Chapter 8

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Chapter 8:

"So mom, Hailey and I have something we'd like to tell you guys."

It was Saturday morning, and we were all at the table eating breakfast. Everyone except me, I couldn't eat I was so nervous. I quickly glanced around the table, everyone was staring at me and Kian. His mom, his sister, his father, and his friend Char, who was also his sister's friend.

I felt myself tense up a bit under everyone's stare, and then Kian grabbed my hand under the table, and gave it a squeeze. It helped a little but not much.

"Well, what is it?" His father asked raising an eyebrow curiously. I noticed Kian look over at mew, but I was just staring at my plate waiting for him to tell them.

"Well...Hailey...she's...she's pregnant." Kian said and I looked up at everyone. Now everyone at the table was looking at me, but no one said a word.


"How'd telling the parents go?" Jc asked during our video chat. I was currently alone in mine and Kian's room, Kian was downstairs with friend and family. After breakfast I went upstairs telling everyone I just needed a nap.

"It was good, they all took it really well. Everyone was really happy, and wanted to rub my belly." I laughed a little. That part was going to take some getting used to. It's weird having people you just met come up and rub Ur stomach, even if they were just your boyfriend's parents and sister. It's weird.

"I never got that. Why is everyone so fascinated with the stomach. Like...I mean when Kia was pregnant yes I rubbed her stomach, but I'm the father."

I just shrugged, having no answer for his question.

"Speaking of Kia...where is she..?"
"Upstairs...she seemed upset. She said she was tired, and was gonna go to sleep. I was gonna lay with her and try to help somehow, but she won't let me."


Jc just nodded, and I noticed him getting upset.

"Bubby...go talk to her. I'll let you go." I hung up quickly before he could say anything else. I was really worried about Kia, but I knew if she wouldn't talk to her husband, she wouldn't talk to me. I just hope she's okay.
AN//: Sorry I know it was short...I'm just...not feeling so great, but you guys deserved an update. So yeah, enjoy.

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