Chapter 8

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"Thank you number 1 of class of 2015 and now I welcome Calvin Daniel Carter, graduating number 2 from the class of 2015. Please come up." The man shouts.

I don't know how much prouder I could get. Calvin came this far and well now he's graduating with huge honors. I smile and rub my newly husband Trevor's hand and another on my 8 month pregnant belly. It took awhile but yes, I finally accepted the fact that Danny is gone physically. But he will alway be here with me. Us. I came to my senses as Calvin proceed to the podium.

"Hello everyone." He nervously shuffles his cards them sighs and throws them to the side.

"Who needs cards? Hey, it's my Calvin. Or as everyone calls me, Cal. Honestly, at the beginning of 8th grade, I had a teacher who told me I was going to go no where in life because of how I acted. What could I say? I was just an adventurous kid. I loved to climb and jump from trees and do all that boy crap. She mainly got mad at me for failing a bunch of classes when she claimed I was better then this. Well I didn't believe her, I got mixed up with the wrong crowd and stuff like that, I snuck out of my house to go do stupid kid things with my so called "friends" amd got into so much trouble. Until one day we got caught with the cops and they ditched me. That's when I realized that this wasn't me, what I did wasn't making the people important to me proud.....

Ahh I remember that day. I was so angry.


"CALVIN DANIEL CARTER." I yelled at the top of my lungs as I entered the station. Calvin was sitting down with his head hung low. Then he suddenly looked up. I then did the unimaginable. I slapped Calvin.

"How dare you sneak out! I was worried sick about you. I was looking everywhere for you. Do you know how I felt when I found your bed empty?!"

"Mom chill. I was just with friends. I know what I did wrong now. So okay."

Oh hell no he didn't.

"You dare speak to me like that?" My voice filled with venom.

"Look mom, I get it. You get mad at me so much because of what happened with dad. Dad this and dad that well, DAD IS DEAD."

My eyes went wide and I looked down. I grabbed his arm and began to walk.

"Hurry up, we're going home." I acted so much like a child. I just went to my room and closed it softly. I let the words get to me. I felt as if my heart was being spilt open. I stayed there sitting on the bed completely silent. I don't know how long I've been sitting here. I didn't even hear Calvin come in.

"Mom?" I didn't answer.

"Mom?" No answer.

"I'm sorry. Mommy, please talk to me." I looked up, Calvin had tears in his eyes and I immediately got up and dragged him into my arms.

"I'm sorry mommy. I didnt mean it. I'm sorry mom. I know how much you miss dad and I crossed the line." I held him tighter as he sobbed into my arms. He's 14 and still does this. I don't mind at all.

"Mom. If you don't mind...can you tell me what happened to him." This was it.

"Daddy...was a photographer, he walked around the city all the time taking many photos. Until one day, he took a photo of something he shouldn't have taken. A few weeks later, they called for him and...he told me he'd come back. Daddy never came back....they found him in a ditched the next morning..." I began crying softly.

That day, Calvin completely changed. He became very protective of me and turned his whole life around. He said that it's his job to always make sure I'm happy.

Flashback over

"......And the person I want to thank most is my mom. Leah Carter. My father Daniel or called Danny lost his life before my birth. I never got to meet him but mom, she told me stories about him every day so it felt like I did know him. That day I was in the police station was the worse day of my life, I made my mother cry. For the 2nd time in my life. I hated myself so much for doing so amd I vowed never to make that happen again. My mom is my rock and my best friend. She may have been broken for awhile but she always stood on her two feet just for me. And now it's time I do the same. I want to show her how grateful I am, by achieving my dreams that I've told her about everyday. Mommy, please come up here." I quickly tried to get up but as always Calvin came rushing foward and helped me waddle over to where he was.

"Everyone, no one should be pointing their applaud towards myself but to my mom. She's the reason I was every able to push this far. Like I said, she's my rock and best friend. So please everyone, give your parents and family a hug and say thank you. And I'm also grateful for my baby sister that's on the way, he name is going to be Annabeth Marie. And so now Class of 2015, it's been a pleasure being with you guys. I love you all." Everyone busted into tears and clapped.

Here I am crying my eyes out. My son, my life right here shouting me out to the world. I don't care about anything else as long as he stills loves his mother. And as always, he does.

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