Chapter 15

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Chapter 15


I woke up the next morning to the sound of Kia screaming Jc's name. My eyes went wide as I prayed inside that this scream was not out of pleasure, and the two were not in the middle of another one of their wild sex sessions.

I sighed and turned over in bed cuddling closer to Kian, and attempting to return to sleep. As soon as I got comfortable, I heard the noise of someone throwing up. Just the sound made my skin crawl and my stomach upset. Quickly I got out of bed and made my way as quickly as I could to the bathroom, where I too emptied the contents of my stomach.

"Hailey? Are you okay baby girl?"

I heard the sound of Kian's morning voice, but I couldn't respond. Instead I threw up again in the toilet, with tears filling my eyes. God, I hate puke.

Just seconds later Kian walked into the bathroom with a bottle of water. He knelt down beside me, handed me the now open bottle, and he rubbed my back.

"you okay?"

I simply nodded in response and took tiny sips from the water bottle, leaning against Kian for support.

"Thanks." I said quietly.

"You're welcome. Was it the sound Jc bothering you?"

"If he was the one puking then yes."

Kian nodded and handed me some headphones.

"I suggest maybe going outside and sitting by the pool, maybe take a swim. You know jusy stay outta the house for a little, or if you chose to stay in i suggest music to drown it out. They're both hungover at the moment."

I scrunched up my face a little in disgust. Damn those two for getting that drunk. I took the headphones, and told him I was gonna head outside. He nodded and kissed my forehead before helping me up.

We made our way to our room where I changed into my swimsuit. Which was a white and navy blue tankini that showed my baby bump perfectly.

I grabbed a towel from the bathroom, the headphones Kian lent me, and my phone before making my way to the backyard

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I grabbed a towel from the bathroom, the headphones Kian lent me, and my phone before making my way to the backyard.

*         *        *

A couple of hours later I was woken up by someone pouring something cold all over me.


I heard Kia laughing as she ran away to the saftey of the house. I got up from my chair and searched for my towel, only to find it in the pool. I sighed in annoyance, obviously Kia's hangover is better since she was able to prank me. Which I will get her back for.

I made my way inside, grabbing a new towel to dry off with, and heading up to my room to change. I decided today was definitely going to be a lazy day, sweat pants and a tank top it is.

After getting dressed I made my way downstairs, desperately in need for some food. When I got to the bottom of the steps I was greated by an unpleasant sight, Jc was sitting on the couch with Kia on his lap. The couple were heavily making out, and it seemed like they would rip each other's clothes off any second now. I picked up the closest thing I could find, luckily for them it was only a pillow, I threw the pillow at them as hard as I could, almost knocking Kia off Jc's lap.

"You two act like a high school couple about to have sex for the first time. My God, please go find your room!"

"Oh you know you enjoyed the show Hails!" I heard Jc call after me. In response I made a fake puking noice, and grabbed a granola bar from the cabinet. Making my way back into the living I opened my mouth to make another comment about how the two couldn't keep their hands off each other, but Jc and Kia were gone. I shook my head as the sound of a bedroom door upstairs slammed shut.

At this rate, Jayce is going to have a little brother or sister by the time he's one.

I thought to myself. Now alone in the living room I suddenly felt lonely until I felt something move inside me. That something was obviously Ariana. I smiled at the thought of my baby and laid a hand on my stomach.

"hello sweetheart. Mommy can't wait to finally see you."

Right after I finished talking to her she moved again. This time sliding her little hand across my stomach. I smiled as I watched my stomach moving up and down with each move she made.

Tears began to fill my eyes threatening to spill over. My emotions were all over the place, the smallest things could make me cry so easily. Where as before, the only times I've cried was when I was truly hurt.

Soon enough she stopped moving around, and no matter what I did I couldn't get her to move again. Finally giving up I turned on the TV and logged into my Netflix. It's been a while since I've been able to watch my show, Supernatural.

Turning it on I sat back as I watched Sam and Dean fight off yet another demon, and everytime any of them were to get hurt I cried. Once again, hormones all over the place. That was one thing that I'll never miss about being pregnant.

I was in the middle of my fourth episode of Supernatural when the door bell rang. I waited a few minutes to see if anyone else would come downstairs to open it, but when no one did and the person rang it again I finally got up.

Unlocking the door, i pulled it open and came face to face with McKenna.

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