A Type of Depression

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The second I heard the front door open I jumped out of bed so fast I almost  twisted my ankle. I ran to the bedroom door and locked it. I then ran to the dresser and tore through it pulling clothes. I ran over to Frisk who was already partially awake and confused to why I was freaking out. Then she seemed to realize that my mom and dad were home. I tried to rub the sleep from her eyes. I threw one of my gray shirts at her. She slipped it on and I but on some sweatpants. As fast as I could I ran to the door unlocked it and dove into bed, "Act like your sleeping." I whispered in her ear "Its to early to be awake." I glanced at the clock, 6:00 A.M. I heard the shuffle of feet on top of the carpet. Someone opened the door a little and looked in to check on us. The door shut and they walked away, "They're fast asleep." I heard Asgore say, "Good. I swear I heard something and I had a sense something was wrong." Toriel whispered. They walked away quietly, I knew I was awake but I felt like I shouldn't have been when they checked, "Asriel... ASRIEL!" Frisk snapped. She was still whispering but she woke me from my daze, "You're hurting me!" She said. I didn't realize I was squeezing her tightly. She pushed away from me as I loosened my grip, "Sorry," "It's to hot to be holding me that tight." She said, I sighed and rolled over. She looked at me with longing eyes, "Somethings wrong. You've acted aloof for the past two days." She stared at me intensely. I've never been brought to tears by anyone except for the one who threw knifes at me and shot bullets at me, but I started to tear up, "I've just had a lot on my mind." I said and turned to the side. Frisk put her arms around my chest and squeezed me, "Tell me." She said, squeezed her eyes shut and tightened her fists, "It's just the dreams... and the future visions and... other things." I said and tried to move but Frisk's grip tightened, "What happened." She asked and squeezed her eyes shut, "I should be dead Frisk. I don't know why I'm alive." I squeezed my eyes shut and steamy tears ran along the outside of my eyelids, then streamed down my face, "Asriel please talk to me." Frisk said. I tried to stand up but Frisk put her legs around the outside of mine, pulling me back down to the bed, "Let me go!" I tried to move but I was locked on the bed, "I said I don't understand! I'm supposed to be dead!" The tears came faster, "NO! You're supposed to be here for me! For family!" Her grip tightened even more, "Frisk. Let me go. Now." "Not until you tell me the truth." She said. I gave in, "It's.... just the dreams. I saw us on the cliff. Chara was released into the world. I kept dying but when I tried to ignore it another vision came." I said. Frisk froze like she's seen the same thing before. But that's not possible is it? "I wish I never came to the surface!" When I had the chance I sprang up pushing her to the side. I heard Frisk screaming my name. As I ran Mom and Dad came out of the room staring at me. There were quick footsteps behind me, "Go away!" I screamed at Frisk. I picked up something and threw it. It must have hit her because I the footsteps stopped. I burst through the door in tears and ran across the sidewalk, the cold cement patting against my feat. I ran into the woods and sticks crunched under my feet along with the rustle of the leaves and bushes. There was the sound of the lake in the distance. I ran into the clearing and only stopped when I felt the edge of the cliff crumble under my feet. The grass was smooth and warm, but the water crashed against the rocks spraying mist into my face. I fell to my knees then to my chest letting all feeling from my body. I cried and sobbed as hard as I could into the ground. I'm supposed to be dead. The thoughts went through my head. I'm going to die eventually. I thought again. I'm not supposed to be here. I wiped tears from my face. I.. should... end it. The final thought scared me. It didn't feel like I was talking but it was all my thoughts. I stood up without thinking. My feet slowly inched towards the edge of the cliff. Foot in front of the other. I looked down at the waves crashing against the rock. It looked rough. I leaned forward wondering how long it takes people and what they think of before they do this. Memories surged through my head making me regret this decision but it was to late. You made your choice long ago Asriel... I closed my eyes and smiled. I forced my body forward throwing myself off the edge. My stomach sank as the wind picked up, soon it was the only thing I could hear. I picked up speed as the waves got louder and louder, Its my time... Was my final thought. My fur was soaked as I got closer. I was sure I was finally going to die... but it didn't come. I looked down. I was just hanging. "What?" I mumbled to myself. I felt a tug on my arm, it was followed with a moan of pain. Frisk was  struggling to pull me up, "LET GO NOW!" I yanked my arm pulling her forward. But she refused, "'No one's dying.'" She quoted from earlier, "'I love you Frisk.'" She pulled me up more, "LET ME DIE!" I thrashed trying to loosen her grip, "'I'll never let you go.'" She quoted something else, "Or were those just lies?" She yanked me up onto the surface, "Frisk I'm so alone..." I pulled her into my chest, "I'm so scared..." I sobbed again, and took a shaky breath in, "I don't know why I'm here." I squeezed her. "Let me help you." She said and pressed her lips as hard as she could into mine. It hurt but I didn't care. I bit her lips and pinned her into a tree. She licked my mouth and I gripped her shirt and pulled her into me. She dug her fingers into my back, "Never let go." I whispered, "I promise I won't." She said. I kissed her jawline and lifted her into my arms like last night. It was still so early it was dark, "Who knew your Determination could save my life again." I kissed her chest and carried her home.

When I walked in Toriel and Asgore were waiting for me, they looked angry at me. I dropped Frisk to her feet and gripped my stomach, "I-I'm SO SORRY!" I ran into our room slamming the door and locking it. I sat on the bed crying until nothing came out. Someone knocked on the door, "Asriel. Let me in." Frisk said. I got up and walked to the door. The metal felt cool under my palms. I turned the lock. It clicked and Frisk slipped in shutting the door behind her, she had a lump on her head from whatever I threw at her. I touched it but she jerked my hand away, "I'm so sorry Frisk. I didn't mean to..." "It's okay it doesn't hurt." She stroked the fur on my arms rubbing her arm up and down, "I acted like an asshole and its not okay Frisk. You should be mad." I  turned but she put her hand on my bicep, "Come on Asriel." She said, "You need to calm down." I bit the inside of my cheek, "Lets go." She pulled me out of the room. 

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