The Night After

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I laid next to Asriel sweaty. We were tangled together and it was to hot so the covers were pulled off. My legs were in between Asriel's and his legs were wrapped around the outside of mine. He was passed out, he moved and made a grunting sound. I was so tired I didn't want to move. We were so close together I could feel him breathing on my face. I gave in from struggling out of his arms. I looked up to find Asriel grinning out the corner of his mouth. His eyes were closed. "Come on. I know I woke you up." I struggled again. He laughed. "Cover blown." He let go of me and I moved an inch away. I groaned as I settled in, my body ached from Asriel. He kissed my jaw line and moved down to my neck. I giggled as he did. "I love you so much Asriel. So so much.." I squeezed his body. He groaned, he must have been sore too. I let go and moved my legs him around him again. We slowly stopped sweating, I bit Asriel's lips and he nibbled on my ear. He slowly kissed me and his lips made their way down to my chest. I moaned, our love seemed even more serious. Asriel pulled away and I thought quietly. I turned to Asriel. "Asriel..." I paused and stared and the ceiling. "Yeah?" He looked at me. "What if.. What if we had a child." He looked at the ceiling. "That would be nice." He nuzzled his nose against mine. I slightly smiled, Asriel got close to my ear and whispered, "Want to make it happen." I nodded, "Mhm..."

When I looked the clock it read 4:15. I could hardly move. I realized that it was Asriel's birthday. I giggled at the thought. "Happy birthday baby. I love you." I whispered in his ear. He moved a little, he was fast asleep, Asriel's head rolled to the side so we were face to face. I couldn't help myself. I pecked his lips and looked away giggling. He muffled his eyebrows but didn't wake up. "Welp. You're only turning 18 in a few days and you already have been in a bunch of life threatening situations, got into a serious relationship and did something you'll never regret or talk about. Hm. I'm absolutely crazy." I said to myself. Laughing at the thought I kept looking at the alarm clock. I was wide awake, I couldn't fall back asleep now... Asriel was going to get a good sleep and I'll be awake. Eh it doesn't matter, sleep deprivation has never bothered me since I fell into the underground. I laid in bed for an hour thinking about my life ahead of me and all the possibilities of things that could happen. I untangled myself from Asriel and moved into the bathroom, when I came out I got dressed. Some shorts and a tank top. How casual. I sat at the desk that was in the hotel room and pulled my laptop out of the suitcase. I decided to burn time while I was waiting for Asriel to wake up. It was still dark outside, the city lights looked so nice. I put my hand on my stomach, "One day." I said to myself. "One day..."

Light started to shine in through the window, I heard Asriel moving around in bed. He rolled onto his back making cute sounds and mumbling. After a little while my phone went of, I picked it up. Of course it was Undyne. Her text read, Morning Frisk, How is it going? Are you taking care of Asriel? Lol just kidding. I unlocked my phone and texted Undyne back. Yeah. I took good care of  him... 😏. I hesitated to send the message. I meant to press the delete button but accidentally send it. My cheeks turned bright red. I felt my face burning. "No no no." I kept pressing the camel button but it didn't work... It sent. "Hm." I set my phone down and waited to see what would happen. What... She messaged back. Nothing, just forget I ever said that! Just an inside joke... I sent the message and blushed. "Way to play it off cool." I turned around to see Asriel's brown eyes. He was bent over my shoulder reading my message. I turned my body to kiss him. "You need to stop doing that." I smiled. "Happy birthday baby." I hugged him. He smiled, "18, huh?" He said. I grinned, "An adult." I kissed him again. "I'm still only a teenager." He said. "Get dressed." I slapped his leg. "Your going to have the best day ever." Asriel smirked, "It's already been the best day ever." I smiled. "Let's go." I threw clothes at him. "We're going to be walking a lot today so be prepared." My phone rang. "Oh boy, how great." He said sarcastically. The call was from Toriel, I answered it and put it on speaker. "Happy birthday!" Everyone yelled. Asriel smiled. "Thanks everyone! We need to get going so we'll call back." Asriel said and walked into the bathroom. I said bye to everyone and hung up the phone. I slipped into the bathroom and did my hair and brushed my teeth. I was determined to give Asriel the best birthday.

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