The Twilight-Barrier

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I woke up lying on Asriel's chest, he was warm, I yawned and sat up. I smiled when I saw him sleeping, he mumbled something and turned over. Where were we? It looked like Snowdin, one of Sans work stations out of god knows how many.  Asriel mumbled again and woke up he looked around and looked at me. "Morning" He said and stretched. "Hey" I looked at him and rubbed my eyes "Where are we exactly?" I asked Asriel  took a second to look around "We left the ruins yesterday, you were passed out and bleeding like crazy, those vines really did a number on you yesterday" I touched my head, it stopped bleeding "How long was I out?" I aksed "About a day" Asriel said "A day?! Are you being serious!" I grabbed my head and shook it. Wow, a day and I was only dropped on my head, but it did hurt like hell. "Ok we should get moving, Toriel and Asgore are probably worried sick about me, I left to climb Mt. Ebott without saying anything. In the middle of the night too." Now that I think about everyone is probably worried. I disappeared without a trace.  "Lets get going Asriel, I don't know what time it is but, I just want to get home, its unsettling here." I got up and pulled Asriel up. "Lets go." Asriel said and we walked through Snowdin, through the town. "Hold on I want to stop here" I said to Asriel and walked into the abandoned house that used to be Sans' and Papyrus's house, its nice wood was rotted and the lights were draped down, some of the ceilings were caved in. I pushed the door open and it creaked loudly. I walked in to the old house cautious I won't get hurt by anything and looked around, maybe I could bring something back for the Skeleton Dorks. Sans' sock with sticky notes on it? No. How about... something upstairs? I walked up the old stairs and all the sudden I heard a loud creak and felt my foot sink in. Then... CRACK! I fell through the staircase. I screamed but it came out a high pitched "Eeee!" "Frisk! Is everything okay in there?" Arsiel yelled from outside "Yeah! I'm fine" I yelled back, I pulled myself out of the hole that was now in the staircase. I pushed open Papyrus's door, Success! Papyrus left behind a poster I could take, I shoved it in my bag. I walked out of Skeleton Dork Number Ones room and walked down the dark and scary hallway with mildew and moss growing on it, the blue carpet was stained. I walked up the Sans door, I've never been inside myself, it was always locked. I tried to push open the door but it was still locked, but the door fell apart and fell over with a thump and dust billowed out from under it. I coughed and stumbled into the room... there was nothing here except a trash-nado and an old mattress with a wadded blanket and some pillows, I took those because me and Asriel almost froze outside in Snowdin, because, we it was pretty much winter all the time here. "Ok Asriel I'm coming!" I said and ran down the hall and down the stairs avoiding the brand new gaping hole. I came outside and Asriel sat there waiting for me impatiently. "Oh you're back, good, can I have my jacket back? I'm freezing, you still have your own right?" Oh yeah, I forgot I had his vest on... and mine under it. "Not just uet" I said and smiled innocently "Just kidding here you go" I said sliding of the jacket, I gave him a hug and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek and decided it was time to go.

After walking for another hour we made it to the halfway through Waterfall by Undyne's house. Waterfall's Waterfalls were clogged up almost completely. Ha, Waterfall's Waterfalls. We continued to walk and I decided to pick up some thing at the old store where that turtle guy tried to sell me some things. "Ok let me grab some things from here" I said to Asriel "You come with me" Asriel nodded and we walked into the store. There we a lot of crab apples and a torn notebook and broken glasses... we took everything. Atleast we had food for the rest of the day and maybe I could get the glasses fixed for Toriel and the notebook... Well I don't know it was ruined. We walked to the river with that bright blue liquid, I never knew what it was because that bird carried me across the river. "Lets cross it" I said. I started to walk and I felt Asriel pull on the collar of my shirt which choked me. Ack! I gagged because of.. well, being chocked "Asriel! What the hell! That hurt!" I screamed in his face "Sorry Frisk that's just poisonous water and I was trying to save your life but if you want to get mad about that go right ahead into the water." "Oh... sorry Asriel" I said and turned around because I know that there was the long way around the river. We walked around the dark cave area with the strand blue and black grass. After exiting the Waterfall we made it to the Hotlands and trust me when I say it, it is Hell. "Okay Asriel we need to get to the core and through there the throne room then the surface!" I jumped up and down excitedly but Asriel just smiled slightly. "Is something the matter Asriel?" I asked "No I'm fine, lets go!  Lead the way Frisk" He said. I shrugged. We walked across hell, and to the laboratory entrance and it screeched open in despair, Asriel covered his ears and let out a loud "BA-A-A-A" I covered my ears because he was so loud. We progressed into the lab, the video feed of my location was still up. 'I'm surprised Alphys didn't take that down yet" I said and shut the computer down. for a quick second that figure flicked on the screen and went out. I looked at Asriel but he just pushed it aside, we had other things to do. The tiles on the floor were cracked and the ceiling also, everything was broken down, it was sad. "Here I know a short-cut, to the true lab elevator!" I said and grabbed Asriel's hand and pulled him to the elevator. We walked in and I pressed the button, the warning signal went off and bright lights flashed, but I knew now that it just was to scare us. "Its okay Asriel, its only a warning" I said. He calmed down and the sounds stopped we arrived at the throne room! "Asriel we're here!" I grabbed his hand and pulled him as quick as I could to the barrier, we ran over the golden flowers of Asgore's throne room and entered the barriers room. "Were here!" Asriel said and smiled, he kissed me on the cheek and held my hand tight, we looked at each other and nodded. We slowly walked into the barrier, we were about to step foot in when we heard. "Wait!" From someone, Asriel's ears twitched and he froze up. "Th-that voice..." He said "Chara?" He turned his head to see the black figure split in half and his adopted sister stand in from of him. "You can't go with HER Asriel! She's not worth it! You should be down here, you won't be happy up there, you'll only be hurt!" Chara's eyes flashed red at me, I froze up in fear. She was trying to stop Asriel. "Asriel... do what's right. Stay with me." Her voice got demonic on that last part. Asriel stepped forward but then stopped, he looked down. "No..." He said in a heroic voice "No. I won't stay. I love Frisk, and she loves me!" Asriel looked up and said to Chara's face. "No...? NO? YOU'RE GOING TO CHOOSE HER INSTEAD OF ME!? YOUR SISTER!?" Her voice got low and demonic "WELL I WONT LET YOU LEAVE HERE ALIVE" She said, Asriel shook and looked at me. "Stay behind me Frisk" He said, Asriel glowed white and took on his Hyper-God form, his horns grew bigger than they were, his eyes turned black, he grew vines around his neck and sharp teeth, and the Delta Rune, the Royal Sign grew across his chest and the Barrier shone rainbow for a few seconds because of the wave of energy. Asriel and Chara went at it, she summoned a knife and Asriel shot star beams at her, both striking each other blow after blow, blood went everywhere, I was thrown around. All light in the room swirled in a circle and everything went beserk. I screamed and shut my eyes, there was nothing I could do here I flattened myself against a wall. Chara screeched and Asriel belched out Ba-a's. He shot a rainbow gun hitting Chara and weakening her, Asriel flew in and hit her with his horns in her stomach smashing her into the ground, Chara saw the opportunity and stabbed him in the back. I watched it happen in slow motion and screeched in fear, Chara locked eyes with me but Asriel stood up and shot her with an attack i've never seen before. The blast was so great I was blown into the Barrier. I screamed as loud as I could "ASRIEL!" He turned around and ran toward me, I reached out of the Barrier and grabbed his hand before I was pulled out of the underground. I yanked him into the Barrier before Chara could grab his leg, he transformed out of his hyper-god for and passed out on my chest, even though we were floating around in white light. Chara screamed and pounded the barrier with her whole body, the whole portal itself was destroyed! I heard an awful shattering sound and Chara was blown back as the portal rejected her, I heard Chara screech one last time before everything went white, the portal... it was gone while we were inside it. What was going to happen? Were we going to disappear into nothing or will be thrown into the surface? I blacked out as thousands of questions went through my head. We were so close... and it could all disappear like that...

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