Chapter 23

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Chapter 23: Kia's POV

Jc and I were laying on the chairs beside the pool. Jc was holding Jayce as he slept in his arms. Today was our last day in Disney, and honestly I really didn't want to leave.

"Well shit," Jc said as he started typing on his phone.


"Hailey had the baby."

"WHAT!?" I screamed getting everyone to stare at me. "We have to get home before them! I have an idea."

"What is it?"

"We're going to have a little welcome home party."

Jc smiled at my enthusiasm, and nodded his head. Luckily we're leaving in about 2 hours. I was now a little less upset about having to leave Disney.

* * *

The next day the house was all set up for the welcome party. We had pink and white balloons hanging from the ceiling, streamers, a cake, and different foods. Jc invited Kian's family over and they were all here: his mom, sister, dad, and his aunt.

"Babe do you think everything looks okay?"

Jc looked around with a smile and then looked at me with Jayce in my arms.

"Everything is perfect." He smiled and wrapped his arms around my waist. I smiled and thanked him as I laid my head back on his shoulder.

"THEY ARE HERE!" Kian's mom yelled from the living room. My stomach started to do flips and I got really nervous for some reason. I wanted everything to be absolutely perfect. Quickly I turned off the lights and we all ran to the living room. I sat on Jc's lap while holding Jayce. On the couch was Kian's mom and dad, and Standing just behind the wall next to the doorway where Kian and Hailey would walk in was Kian's sister. She had a bag of balloons in her arms that she was going to dump on them as they walked in.

The door opened and Kian was the first one to walk in. He turned on the lights just as Hailey walked through the doorway.

"SURPRISE!" We all said as his sister dumped the bag on them.

Kian's eyes widened as he looked around in shock, and he put Ari's car seat on the floor. Hailey looked around the room and covered her mouth. There were tears in her eyes and she ran to me wrapping her arms around my carefully so she would hurt Jayce. I laughed a little and hugged her back.

"Congrats Hails! Welcome home."

She wipped her tears before saying thank you, and going around to give everyone hugs. I looked around with a huge smile on my face. Tonight was going perfect.

All the sudden my stomach felt weird and I felt like i was going to throw up. I handed Jayce to Jc and quickly ran up the steps to the bathroom in mine and Jc's room. The minute I leaned over the toilet I started throwing up. Tears began to build up in my eyes as I sat back against the wall. Breathing heavily I looked up at the ceiling holding my stomach. The door flew open and Jc stood there with a worried look on his face. I went to tell him what happened, but before I could say anything I was leaning over the toilet throwing up again.

The night was ruined. I couldn't even spend Hailey's first night home with her and Ari. Instead I spent it in bed and every so often in the bathroom puking.

* * *

At some point during the night I fell asleep. I woke up feeling tired as ever and my stomach hurting. Getting out of bed I went into the bathroom and did my business. When I came out I went straight to the calendar an crossed off yesterday's date. Today's block had a red dot in it signaling that I was supposed to get my period today. My eyes widen as I realized I was late.


I thought. My stomach did flips again as I grew nervous. I looked at Jc sleeping in the bed and bit my lip softly. Maybe I was just overreacting. Maybe I'd get it later today. I shrugged it off ad climbed back into bed.

I was only laying down for 5 minutes when the door opened and Kian walked in.

"Good you're up."

"Yeah....why?" I asked sitting up in bed.

"Hailey wants you. She's upset and won't talk to me. She said she wants you."

As soon as I heard she was upset I forgot all about my problems and ran to her room. I opened the door and saw Hailey holding a crying Ari as she cried herself.

"Hails! Whats wrong chica?"

Hailey looked up at me with a pleading look on her face.

"She won't stop and I'm clueless..I tried everything."

I nodded softly and held my arms out signaling her to give me Ari. She carefully handed me her, and I stood up and walked around the room slowly as I sang softly and rocked her. She slowly started to cry softer and softer until she stopped completely. I smiled at Hailey and handed her back Ari.

"How did you do that?"

I smiled softly at her. And wipped the tears off her cheeks.

"Ive been dealing with kids all my life. I know a few tricks."

I watched as Hailey kissed the top of her daughter's head. I could tell she was going to be an amazing mother.
AN//: hey guys!! I'm sorry this was a short chapter. I kinda ran out of ideas hehe. Bbuuuuutttt I'm back now and I'm going to try to update more.

On a different note!! I have a new story out. Y'all should check it out. It's called "Inner Country Girl."

I hope y'all liked this chapter! Thanks for reading and remember to keep commenting what y'all think.

And stay beautiful!

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