My Dirty Little Secret

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The next morning me and Asriel rushed around, getting dressed and eating breakfast. We woke up late and needed to meet everyone of my friends so Asriel could get to know them. Of course we needed to keep our secret romance a secret. "Okay Asriel, first off we need to see Undyne." I said over breakfast. Asriel looked away. "Oh yeah.. the one that crushed my hand." Asriel put his hand over the one that was bandaged from Undyne. "Oh... Yeah I forgot about that. She's not that bad once you meet her." I said. He just looked down and smiled at the thought of Undyne being nice. "Okay my children." Toriel said walking into the kitchen. "I need to go to work. Be good alright? Asgore left before you woke up. If you need anything just call! Goodbye." Toriel left through the partially fixed door. "Ok." I got up and put my hand on Asriels arm. "Lets get going babe." I hugged Asriel and he kissed my cheek. After cleaning up we left to Undynes a few houses down. She recreated her home from the underground, a giant fish. "Nice house." Asriel said staring at it. "Come on." I said and dragged him into Undynes. I knocked on the door and the sharp teeth of the fish shot open, Undyne stood in front of us. "Welcome my... beloved house guests" She said and sighed. "You do know you don't have to be fancy and nice just because someone comes over." I said and walked into the fish house. It was exactly the same as underground. The kitchen, the table, the floor and everything else. We sat down at the kitchen table and Undyne boiled some tea for me and Asriel and made spaghetti, he got better at cooking. And didn't burn her house down this time. We sat in silence for a little while sipping tea and eating spaghetti. Undyne finally broke the silence. "So... Asriel. Tell me about yourself." Undyne said. Asriel talked about himself for a little while and life in the underground then Undyne talked about herself. We joked and laughed at got to know each other better. Asriel drank his tea. "Say, Undyne what was in the tea?" Asriel asked. "Oh, it was buttercup tea." She said and smiled. Asriels eyes got huge and his pupils small, he dropped the cup on the ground. I touched his arm. "Asriel are you okay?" I asked him. He started to shake. "B-buttercup tea...?" He stood up quickly and I stood up to support him, he put his arm on my shoulder and I helped him stand. "Asriel are you okay?" I fanned his face, he got droopy. "I'm... I'm al..erg..ic to. bu....tter.......... cups......." Asriel said getting slower and more droopy every word. He passed out and pushed all his weight on top of me knocking me over and nearly crushing me. "Oh My God! I am SO sorry Frisk! We need to bring him to Alphys! She'll have something, I know it!" Undyne lifted him off and ran him out to her car. I got in and buckled up, Undyne zipped down the highway to Alphys new lab. We made it to her lab in 5 minutes tops. We carried Asriel in and called for Alphys, she ran down the stairs. "I'm here! What's wrong!" She yelled franticly. "I gave Asriel some buttercup tea and he's allergic to it." Undyne said. We laid him on the ground and Alphys opened her closet and grabbed this clear liquid container. She filled up a syringe with the liquid, it smelled awful. I put my hand on Asriels chest and closed my eyes. "You can't die. No one is going to die here." I whispered to Asriel. Alphys put her tools away and we waited. Asriels eyes snapped open and he sat up. "Yes!" We all cried out. Asriel looked around confused. Without thinking almost kissed Asriel but instead I hugged him. "I thought you were going to die." I clutched Asriels shirt and hugged him tight. "Its okay Frisk. I'm fine now, you can let go." He said comforting me. I let go and sat down at the table. Everyone else sat around me. Undyne looked down. "I'm sorry, I really didn't know. I could've killed him." Undyne looked down sadly. "Its fine. But I think we should get going. It was nice seeing you Alphys." I said. "S-see you Frisk." Alphys looked down. We exited the lab, I made sure no one was looking and I tackled Asriel and kissed him. "Your so lucky I knew them." I said between kisses. "I thought you were dead." We broke apart and stood up. "I'm so glad your here." I put my head on his shoulder. "I know Frisk. You've made that pretty clear." Asriels face was still puffy but knowing Alphys it will go down in a little while. "I almost gave away our dirty little secret and kissed you when you woke up." I said. My stomach growled. "I'm hungry. Lets go to Grillbys, and I know who's going be there. Will you pay Asriel?" I laughed, he pulled out his wallet and looked through it. "I'm sure ill have enough." He said. We made our way downtown to Grillbys, we opened the door and the bell jingled. I saw Sans immediately. He looked over and smiled. "Hey Frisk and Asriel!" He waved and patted the seats next to him. We sat down, but something made a Vrrrrrrrp sound in our seats. I pulled a whoopee cushion out from under me. I grumbled and threw in at Sans who was laughing his skeleton butt off. "Not funny Sans." I mumbled. "Yes it is!" He was now crying with laughter. After a few minutes he stopped and wiped his sockets. We ordered food and it came very quickly. "Eat up." Sans said. Me and Asriel chowed down on our food. Me and Asriel ate a cheeseburger and fries. "Asriel." I swallowed. "Does it bother you your eating meat?" I asked him. "Naw, its fine." He said. I shrugged and finished eating and waited for Asriel. He paid and we got up to leave. "Hold on." Sans stopped us. We turned to see what he wanted. "Asriel come to my house soon, I need to talk to you about something." He said. I looked at Asriel and he raised and eyebrow. We left and walked home. I held Asriels hand and walked slowly down the sidewalk. We stopped at the driveway and I kissed Asriel, we held it until I heard someone yell. "What. is. going on here." I froze up and my eyes got wide. We pulled away and my face got as red as an apple. I slowly turned around and Undyne stood a few feet from us. "Oh my god." I put my face in my hands. "Please don't tell anyone!" I yelled. She looked back and forth from me and Asriel. "How long has this been going on?!" She asked. "Since I found him underground." I said embarrassed. "This is so cute!!!" Undyne screamed and gave us a huge smile, she blushed. "Don't tell please!" I screamed. "I won't! I won't!" She smirked. "You are such a cute couple!" She ran off. I groaned.

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