In My Dreams

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**Frisk POV**

I waited for Asriel to come out of the house, if we were 17, why does he take so long to get ready just so we could go to lunch together? A pair of horns appeared from the doorway, the goat prince stood before me, I blushed but quickly swallowed my emotions hoping he didn't see. "Hey Frisk" Asriel said as he approached me in a relaxed manner. I smiled "Took you long enough" "Yeah, I'm sorry, its hard to put a shirt on with giant horns" He complained I smiled again. I always though Asriel looked cute with his horns. "Where do you want to eat?" I asked him. He stopped to think. "I don't know, how about you choose today." He said. I smiled, I thought he would want to go to Grillby's or maybe Muffet's bakery. They've had a lot of business since we came to the surface. I looked at me "Well?" He asked. "Muffet's Bakery." I finally answered, I was in the mood for something sweet. "Muffet's it is" He said and grabbed my hand. I blushed deeply and looked away for a second but turned back quickly. We walked and talked and walked down the sidewalk about life on the surface and all the new things monsters could do. We were happier now we could be in sunlight and breath fresh air. Asriel looked at me "You know, I was kind of worried when we came to the surface... how humans and monsters would get along, it seemed to work out just fine. It could have been a disaster and war could have broke out." I thought for a second, what if all my progress didn't matter and everyone had to be forced back into the underground. "Yeah, it would have been awful." I said. We continued to walk in silence until we bumped into Sans. He looked up and smiled "Ah, on a date I see." I looked down and quickly replied "Its not like that Sans!" I blushed deeply. Asriel looked at me, I didn't realize he was still holding my hand. I pulled it away "Whatever. Ill l leave you two be" He said, grinned, and teleported away. There was a moment of silence, he finally looked at me and said something under his breath "What?" I asked "Nothing." he said. I couldn't tell but... was he blushing? Whatever it was he got over it quickly. We walked the rest of the way in silence. When we finally made it to Muffet's bakery, he held the door open for me. I looked at him in a weird way and tilted my head, in the end I just excepted it and walked in, Asriel followed. I sat down at the table and Asriel sat down across me. Muffet walked over with a menu "Ahuhuhu, Hi dearies! How can I help you?" She gave us each a menu. In fancy letters the food options were just Spider Donut, Spider Cider, and Spider Croissant. So many options, we ordered and waited. After a few minutes I started to feel strange, I looked at Asriel and he started to fade and become wavy, I looked around in fear and realized it was happening to everything else around me. I jumped up and ran to Asriel but time pulled me back, I reached I'm and hugged him determined to not let go. "Asriel!" I screamed but he seamed distant. I cried into his fading chest until he completely vanished, I fell forward hugging thin air. I grabbed what wasn't completely faded yet but it was no use. I heard a strange voice Ive never heard before "You think humans and monsters can live in peace? You think you can bring him back? Well he refused to come with you. He will fade away in your memories just like the underground. You made him live with more grief than ever. You should have let him kill you when he had the chance." A gap opened up under me, It was filled with darkness. I started to slowly sink into the hole, descending deeper and deeper until I couldn't see anything. I tried to scream but nothing came out.

I jolted up screaming in cold sweat. It was just another night terror. Asriel wasn't really here with me like I wanted him to be. Toriel heard me screaming and came into my room "Are you okay my child?" She asked worried, she looked to see if anything was wrong "Yeah mom, I'm... fine. just a dream" I said, but it wasn't a dream, it was to real to be a dream. Toriel looked at me and walked out of my room. I waited to make sure she was gone. When she was, I jumped up and ran to my desk, I grabbed supplies, my phone, some clothes and I put them in my bag. I couldn't take any more night terrors of Chara and Asriel, I had to see him. One last time. Ihad to bring him to the surface.... I was heading up Mt. Ebbot.

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