A Horrible Place

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I woke up next to Asriel on the cold ground. We were still holding onto each other. "Asriel wake up." He didn't move. "Wake up Asriel.." I started to worry. "Asriel wake up! Wake up Asriel!" I shook him. "ASRIEL? WAKE UP!" I shook him is hard as I could. He still didn't move. I started to scream and sob. "Wake up Asriel! Wake up! Wake up! PLEASE!" I grabbed his shirt and yanked him up shaking him, I set him back down and cried from the back of my throat. I set my head on his chest. No sound. Then my heart jumped. There was a faint, thump. I cried with joy. He wasn't dead. At least not yet, I tried to stand up but there was something heavy weighing my legs down. Chains! Are you kidding me! Urg!  I hit myself in the head. I looked around, we were definitely in Sans basement. Locked up where no one could hear us. I laid down on my back and waited. I listened to Asriels steady breathing. He wasn't as warm as he usually was. I hacked at the chains with a stone I found but it was no use. I couldn't break them, I sat rolled up in a small ball until I heard a rattling sound, there was a creak and foot-steps. Sans emerged from the darkness. "YOU! YOU! I HATE YOUR GUTS!" I screamed at Sans. "Well I don't have any guts so." He said "SHUT UP!" I screamed and held my head, crying. "Aww." Sans came over and squatted next me. He grabbed my chin and held it up to his face. "A pretty girl like you shouldn't be crying." I felt pure hatred within me bubble up, I felt a change in emotion and strength. "Get Away!" My voice boomed. I picked up the rock I was trying to smash the chains with and I smashed it into his head and hard as I could. There was a horrifying Crack  and Crunch!  Sound. Sans stumbled back in pain. "Why you!" He ran over and kicked me in the gut at full force. I've never felt so much pain in my life. I threw up blood and passed out next to Asriel. Please help me. I'm so scared. I'm so lost. I can't take it. I'd rather be dead. I thought although Asriel couldn't hear me. I laid in black and fell into a dream where I was okay and happily with Asriel. I woke up later, I must have been out for a day. My stomach hurt so bad, I pulled up my shirt to look at the wounds. I almost threw up when  I saw my stomach. It was completely bruised, and it was so bad my stomach looked like it was rotting. The bruises were completely black and the outside was dark blue. I yanked down my shirt to hide the wounds. I closed my eyes. I reached deep into my soul and let determination flow out of it. My burning desire to see Asriel okay and to have me healed grew stronger and stronger with every thought. I wanted to be out of this place true to hell. I wanted to be home and be happy. These thoughts burned so bad that tears streamed down my face. There was golden light that swirled around me and the room. My long hair was blown into the air, I let the golden light and wind go all over the room, the pain on my chest melted and I could feel my emotions becoming happier. The weight on my ankles disappeared. I was lifted into the air and gently floated to the ground. When I opened  my eyes the chains were snapped, the pain was gone but the bruises were still there. Then, a hand touched my shoulder. But it was nothing like bones, it was light and soft. I shook and slowly turned to see Asriel smiling at me. "A...A-Asriel!" I cried so hard that a puddle could have formed under me. I tackled him to the ground. "You're alive!" I hugged him and squeezed him as hard as I could I kissed him and hugged him. "Thanks to your determination Frisk. I'm better." He put his arms around me and and held me in the air after standing up. He set me down and then I heard a clank, Asriel was blown to the ground and froze. I heard slow clapping. Sans came out of no where and did not look amused. "Bravo. You save yourself but it won't work this time." He said, I froze up and my eyes were closed shut. I tried to move but I couldn't. When my eyes opened I was in Sans room. I was pinned against a wall. Sans was grinning. "Your not going to get away from me this time." He laughed. "What are you planning to do to me." He didn't respond. Sans leaned in to kiss me. I startedto hyperventilate and screamed. "Help me!" I screamed. I thought as fast as I could and hit my head against Sans almost knocking him over. He put his arm next to my head and put his other hand on my hip. I knew what he was trying to do. There is no way to describe how I was screaming and crying. "Don't be so pale Frisk. Don't be afraid." He grinned. "It's only me." He grinned widely. Sans slid his and down and onto the inside of my leg. "NO! PLEASE! ASRIEL! SOMEONE! ANYONE! HELP ME!" I screamed. "No one is coming Frisk! You might as well shut up!" He hit me across the face. I stared blankly. There really was no hope. My lip quivered, I stopped struggling and looked down. Then. "Frisk!?" I heard him call. "Asriel! I'm in Sans room!" I screamed. "What!?" Sans yelled Asriel smashed through the door. "Where is she-" Asriel looked at me pinned up against the wall by Sans with his hand in my leg. I cried with relief when Asriels anger and hatred flowed though the air. He looked down and started to glow. Pure power and energy was emitted by Asriel. I heard an ear piercing scream. The bright light shone through the air. Asriel in his Hyper-God form stood before Sans. "B-b-bbb" Sans tried to say but no words came out. "If-f-f you th-think-" Asriel moved so quickly infront of Sans so fast it looked like he teleported. Sans screamed. Asriel swung his arm back and hit Sans so hard that I could feel his pain. Sans bones broke and shattered and he was blown through a wall. Pieces of bones scattered the ground. I fell backward but Asriel caught me, he was himself again. "Asriel-" He didn't let me finish. Asriel kissed me harder than he ever has before. I opened my mouth and our tongues touched and moved around each others mouths. We kissed for what seemed like forever. When we pulled apart a line of spit formed between our tongues. We stood up and Asriel held me in his arms. "Don't worry. I'm here. There's no more need to worry. We're safe." I put my arms around his neck and snuggled into his chest. We walked out of the house and Asriel carried me home as the sunset beamed across the sky. Sans was gone. At least for now. He wasn't dead. I know it, but he'll never mess with us again. He will wake up but, he'll be to scared to come near us. Knowing that we were safe I fell asleep in Asriels arms.

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