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The last thing I could remember was white. Chara smashing the portal and everything going white. What was going to happen to me and Asriel? While everything was white I had a dream, but instead of a night terror, it was a good dream. The first good dream I had in months.

I was lying in my bed next to Asriel, I woke up and he was smiling "Morning, Frisk!" He said, he hugged me and kissed my forehead. "You slept in late" He let go of me and got out of bed. "Well come on! We can't leave everyone waiting!" He said, and ran out the door, I followed. When we got outside all of my friends were their, they seemed happy we were home. Everyone talked to me and Asriel and asked us all these questions on our journey and our love story. Then everything faded into white.

I woke up lying in Asriel's arms, he was carrying me? "Asriel?" I groaned. He looked down at me. "Your finally awake. Can you stand?" He asked. "Yeah, I think so." I replied, he set me down and I tried to stand, it was painful but I did it, I looked up, the stars and moon were out. It took me a second and then my eyes widened and it whipped my body around and grabbed Asriel. "Do you know where we are Asriel!? We made it to the surface!" I yelled with joy. I hugged him and put my head on his chest. "It took you long enough to realize it." He put his hand on my forehead and hugged me back. "But..." He said. "A but? What happened?" I asked. Asriel looked into the distance. "I think since the portal was destroyed it spit us out somewhere way off track. Your going to need to find the city." He frowned. "Oh no." I said and let go of him, I set my bag down and dug through it. There was nothing I could find that would help us get to the city, we were lost! "Dammit!" I mumbled. I looked at the moon, if when I looked out my window at home and the moon would always set Northwest that means we would have to go Northeast to get home. "Do you know what direction we're going?" I asked Asriel. "I think were headed east" He said. I stopped him and we turned toward the Northeast. "We need to go Northeast to get to my city" I told him. We set off to the city, I didn't realize it at first because I was so distracted but we were in a dense forest and it had a rocky and dirt ground, there were bushes and thorns everywhere. I looked around but I couldn't see Mt Ebott anywhere, we where pretty far away from home. We walked for a few minutes then sat down on a log to rest. "How about we take turns to watch, we need sleep bad." Asriel suggested. I turned to him and grabbed a blanket from my bad. "You take first watch!" I said quickly and covered myself up then set my head on his shoulder. "You jerk." He said and laughed putting his head over mine, I dozed off and fell asleep on Asriel's shoulder. After a few hours or so Asriel shook me awake. "Its your turn to watch Frisk" He said. I groaned and hit my head off his shoulder a few times and sat up. I rubbed my eyes and looked around, I gave Asriel the blanket and let him lay down. He fell asleep almost immediately, the moonlight hit his fur and made it look silver and glittery. The nearby creek ran through the wood and made a calming trickling sound, the wind blew slightly through the bushes and trees making me want to fall back asleep, but I stayed awake for the next couple hours before passing out on Asriel. I know I was supposed to keep watch but I don't think anything was going to happen to us, besides, it was like 4 in the morning, it was going to be daylight soon. I closed my eyes and fell asleep to the sound of Asriels steady breathing and the sound of the night.

I woke up to the sounds of birds chirping and animals moving through the woods, sunlight hit my eyes through the opening in the forests room, I sat up and looked around for Asriel, I looked to my side to find he was face first into the tree log we were sleeping on. I giggled and waited for him to get up, it wasn't long before he did. He sat up and stretched he put his arms down and sighed, he looked at me and smiled. I smiled back. "How did you sleep" He asked me. "Great, how about you? You were quiet through the whole night." I said "That was the best I slept in forever, the air here is so nice!" I said. "We better get moving Asriel, we can't sit here forever, I need to get home, Toriel and Asgore are probably..... no. I know there worried sick and freaking the hell out." I said and giggled. Asriel stood up and I stuffed the blanket in my bag then put it on my back. We started to walk, I grabbed Asriel's and we looked around and gathered information on our surroundings. I looked at Asriel's back were we was stabbed my Chara, it didn't seem to be to bad but his jacket was stained a little in the back. "Asriel how do you feel where you were stabbed? It doesn't look to bad anymore?" Asriel touched his back "I haven't felt it since we were underground." He said, that was good. It wasn't going to be an agonizing walk home, and I didn't have anymore bandages. We walked past the creek, it had clear, clean water and you could see the fish and rocks at the bottom. My stomach rumbled "Mm.. fish sound good right now." I said, they looked like trout. "Yeah." Asriel said staring into the creek. I really hope Undyne doesn't find out about this. I thought. Asriel snapped a stick from a tree and stood at the edge of the creek. I did the same. "Ready to catch fish Frisk?" He asked, I nodded. I waited for the right moment and then dove into the water, stabbing randomly at fish hoping to catch one. "I got one!" Asriel yelled from up the stream. "Bring it onto the shore" I yelled back, I focused and kept on stabbing, this went on for the next ten minutes while I tried to catch one, after a few minutes I finally got one. It was huge! "Asriel I got one!" I said, I picked it up and the fish slapped me in the face. I nearly dropped the slimy thing but I got ahold of it. I ran onto the shore and set it next to Asriels fish, they were about the same size. We high fived each other and I kissed Asriel. We then put rocks in a small circle and piled them up to create a fireplace, Asriel found to rock and banged them together to try to get a spark, I walked around picking up dry sticks and threw them in the fireplace. Then... success! A fire roared to life, we did it! We cooked the fish in the fire and after they were done cooking we tore through them, I haven't eaten since I went into the underground and I have no idea how long it was since Asriel ate. With full stomachs me and Asriel stamped the fire out and laid down in a bed of leaves and flowers for a mid-day nap.

 With full stomachs me and Asriel stamped the fire out and laid down in a bed of leaves and flowers for a mid-day nap

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After waking up, we stood up and crossed the creek, and continued down the path. Me and Asriel talked about what we want to do when we get home. "First off we need to talk to Toriel and Asgore and we need to tell them of the journey" I said "Then you can meet my friends a second time because... well what about you Asriel? What do you want to do when we get there?" I asked. He took a second to think. " I'm going to be honest I just want to relax for the next week" He said and laughed. I smiled. "Yeah me to. We're going to be lazy forever! Lazy for life! Woo!" I joked and put my fist in the air. We joked and laughed for the next half hour. After that we finally made it out of the woods! The trees started to die down and the ground started to get more grassy and alive. We walked into a field of grass and flowers, it was so nice with the forest and sun and the pollen. As we walked into the field I saw a mountain in the distance. I grabbed Asriel's arm and pointed across the field. "Asriel! Look! I think that's Mt. Ebott!" I said and started to run, we both sprinted, at one point I tripped but Asriel grabbed my arm and pulled me up while still running. We slowed down, exhausted we sat in the tall grass, it seemed the closer we got the farther away it was. I sat next to Asriel and moved close to him, he put his arm around me and watched the setting sun. The sky was orange and pink with some red, the clouds moved fast across the sky. "I love you Asriel" I said "I love you to Frisk." He laid down and I put my head on his chest staring into the sky. Before long we fell asleep, me and Asriel both woke up in the middle of the night. We decided it was time to get home, standing up we supported each other and Asriel offered me to ride on his back. I jumped on his back and he carried me across the field. I pointed which way to go and Asriel went that way. We were going to be home anytime now! We walked for a while.... well, Asriel did. I was still on his back, he wasn't going to set me down anytime soon, I could tell. He was so strong! We left the field and I could see city lights in the distance! "Asriel! The city lights! We're getting close!" I said excitedly! He put his right foot forward and ran over the rough terrain, gravel crunched under his feet and he avoided the vines of thorns, I got one stuck to my jeans but it didn't bother me, I pulled it off and threw it into the dirt. Mt. Ebott was behind us now. We were running into the hilly plain that separated the city from the mountain. We were so close! I got off Asriels back and we ran to the city. We slowed down and jogged onto a sidewalk, the city became more dense. My eyes got wider and heart pounded harder every beat. Asriel looked around everywhere amazed by the lights and signs. "Frisk you live with this? Its amazing!" Asriel said. I laughed, this was only the beginning. "Asriel! Right there! That's my street!! I yelled and pointed to the street my house was on. The sun began to rise, the city began to stir with life, I had to get home fast. Before we were seen by anyone, I didn't want Asriel to be overwhelmed by everyone. We passed the school, the shops, diners, and other places and walked onto my street. I saw my home, I held Asriel's hand and we walked down my street careful not to be noticed. I stepped into my driveway and took a deep breath, I made Asriel stand behind me and we walked up the driveway and up the steps to my home. I put my hand up shakily and knocked on the door. It swung open and Toriel stood face to face with me. Uh-oh...

No Bounds (Frisk x Asriel) (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now