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I stood face to face with Toriel. Moments of silence passed. Then she started parenting. "Frisk! Where have you been! I've been worried sick! Your friends have been trying to find you and-" I stopped her. "I have to show you something" I said and stepped to the side, Asriel stepped forward. Toriel froze up, she couldn't move. Her breath was short and shaky, He put her hand out to touch her sons face. She put her hands over her mouth. "Asriel...?" He asked shakily. She hugged her son, Asriel rested his head on his mothers shoulder. "Hi mom" he said. They broke apart and Toriel looked at me. "Is this why you were gone?" She asked shakily. I nodded. "You really are an amazing child." She said and invited us into the house. Me and Asriel sat on the couch and Toriel ran into her room. I overheard her telling Asgore everything. I put my hand in Asriels "Should we tell them?" I asked, he simply replied with. "Not yet." "Okay but we cant keep it a secret for too long" I said. He nodded. I leaned in to kiss him when Toriel came out with Asgore. We pulled our heads away and let go of each others hands quickly. After the emotional reunion I got up and walked into my room. I grabbed my phone and walked out bumping into Asriel. "Hi." I said "What are you going to use you phone for?" He asked. "I'm  going to text my friends and tell them I'm home" I said and sat down at the table. Asriel sat across from me. I put all of my friends in a group chat. hey guys! im home and I brought someone back with me. cya guys soon. <3 Frisk. I wrote and sent it with a swoosh sound. Barley five seconds later I heard running footsteps. The door swung open and broke apart. A blue spear flew in and clanked against the ground. Undyne ran in breathing heavily, she was still in her pajamas and her red hair was a mess. She tackled me. "Frisk! Don't ever leave again! I was so worried!" She said. "That was quick... can't breath. Undyne..." I said and she got off me. "Sorry. I was so worried! My best friend just disappeared! I thought you were hurt or something!" She said and sat in my chair, she put her hand on her head and breathed in and out. "Um.. hi?" Asriel said to Undyne, she looked up. "Hey." She said not even acknowledging him, then all of the sudden she realized there was someone she didn't know sitting across from her. "Hey! Hi! FRISK!" She jumped up on her chair "Who!? What!?" She screamed. "Undyne! Calm down." I said. "This is Asriel. He's my- friend... He's the reason I went into the underground, I went to bring him to the surface." I told her. She squinted at Asriel. "So your the king and queens lost son that died. Nice to meet you... Asriel." She put her hand out, Asriel shook it. I heard a crunch sound and Asriel cried out in pain. "B-A-A-A" He screamed in pain. "What the hell was that for!" He yelled. Toriel peered  out from the hallway corner, Asriel pretended not to notice her, I guess she's never heard her son swear before. "Sorry." Undyne said. "I got carried away." She got close to Asriels face "I'm watching you..." He slowly pulled her head away. I put my head in my hands and laughed. "Okay Undyne I think he's had enough of you for today" I pulled her back. Next the two skeletons came into the door and Alphys followed behind them. "Human! I was so worried! Where have you been!" Papyrus said. "Yeah kid, where were you? We've been looking for you for the past few days." Sans said. "Y-Yeah... I tried to track your phone but it just lead to here, you left it in your room..." Alphys said. I smiled at all my friends in one place and asked them to pull up a chair, it was time to tell them the story of our journey into the underground. Leaving out our romance.

We talked about the underground and the fights and portal and everything for the next hour. Me and Asriel secretly held hands under the table while talking. "Wait so let me get this straight. You went into the underground to get Asriel" Undyne said. "Then Asriel got into a battle against his adopted sister." Alphys continued. "Then you got into the portal and it was destroyed?" Papyrus furthered it. "It teleported you somewhere far from the city." Sans said. Toriel popped her head out from the hallway. "And now your here." She said and put her head back into the room. "That sums it up" Asriel said. Everyone looked around and nodded at each other. "Well, we need to go Frisk. We need to catch up even more later. By Frisk!" Undyne said and left through the shambles of the door. Everyone else followed her out. We sat in silence for a while, Toriel went to work, at the school and Asgore... I have no idea what he did... Gardening? After everyone was gone me and Asriel relaxed. "Finally everyone is gone." Asriel said and sat down on the couch, I walked over and snuggled into his chest. He put his arm around my waist and pulled me close. "We can finally relax and veg out." I said. The ground rumbled and Vegatoid popped out of the ground. "Did someone say VEGgie?" It said. "No!" I yelled. "And get out of my house!" I said and threw a shoe and it. The ground closed up and Vegatoid disappeared. I turned on the TV and rested after the long journey. I was as exhausted as my last journey. I let my head fall back and I fell asleep snoring. I woke up and Asriel was gone. "Asriel?" I asked. A voice yelled from the bathroom "Frisk? Sorry, I'm in the shower, I just got in. Did I wake you up?" He asked. "No, its fine I woke up by myself." I yelled back. "I'll be in my room when you need me." I said. I got up and walked to my room and laid down in my bed. I fell back asleep, after a few minutes Asriel came in and woke me up. I groaned loudly and put my pillow over my face. "Frisk where am I supposed to sleep tonight? I don't have my own room, can I sleep on the couch?" He asked. I rolled over and squinted at Asriel. "Just get in with me babe." I said, he shrugged and got in my bed, he got under the cover and fell asleep almost immediately, his hair was still kind of wet but I didn't mind. Asriel put his arms around me and passed out. I put my hand on his chest and fell asleep. After a few hours I heard Toriel and Asgore come home, careful not to wake us they snuck past our room. I heard the bathroom door open and the bedroom door open. I dozed off from my surroundings and slipped into a dream. The scene was dark but I could just make out the portal room. You think you escaped me Frisk? Charas voice rung in my head. No, your going to regret this. I'm preparing for something big. Get ready. Hehehehe. The dream faded into nothing. I woke up in cold sweat. "Shhh... Frisk its just a bad dream." Asriel comforted me. "Go back to sleep." He said. I calmed down, now that he was here I wasn't as scared. I calmed down and then went back to sleep. I was getting ready for a day of spending with my friends, and Asriel was going to have to sit through every second of this.

No Bounds (Frisk x Asriel) (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now