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my friend heather sent this to me so i just thought i'd throw it in here !    
( also vkook shippers,,, i just wrote two one shots that both have smut in them you should go read them in my one shot book bc they got no love thanks )

After he'd come back from the trip, Yoongi didn't go back to work for a few days. Not because he was sick, and not because he just didn't feel like it, but because Jimin wouldn't let him. He'd walked in the door Monday morning and Jimin had already been waiting for him, wearing a huge shirt and knee socks. Jimin hadn't wasted any time in wrapping himself around the older male and hugging him tightly, so tightly that Yoongi dropped his bags and had to grab the wall to keep himself from falling over.

       Tuesday, Yoongi had gotten up to do his usual routine and make Jimin breakfast, but as soon as he'd thrown back the cover Jimin was practically in tears, begging him not to leave him again so soon. So Yoongi had called in, faked a cough and crawled back into bed for the next few hours, until Jimin said he wanted a watch a movie. Even then Jimin was never very far, clutching into Yoongi's waist while he cooked, or sitting outside the bathroom door and talking his ear off while he tried to pee.

       Wednesday was the same thing, Yoongi had tried to get out of bed as quietly as possible and sneak past Jimin's room, but the floorboards were creaky and Jimin was a light sleeper. Yoongi had frozen in the hallway as Jimin came flying out of his room, wearing black boxer shorts, a button up shirt that belonged to Yoongi, (which was buttoned unevenly, by the way) and one of Yoongi's ties.

       "If you're going to work, I'm going to work, too." Jimin said, leaning down to pull up his socks. He started to move towards the door for his shoes, but Yoongi had grabbed his arm and pulled him back to his chest. They stayed home Wednesday, too.

       Now, on Thursday morning, Yoongi woke up to the sound of cartoons and Jimin's humming along to the theme song. Yoongi looked over at his alarm clock to see it was only five, an hour before he woke up and two before he even considered waking up the little monster named Park Jimin.

      Yoongi walked out into the living room to see Jimin sat on the floor, coloring and swaying along to the annoying music of whatever cartoon was playing on the television. Yoongi sat down on the floor next to Jimin, who merely looked over at him before going back to coloring.

"What are you doing, baby? You know it's super early." Yoongi said, resting his head against Jimin's. Jimin's fluffy hair obstructed his view for a minute before Jimin was turning on his side and laying against Yoongi completely.

"Couldn't sleep." Jimin said. Sleep was laced in his voice, and Yoongi knew that now that he was here, Jimin could fall asleep any minute. Yoongi reached up and carded his fingers through Jimin's cute bed head.

"Why didn't you come get in bed with me?" Yoongi asked, already using his free hand to gather up Jimin's crayons and haphazardly throw them back into the box. Then his eyes scanned the room for the blunt crayons, the ones Jimin still refused to throw away even though Yoongi had bought him new ones.

"Didn't want to bother you," Jimin said, wrapping himself around Yoongi. "Kookie said that he and Namjoon hyung don't sleep with Jin hyung. Called me a baby."

"You are a baby," Yoongi said, carding his hands through Jimin's hair and picking him up. Jimin curled around him and squeezed tightly so he wouldn't fall. "But you're my baby, and you'll never bother me, okay?"

Jimin just nodded against Yoongi's shoulder and let him put Yoongi back in bed. Yoongi left to turn off the television and came back to crawl into bed next to Jimin. "Do you have to work today?"

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