Alone For the Weekend

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Frisk laid on top of me panting. "What's wrong Frisk?" I jolted myself inside her one last time, she moaned, "Tired out?" Her cheeks were red and flushed, she looked satisfied, but I wasn't, she huffed, "Uh-huh." She said with her eyes rolled into the back of her head. "Are you tired? Or is seven inches too much for you?" I pushed inside her again. My eyes went into the back of my head and my tongue fell out of my mouth between my two sharp teeth. I threw my head back as Frisk moaned.
After another few minutes I was satisfied. I bit my lip and smiled, "Mmm that was great." I said. "Can we do that again sometime?" Frisk asked, "I don't know Frisk" I licked my lips, "I think I may be to big... Too long and wide for you." I teased. My arms were beside Frisk's head and my knees were on each side her legs. "What time is it?" She asked. "It doesn't matter, does it?" I kissed her jaw and neck as she giggled, "Mmm I guess not." She said grabbing my face and pulling it close to hers. We kissed for a while and passed out still laying in bed naked. I didn't care, we were fine as long as someone didn't pull the covers from us.
The next morning someone knocked on our door and it creaked open, my mom popped her head in, "Asgore and I will be out for a couple days. We need to go do some things." She said, my eyes lit up. "Okay mom, see ya." She giggled and left. When I heard the door close I turned to Frisk, "Babe, did you hear that? We have the house to ourselves." She opened her eyes, "Yeah! We can do what we want... and you know what I mean." She said kissing me. "Mhm... You said exactly what I was thinking." We slipped out of bed and got dressed. We walked into the kitchen and ate breakfast. I used my fire magic and Frisk cooked. When we sat down Frisk yawned, "You really did a number on me last night." She said she took a bite of her food and spit it out because it was to hot. I laughed. Frisk smiled and brushed her hair to the side, "Oh you liked it. Plus you wanted me to be rough." I said. She nodded. "I'm still tired. In taking a nap." She cleaned her plate and put it in the sink, then she walked into our room and shut the door. I decided to sit and watch TV and be lazy. I sat on the worn plaid couch. I honestly though it was ugly but Mom and Dad didn't. I flipped on the TV and got comfy. There were multiple shows with Frisk's friend Mettaton. As I watched TV thunder rolled through the sky and rain started to pat against the window. I didn't pay attention to it then lightning shot down close the house making a zap sound. The ground shook, I heard Frisk scream. Before I could get up to check on her she ran out of the room and dove into me, "What's wrong!" I yelled, "That was right outside my window!" She said. I ran my fingers through her hair and let Frisk fall asleep laying on my lap. She was spread out so her head was on my right leg and her legs were taking up the rest of the couch. I ran my hand over her head and kissed the back of it. She took about a half an hour nap, and woke up sitting up, "Morning." I kissed her she looked dazed. She stretched yawning, "Morning." She put her head against my chest. "I need to go get cleaned up so I'm going to take a shower." I stood up but Frisk grabbed my arm. "Let me take one with you." I smiled, "You can't wait until tonight can you?" I yanked her arm pulling her up. She smacked into my chest but I linked my arms so when she fell back she bent over backwards. Her stomach touched mine and Frisk grinned. I lifted her up and kissed her, she made me put her down. I put her on the floor and I walked into the bathroom as Frisk followed.
I stuck my finger in my ear and moved it around to get the water out of it. Frisk sat on the bed, her hair was dripping wet. She dried it out, I sat next to her, and started to laugh, "Can I call you Frisky now?" I put my finger on one side of her chin and my thumb on the other, I pulled her chin up to mine, "Only if I can call you Asry." She said. I frowned but smiled at the ridiculous name. I kissed her lips and got up. I walked into the living room, I called out to Frisk, "Are you coming?" Frisk came out of the room, "Where are we going?" She asked. I put my arm around her and frowned. "I actually need to.." I stopped myself and sighed, "Im going to be honest I got a call from somebody. It turned out to be Sans. At least I think it was, it sounded like him." I said. Frisk frowned. "Oh..." She bit her lip. "I'm going to check out the area the call was from because it sounded like they wanted us to go." I said. "Hm." Frisk frowned again and looked a little upset. "Come on." My gut told me not to go but I had to check it out.

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