Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

What. The. Fuck.

I stared into the eyes of the girl in front of me. Of course I knew who she was, but I didn't know was why she is here. I didn't even want to know how she found the house. Stalker much?

Charlotte smiled brightly at me and opened her arms for a hug. Hesitantly I accepted her hug and pulling my lips up into a smile.

"Hi Hailey!" She said once we pulled apart. "How are you doing? How's the baby?"

She reached out a hand rubbing my stomach a little. Her bright, white, toothy smile never leaving her face. It was quite creepy honestly. She was just a bit too happy at 10:30 in the morning.

I kept my smile on my face, nevertheless, or at least what I could manage of a smile. It seemed to be doing good enough considering Char didn't seem to worried about my unwelcoming attitude.

"I'm good thanks. The baby is just fine. What are you doing here?"

"Oh I just came here to meet Kian, we're going out bowling with his sister and some old friends."

Bowling? He never mentioned anything to me. Hell he wasn't even here when I woke up this morning. I tried everything I could to ignore the suspicion growing inside. Instead I kept my fake welcome "smile".

"Oh, sounds like fun, but I'm sorry Kian isn't here. He left early this morning. He told my roommate he went to meet his sister."

The bright smile on her face dropped a little, as if she was disappointed, but came back just as quickly. This time it was all completely fake.

"Oh okay, I bet they're on their way over. Sorry for bothering you, I'll see you around!"

She pulled me in for another hug before jogging down the front steps, down the driveway, and to her car. I stepped outside on the front porch closing the door behind me. It was getting harder and harder to ignore the jealousy and suspicion growing inside.

Yes, Charlotte and Kian have been friends longer than we've been together, but the feelings she had for him were so obvious. I didn't want lose Kian to her, especially now that we have a baby on the way.

Giving up on trying to ignore the feeling I pulled out my phone, and dialed Kian's number. It rang twice before he answered.

"Hey baby, good morning." Kian said. I couldn't help but smile. No matter what kind of mood I'm in he always brings a smile to my face, always makes me blush just the slightest, and always gives me butterflies. It was such an amazing feeling, and I wouldn't trade it for the world.

"Hi handsome. Where are you? I woke up this morning and you were gone."

"I'm at Starbucks right now with Liz, we're going to go bowling with some old high school friends I haven't seen in a while."

"Ooh sounds fun. Tell your sister I said hi?"

"Will do princess. I love you, but I have to go. We're gonna head to the bowling alley now."

"Alright, be safe. Love you too."

"Always baby girl."

With that we hung up, and I felt tears fill my eyes. Honestly, I'm not quite sure why I'm crying, but I'm sure as hell glad I skipped the makeup this morning.

I wiped away a few tears that escaped my eyes just as the front door opened, and Kia walked out.

"Hailey..? Are you okay? You're crying." She folded her arms across her chest, worry written all over her face. I sniffed and nodded in response. That was all I could give her right now because I wasn't even sure that I was okay.


"Oh my god! Hailey you look so amazing!" Kia said as I stepped out of the dressing room. I was currently trying on a light pink laced dress with cowboy boots.

 I was currently trying on a light pink laced dress with cowboy boots

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I smiled at her.

"Really? I really like this one." I said as I studied myself in the mirror.

Kia and I were currently shopping for a bonfire party we're going to this weekend. Jc's mom wanted spend time with Jayce, so now Kia can go.

"That's the one Hailey. It looks so perfect on you!"

I smiled and high fived Kia.

"Alright, I'm gonna change back to my normal clothes. Then your turn to pick an outfit."

Kia nodded slightly and looked down at the floor. Her excitement completely famished, and it now replaced with something I couldn't quite pick up on.

"Kia, what's wrong?"

"I don't know Chica...I just..." Her words trailed off as she stared at the floor.

"You just what?"

She sighed a little and took a deep breath.

"I just, don't think I want to go. I'm gonna miss Jayce."

Oh, her new mother side is coming out. Today was the first day since Jayce was born that Kia has been away from him. Plus, we've only been gone for half an hour, and she's already called Jc 5 times to make sure the baby was ok.

"Kia, I promise you that he'll be fine. Besides he's with someone who's had kids before."

Kia looked up at me, worry in her eyes. Then she nodded.

"Alright, I'll go."

"Yes! My best friend is going to be social!"

Kia laughed and we both hugged. I made my way back into the dressing room to change.

The next two hours was spent finding Kiaw her dress for the party, buying gifts for the boys, and looking for baby clothes for Jayce. We even looked at some girl clothes for my baby because Kia swears that I'm going to have a girl. Honestly, I hope she's right, but either way I'll love my baby with all my heart.

"Hailey its been like 3 hours." Kia said as we finished up our food from Panera. "Let's head home?"

I simply nodded as I finished my mouthful of food.

"I agree, I need a nap."

Kia giggled and took up our bowls. We both went to refill our cups, and then we made our way to the car.

"I had such an amazing time with you today chica." Kia said as we put our bags into the trunk. I smiled at her and choked back some tears.

"I know me too dork. I've had the best time ever."

That was true. Today has been such an amazing day, it almost made me completely forget about Charlotte. Almost.

That is until I saw her walk out of the pizza shop with Kian, Liz, and some other boy. I felt my chest tigten, and it became harder to hold back the tears threatening to spill out.

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