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did I just take a month hiatus to figure out a plot for this story so I could end it better than I did kpop and chill?? why yES I did, thanks for asking. anyway I'm back a little better and ready to give y'all the plot you deserve
also fanart by cornelius's biggest fangirl, aka; @Hekatee !! thank you so much it's so cute

- also lmao real quick. I'm pissed. there's someone (not naming names) who is ripping off this story. same name. same coupling. it's not written enough for me to call plagiarism but I'm still pissed off. It's not that fucking hard to come up with your own goddamn ideas. If any of you happen to find "little space" and want to say something, go ahead, but I'm going to wait to call bullshit until I find out if they're going to copy me word for word.

"Can I ride in the cart, Daddy?" Jimin asked, staring down at the basket hopefully. He was standing in front of Yoongi, chest pressed to the push bar on the cart while Yoongi caged him in, arms around his smaller frame as he walked behind him, kind of awkwardly since he had to step around Jimin's small feet.

"No, baby, you have to walk." Yoongi replied, reaching past Jimin to grab a few packs of ramen off the shelf. Jimin pouted slightly, hugging Cornelius to his chest and leaning his head on Yoongi's bicep. Yoongi smiled down at him and continued pushing the cart, Jimin's free hand coming up to rest over his own.

Jimin happily played with his fingers while Yoongi filled the shopping cart with snacks and drinks. Yoongi rested his chin on top of Jimin's head and the younger boy giggled to himself, hands tightening around Cornelius happily.

"Hey, baby, let go I forgot chicken nuggets. I'll be right back." Yoongi kissed the top of Jimin's head and walked away, leaving Jimin to play with Cornelius and stand in the middle of the aisle. People shoved past him and Jimin pouted as he moved to the side, still focused on his bear rather than the group of boys staring at him oddly from the other end of the aisle.

Jimin stared at the cart, debating if Yoongi would make him get out of it when he came back. His thought process was abruptly cut off when a boy appeared in front of him, probably a whole foot taller than him. Jimin shrank into himself, hands tightening around Cornelius.

The boy looked at Jimin like he was a little crazy, before reaching over and plucking the bear right out of Jimin's hands. Jimin opened his mouth to protest, but all that came out was a pitiful whimper. Jimin clutched at the cart handle and waited for the boy to give him his bear back.

"A stuffed animal?" The boy asked, pulling and prodding at Cornelius's arms. Jimin bit his bottom lip to keep it from trembling. "Aren't you a little old for stuffed bears?"

"G-give him back." Jimin said weakly, reaching out one hand for his bear. The boy laughed and pulled harshly at one of the bear's ears.

"Him? Does he have a name?" Jimin trembled where he stood, hands viscously tight around the cart. There was a pressure at the back of his eyes and he tried to force himself into big space so he could tell the kid to fuck off without breaking the rules, but the boy's fierce glare only makes his feel littler, and his knees knock together.

"Hey, Jimin– hey, what the fuck." Yoongi appeared behind him and Jimin shook into his side. Yoongi's eyebrows where pulled together as he took in the scene unfolding before him. "Who the fuck are you? Why do have Jimin's bear?"

"C-can we go?" Jimin asked, eyes teary. Yoongi nodded before looking back at the boy.

"Give him the bear." Yoongi practically growled and Jimin held out his hand, and the boy dropped Cornelius into it, and somehow between the strangers fingers and Jimin's palm, Cornelius's right arm fell sadly from his body to the ground.

little space → yoonminWhere stories live. Discover now