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tw: brief mention of sexual assault and domestic violence 

did u think this was going to be all fluff? 

"I just – I just have this feeling, you know? Like there has to be more to the story. There has to be." Yoongi said as he covered another piece of bread with peanut butter. Jin looked at him oddly and shoved a sandwich into the bag. "Don't look at me like that, hyung. I'm not crazy."

"I never said you were, but don't you think you may be reading into this too much? Maybe he just likes getting away from his own mind for a while." Jin said, shrugging his shoulders. Yoongi sighed and dropped his knife in the sink. They were making sandwiches because Jungkook and Jimin wanted to have a picnic in the backyard instead of going to the park.

"That's what I thought at first, but the other day I came home and he was on the phone, and after he hung up he didn't talk for three hours. He just made these weird gurgling sounds and refused to let go of my pinky." Yoongi told him, voice laced with concern. Jin's eyebrows came together as he thought and Yoongi busied himself with grabbing banana milk out of the refrigerator for the five of them.

"Maybe he just regresses more when he's stressed? Namjoon only goes into little space when he's stressed or worried, maybe Jimin is the same. The only way you'll find out is if you ask him." Jin said. He shrugged and grabbed the brown bag off the counter and grabbed paper towels with the other. "Do you know who he was on the phone with?"

"I have no idea, by the time I got him to talk again I didn't want to backtrack by asking questions." Yoongi said, gathering a blanket under his arm. As they passed Namjoon in the living room Yoongi tapped on his shoulder and motioned for him to follow them outside. Namjoon quickly put away his computer and followed them into the backyard, where Jungkook and Jimin were sitting playing a dice game.

"Hey boys, time to eat, can you put the game away, please?" Jin asked, throwing down the blanket before situating himself atop it. Yoongi and Namjoon followed suit, Jungkook and Jimin joining them once they had shoved their dice to the side.

"I'm not really hungry," Jimin said when Yoongi tried to hand him a sandwich. Yoongi frowned at him and gave him a Look, because he hadn't eaten at home before they came. "I'm fine, just not hungry."

"Is there anything else I can get you, Jimin? We probably have those granola bars you like in the cupboard." Jin offered, already halfway to his feet. Jimin shook his head and quickly pulled Jin back down onto the blanket, muttering no thank you's and saying that he was fine.

Yoongi was about to open his mouth and ask Jimin to follow him somewhere more private so they could talk, when Jungkook put down his lunch excitedly and grabbed onto Jin's hand. "Can Jiminie spend the night? We were talking about it and we want to have a sleep over. Is that okay, daddy?"

Jin looked over at Yoongi briefly and shrugged. "It's okay with me if it's okay with Yoongi." Now, let it be known that this was definitely not okay with Yoongi - he needed to find out what the hell was wrong with Jimin before it spiraled out of control - but he found himself nodding anyway, because he's whipped and he'd do anything to keep Jimin happy, even if was sacrificing his own selfish desires so Jimin didn't have to be around him. (Because that was obviously the problem*, right?) 

"Yeah," Yoongi lied, voice tight as he nodded. "That's fine. I can just go - now, actually, is fine. I have work to do." Yoongi reached for the back of Jimin's neck and dragged him towards him, placing a sloppy kiss on Jimin's forehead before pulling away and excusing himself to his car. Jin followed him out, concern wrapped up in all of his features and Yoongi sighed, leaning against his car. 

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