Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

It's finally Saturday and I couldn't be any more excited. Today is the day of the bonfire party. I finally get to wear my dress and boots. The only downside was that the party wasn't until 8 p.m., and it was only 11:30 a.m.

I had nothing planned in between now and the party. The anticipation was literally going to kill me.

"Chica!!" I heard Kia scream from downstairs. "Get your pregnant lazy ass out of bed, and come here!"

"Fuck you too!" I laughed a little to myself before getting up, and pulling on a pair of shorts and one of Kian's t-shirts. Slowly making my way downstairs, and to the kitchen where Kia was putting together Jayce's diaper bag.

"What'd you want?"

"You're going to drive with me and Jc to his mom's house." I mentally groaned, but just simply stared at her.

"So, that means I have to walk back up those set of stairs, actually make myself look presentable, and then walk all the way back down here again?"

Kia smiled he little innocent smile before giving me her little puppy dog eyes, and bubble lip.

"Come oooonnnn! You know you love me! It'll be fun."

I sighed and turned on my heel making my way back to the steps. "You owe me coffee and breakfast for this!"

"Already knew that!" Kia shouted back. Seriously, she gets everything she wants. Can I be her for a change.

I opened up the door to Kian and I's bedroom. Kian was laying on the bed still sound asleep. I felt myself start to pout a little bit. I wanted to be there in that bed with him, in his arms, snoring away, and ignoring the world. Unfortunately, that wasn't the case. I actually had to go out and interact with these other creatures called humans.

I threw open my closet doors and stared at the clothing options in front of me. Most of which were too small for me now anyway. Considering I was going to be dressed up later tonight I simply pulled out a pair of Kian's sweatpants that I claimed as my own, and a black t-shirt. To finish off my look I threw my hair up into a messy bun. Before leaving the room I examined myself in the mirror. My stomach was getting much bigger, and you could see it quite clearly.

I smiled softly down at my stomach, and began to rub it a little. My daughter was in there, a little baby girl. Then a thought came to my mind, her name.

Ariana. Ariana Lawley.


"Kkkeeyyyyuuuhhhhh!" I whined. "How much longer! I'm hungry." I leaned my head against the car window, and bounced my leg a little. We've been in the car for an hour and a half now.

"I have to make a right at this stop sign up here, and we'll be there."

Well its about damn time, I thought, but didn't say anything. Instead I stared out the window again, watching the other cars drive by, the birds fly in the sky, and the big white puffy clouds gliding across the sky. It was a beautiful day, and honestly I'm pretty happy Kia told me to join them.

"So, why exactly did you bring me along?"

"Because I can."

I glared at Kia jokingly, "Ha-Ha, very funny. Now seriously why must I actually be up right now, and without food?"

Kia groaned before answering, "just shush and you'll find out."

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