands, she looked calmed down  and... smiling? I didn't have time to check. The floor creaked under my feet as I ran into the bathroom swinging the door open with a loud creaking sound. I pulled of my clothes again and ran my hands down my side where the blood was. I looked into the mirror above the sink. I saw a goat monster staring at me. It didn't feel like I was looking at myself anymore. I touched the blood and turned the water on. I didn't realize since I came to the surface my legs got larger and had more muscle along with my arms. I noticed I got a little taller also. I rubbed my eyes. I jumped when I felt someone put their hands on the stomach of my naked body. I whipped my head around. It was only Frisk, she was grinning at the sight of me. She had this ferocious look in her eyes and her hands moved around my chest and stomach, "You couldn't wait until later?" I asked. She shook her head no, "I wanted to see you. You're way cuter now that I see your body in the light." She said and moved her hands down my hips. A warm feeling spread to every inch of my body, I gripped her hands and guided them away, "Not... just yet." I grinned as I saw her whimper, "Why not?" She pouted, "I love it when you pout." I turned around so I was facing her. I put my hands on her hips and kissed her head, "I have to clean the blood up." I kissed her again on her forehead, "Wait just a few more minutes." I kissed her lips, which turned me on. I turned again and ran some water from the faucet down my side. I scrubbed the blood with my fingers washing it away. Frisk waited behind me with her hands still on my hips. I washed as much blood away and dried off. Looking at Frisk through the mirror I asked, "Do you want to now?" My eyes drifted down her body. Her skin looked smooth and it was flawless with all her curves and edges. She giggled when she saw me peeking at her. She ran her hands down my legs and grabbed my shaft. I shivered and then broke free from Frisk's touch and picked her up putting my left arm under her legs and land right arm beneath her head. I kissed her, I didn't care how long it was, it felt good. If it was even possible she got me even more tuned on. I carried her into our room and dropped her in the bed. She bounced up and down as the springs in the bed moved with her. Once she stopped moving I crawled in on top of her, looming above. She managed to squirm out of my grasp and push me down. Frisk licked her lips when she saw my boner and she spread my legs apart. She put her head between my legs and put her lips to my tip. She looked up at me and made a "Mmmm" sound, it was between a giggle and a groan, "Go on." I said putting my head on the back of her head, pulling her hair back. She bobbed her head up and down and I moaned. She didn't stop. She just went faster and deeper. I bit my lips and put my hands palms up next to my head closing my eyes, "Mmmm Frisk. Your throat feels so nice." I said turning my head to the side. I started to get harder, "Frisk! I'm gonna-!" She put her hand over my mouth and continued to bob her head until sperm flowed into her mouth. I made a loud groan and smiled clenching my fists. Frisk pulled her mouth away and wiped it off her lips, "That was great." she said and crawled closer to me on her hands and knees, I opened my eyes and grinned as she pulled her lips to mine, "This isn't over." I said and cupped her face in my hand pulling her to my lips again. She nodded and I grabbed her wrists and sat up pushing her down like I was. I laughed and grinned devilishly as I kissed down her neck and put my face into her chest. She closed her eyes and groaned. I stuck my long tongue out making a "Bleh" sound. Frisk clenched her teeth when she heard me, "Are you nervous?" I asked as I grinned and put my tongue inside her. Her fists tightened and her clenched teeth tightened as well. She groaned and tried to move her hands but I pinned them down harder,"Oooh Asriel. W-What are you doing- Ooh!" She tried to move but I didn't let her. When I took my tongue out Frisk put her knees up. I slipped my 8-Inch boner inside her slowly teasing her, "Please... oh god Asriel! Don't do that!" She said whining. I smiled at her attempt to make me speed up. "Oh. You're so anxious baby. I like that. Hmmm." I said in a seducing voice. I slid inside her and thrust my hips slowly then got faster and faster. We moaned loudly, "OOOOH! Asriel!" Frisk moaned out, "You're tight. You aren't usually like that." I said with a smile. She started to sweat and grinned. Her breath was quick and heavy. I thrust inside her as hard as I could, "You're moan is so sexy." I put my hands on the sides of her stomach and pulled her against me. I was on my knees and her legs were bent and in the air. With every push in and out Frisk got tighter. I knew she what she was about to do, "Asriel! I-I'm going to-!" I put my hand over her mouth like she did to me, "Me to." I put my lips to hers and licked around in her mouth. I cummed inside her and we broke apart breath heavily, "How- How do you do that to me?" She said wiping her forehead with the back of her hand. I slapped her ass, Frisk jumped like she didn't expect it and the sound she made made me pull her against me. I kissed her for a long time, "I don't want this to be over" She said. I glanced at the clock, "Me neither... but we need to rest. My parents will be home tomorrow." I said. Frisk pouted. "I love you Asriel." I laid on the bed resting my head on the pillow. "I love you Frisk." I whispered into her ear and pulled her into my chest. She out her head in the crook of my neck and I slid my hand up and down her back as she fell asleep. "I love you." I said and I let my mouth hang open and I closed my eyes. "Goodnight baby." I said and fell asleep.

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