Chapter 1

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Chapter 1: Hailey's POV

I woke up that morning to my alarm going off. I shut it off and glanced at the time, 8:00. Kia and I had exactly one hour before we had to be at the airport to pick up Jc and Kian.

I climbed out of bed and went to Kia and Jc's room. Knocking before opening the door.

"Kia, come on dork. Time to get up so we can get the boys." Kia rolled over in the bed and groaned.

"Ughh! Don't make me pull out the silly string."

"Alright, alright I'm up!" She said as she shot up in bed. She quickly pulled back the covers, and ran into the bathroom. I laughed as I heard the shower start. Due to Kia's pregnancy the smell of silly string makes her throw up, so obviously I would use this information to my advantage.

I quickly made my way back to my room, and started the shower. Just as I was ready to get in my stomach began to hurt, and I felt myself getting ready to throw up. I quickly went to the toilet and threw up. It would be hard to hide the fact that I'm pregnant soon. I have to tell them, and I'm gonna do it today.

I quickly showered and got dressed in my outfit for today, and threw my hair up in a messy bun. After getting ready I went out into my room and grabbed my phone checking the time.

8:45. Shit! We have to be there by nine.

"Kia!" I yelled as I quickly made my way downstairs to grab my keys. "Hurry up we need t-" I stopped mid sentence when I saw Kia waiting by the front door.

"God, you take forever! Let's go pick up my husband!" She went outside to the car, and I followed her. It would be nice finally having the boys back. I miss Kian so much, and I know Kia misses Jc. God only knew what would be going on in this house when they return.


When we got to the airport Kian and Jc were waiting outside. We ened up being late because Kia had to pee, puke, and wanted ice cream. Instead of being at the airport at 9 like we planned it ended up being 9:30.

I parked the car and as soon as I turned it off Kia jumped out at ran as fast as her pregnant self could to Jc. It was kind of funny watching her try to run. Her stomach had gotten bigger, her legs were swollen, and she waddled a little bit. When she finally made it to Jc he picked her up and hugged her. Leaving kisses all over her face, kissing away her tears, and even kissed her belly. I smiled at the sight of them, knowing that soon that may just be me and Kian.

I made my way over to Kian and gave him a hug and a kiss. He kissed back and smiled before whispering in my ear.

"I missed my beautiful baby girl." He said into my ear as he squeezed my ass. I blushed and pulled away a little.

"Kian...not in public." Little did he know, we wouldn't be having sex for 9 months.
AN//: Chapter one of book two completed! Thank you to everyone who stayed and read through all these horrible chapters, it means a lot. I hope you all continue to read and enjoy it! Love you guys!

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