twenty two

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um okay hi, just real quick before my heart like explodes outta my chest - so for a really long time now I've been trying to figure out my pronouns and gender identity and stuff, and just recently I've kind of "decided"? I guess? I'm not going to label myself quite yet but I just wanted to make it known that
they/them pronouns are preferred, so if you all could just keep that in mind ,,, that would be awesome. also, I've been trying to figure out a new gender neutral name/nickname so if you have any suggestions, drop them, I guess? you don't have to, just. cool, okay yeah. onto the thing and sorry for keeping you.

also yoongi's fucking mixtape ???? i'm fucking bald y'all

Yoongi sat on the couch, mind blank as he listened to the shower run. He stared at the clock, a mocking tick, tick, a constant reminder that in fifteen – fourteen, actually – minutes the wicked witch of southea– he meant Jimin's mom, would be in his apartment. Jimin was still getting ready, dragging out the process as long as he could to busy his mind, while Yoongi had wanted to get it all done as quick as possible so he could prepare himself.

The shower shut off and Yoongi heard the sound of little feet padding across the carpet on their way to Jimin's room. They stopped short of the hallway, though, and Yoongi turned around with his eyebrows raised. Jimin was standing in the entrance to the living room, towel thrown around himself like a cape and doing absolutely nothing to protect the floor against the water dripping from his hair and body.

"Can Yoongi hyung help Jiminie get dressed?" Jimin asked, voice small. He was looking at Yoongi pleadingly, almost in a way that said; you made me shower alone, asshole, at least mad handle me into some clothes for gods sake. So Yoongi nodded and followed Jimin to his room.

As Yoongi helped Jimin into his pants, he could feel the younger's hands shaking against his shoulders. Yoongi looked up at him and placed a soft kiss on Jimin's sternum. "Don't be nervous, Jiminie. Hyung will be right beside you the whole time, okay? If you need me to I'll ask her to leave after a little bit."

"Okay," Jimin said, lifting his arms into the air so Yoongi could pull his shirt over his head. Once Jimin was dressed Yoongi ruffled his hair, small droplets of water flying from the stands as Yoongi shook them. There was a heavy knock on the door and Jimin stiffened, eyes going wide.

"I'll get it, you go to the kitchen and look busy, okay?" Yoongi said, then he kissed Jimin one more time before making his way towards the door. He opened it to reveal Mrs. Park, smiling widely at him with a glass pan in her hands.

"I brought lasagna!" She yelled, sidestepping her way into the apartment and chucking off her shoes in the hallway. Yoongi brushed them to the side before following her into the kitchen, where Jimin was shakily pouring glasses of water. Some of it had spilled onto the counter, some splashed onto the side of the glass, but Jimin didn't seem to notice, as his eyes were hard focused on the water pouring out of the pitcher into the cup.

"Hello, Jimin, how are you today?" Mrs. Park asked as she laid the dish down on the table in the kitchen. She turned around and smiled at Jimin, a sweetly sinister sort of thing, and Yoongi was vaguely reminded of Cruella Di'Ville.

"J-Jimin is–" Jimin seemed to catch himself, shaking his head quickly before looking up and smiling. "I'm good, mom. How're you?" Jimin asked, and Yoongi shifted to stand where Mrs. Park couldn't see him before giving Jimin a thumbs up, accompanied by a huge grin.

"Good, a little bit inquisitive as to why I haven't seen you in years, but other than that I'm pretty good." Mrs. Park turned on her heel to look at Yoongi, eyebrow raised. "And you, Yoongi? I assume you're good as well?"

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