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       "What do you mean by weird?" Jin asked, throwing vegetables into the skillet. They sizzled, some of the juices springing forward and hitting Yoongi on the arm, making him hiss out in pain. "I told you not to stand so close, now tell me about your problem with Jimin."

       "It's not a problem, necessarily, but he's just been acting off. Like every time I come home he's locked away in his room, giggling about nothing. If I ask him what's up, he gets really quiet and won't say anything. Or worse, he blushes and starts giggling like a crazy person. I think he's gone insane." Yoongi said. He jumped onto the counter and shoved his finger into the potatoes Jin had made, and the older man slapped his hand.

       "Sounds like he's just being Jimin, to me. Maybe try talking to him about it, or asking next time if he can wait until you get home to do whatever makes him so happy. I'm sure he'll say yes and wait for you." Jin said. Of course he already knew that Jimin was a little, and due to stress at work he'd been in little space much more frequently in the past few weeks. This, however, was not something he would tell Yoongi, firstly because it wasn't his place, and secondly because as soon as Jin said anything about a daddy, Yoongi would immediately think everything Jimin was doing was a way to get kinky sex from older men.

       "What do you mean by ask him to wait? You want me to join whatever weird thing he's doing in the solitude of his own room? I don't know about you, hyung, but I'm not down for mutual masturbation. That's a personal thing." Yoongi wrinkled his nose in disgust and Jin sighed.

        "Never mind, tell me, is Jimin eating?" Jin asked. Usually he would just ask the boy himself, but when he was in little space Jimin was kind of hard to talk to unless he wanted to talk to you first.

       Yoongi groaned and laid his head against the cabinets, clutching at the bridge of his nose. "Yes, he's eating everything. Literally I come home and there's food wrappers everywhere. It's like he's reverted back to being a toddler and can't clean up his own damn messes."

       Jin sputtered out a laugh at the irony of what Yoongi said, nearly dropping the spoon of garlic into the sauce pan he was leant over. Yoongi raised an eyebrow at him but Jin ignored him, going back to cooking like nothing had happened. The door to Jin's apartment opened and Jungkook walked in, stamping his muddy boots on the mat at the door.

        "Hey, Kookie, can you call Jimin for me?" Jin asked. Jungkook looked up and smiled, not being able to see Yoongi from his place on the counter. "He'd probably like to hear from you."

        "Yeah, da–" Jin flicked his spoon towards Yoongi, who leant forward and waved at Jungkook, who's cheeks were turning red. "Hyung, yes hyung I can do that definitely."

Jungkook ran quickly away to his room, face hot with embarrassment. No one aside from Jin and Namjoon knew he was a little, and only because they'd caught him organizing his pacifiers one day on the living room floor. He was thankful that they still put up with him, for Jungkook was the brattiest little anyone had ever met, but his daddies loved him anyway.

"What's up with him? Are all the dongsaengs becoming blushing, stuttering messes? I don't think I can deal with more than one." Yoongi said. Jin laughed awkwardly and shrugged his shoulders. Yoongi shook his head and jumped off the counter. "I'm going to head home, see if Jimin is still acting like a mental patient. I'll see you later, hyung."

       "See you, Yoongi." Jin said, waving his spoon in the air. Yoongi walked home quickly, the summer air cold because of the rain they'd gotten earlier that morning. When he got to his and Jimin's apartment he frowned, realizing it was completely quiet. For the past week he'd come home to Jimin's soft giggles coming from behind his door, and even though that was odd at first, this new eerily silent household was even weirder.

       "Jimin?" Yoongi called out, dropping his house keys on the table by the door. He quietly stepped out of his shoes and hung up his jacket, listening for signs of his roommate. Yoongi had thought Jungkook was going to call Jimin, so maybe he'd come home to Jimin laying in the middle of the floor, talking on speaker phone like he usually does. However, every light in the house is off, and Jimin's phone is laying in his spot on the couch.

       Thinking that the younger boy was just out with Taehyung and forgot his phone, he stopped trying to be quiet as he stomped through their apartment. Yoongi never did anything quietly, due to their neighbors being complete dickheads and blasting music at four in the morning. Yoongi had to do everything in his power to get revenge on them, and if that meant role playing as an elephant every time he walked across the apartment, he would do it.

       What Yoongi didn't expect was for Jimin to be home, nonetheless curled up in his bed asleep. It would have seemed almost normal, almost justifiable, if Jimin hadn't been clutching on to a teddy bear the size of himself and wearing a large shirt Yoongi was pretty sure belonged to him. To add to the odd picture, upon further inspection Yoongi noticed a baby blue pacifier hanging limply out of Jimin's mouth, threatening to fall every time he exhaled.

"What the fuck?" Yoongi muttered, reaching into his pocket for his phone. He quickly called Jin, still standing awestruck in his doorway. Jin picked up on the second ring, and before he could even say hello Yoongi was spitting out words so fast he didn't even know what he was saying. "Hyung, Jimin is in my bed asleep, and I think he's not wearing pants because he's got on one of my shirts. And by the way, he's got a fucking pacifier and a bear and did I mention that he's in my bed."

"Wake him up," Jin said. Yoongi was about to argue, say that he didn't want it to be awkward, or that he really didn't want to find out of Jimin had drooled all over his pillow, but Jin cut him off. "Go on, nudge him softly and tell him to wake up, he'll come to eventually. Then you two can talk. Make sure to hear him out, don't interrupt."

"Why are you making it sound like he's going to tell me he has cancer?" Yoongi asked, resting his palm on Jimin's shoulder and shaking his shoulder softly. Jimin rolled over into his touch and Yoongi saw that Jimin did in fact drool on his pillow. "Jimin, wake up."

"Daddy?" Jimin asked quietly, reaching out one of his hands.

"What?" Yoongi spit at the same time Jin breathed out a quiet 'shit' into the receiver. Jimin sleepily clung onto Yoongi's arm and the older boy stared at him, unable to move. "What did he just call me?"

"I-it's not really my place—"

"Why did Jimin just call me daddy?" Yoongi asked, failing to mask the surprise and traces of disgust in his tone. Jimin stirred at the sound of his name, one of his eyes peeping open. He shot out of the bed when he saw Yoongi looming over him and ran out of the room so fast that he left his bear laying on Yoongi's bed. "Never mind, he's awake now. I have to go."

"Yoongi," Jin said. Yoongi stopped mid-hang up to listen to him. Jin had on his mom voice, and it was always a dumb idea to ignore him when he used the voice. "Don't you dare make Jimin feel bad about this, you hear me?"

"I don't even know what you're talking about, how could I make him feel bad about it?" Yoongi asked, looking down at the bear on his bed. It too was covered in a little bit of Jimin's spit, and Yoongi sighed. He was going to have to wash it, wasn't he.

"You'll see, but seriously, just listen and hear him out. It's not that weird. Call me later." Jin hung up and Yoongi grabbed the bear from off his bed before heading towards Jimin's room.

"Jimin? Can I come in? I have your bear." Yoongi asked, knocking on Jimin's door softly. Jimin opened the door almost immediately, but instead of letting Yoongi in he just grabbed onto the bear and slammed the door back in his face.

"All right, well, you just tell me when you want to talk, I guess." Yoongi said, walking away from the door. He sat down on his bed and pulled his computer into his lap, typing into the search bar, adults that enjoy pacifiers and teddy bears. It wasn't the most specific search on the face of the planet, but there was one word that kept popping up that stuck in Yoongi's mind.


( might totally scrap this idea ?? please tell me your thoughts on if i should keep it or not )

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