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It didn't just rain the next day, it stormed. Thunder, lighting, power outages, the whole shabang. Jimin was currently sitting on his bed with his blanket thrown over his head. He was rocking back and forth, whimpering under his breath, trying not to wake Yoongi up. He was all the way in another room across the hall, but Jimin bit his lips to keep himself quiet. He didn't want to be a burden.

A particularly loud round of thunder struck, shaking the apartment building and sending Jimin into another fit of holding back sobs. Lighting rained down of the sky, illuminating Jimin's entire room with bright light. Jimin jumped and clutched the blanket tighter around himself.

Jimin let out a tiny scream with the next bout of thunder, unable to hold it back any longer. His whole body was shaking with fear and he pulled the blanket closer. It wasn't long until there was more thunder, or what Jimin thought to be thunder, but was really just Yoongi heavy footfalls as he sleepily made his way towards Jimin's room.

"Jimin?" Yoongi asked quietly as another strike of lighting lit up the room. He noticed Jimin wrapped in his blankets, practically suffocating himself in the fluffy material. The little bundle of blanket - with fluffy brown hair poking out of the top, Yoongi noted - was shaking almost violently and Yoongi quickly made his way over to the bed.

Jimin whimpered when Yoongi rested his hand on the blanket. "Jiminie, can you come out for a second?"

The bundle shook fervently, the mop of brown hair flopping from side to side. Yoongi reached forward to pull away the blankets, but when his hands made contact with the blanket Jimin pulled away and cowered under his blanket.

"Well, if you're not coming out, let me come in." Yoongi lifted the blanket and crawled under it, his feet poking out from under it because it wasn't quite big enough. Jimin looked over at him with big, teary doe eyes and Yoongi felt his heart break a little. He reached over and pulled Jimin into his lap, the younger boy shaking with fear. "Why didn't you come wake me up?"

Jimin opened his mouth to answer but another clap of thunder rang out and settled on a broken cry and shoved his head into Yoongi's chest. Yoongi wrapped his arms around Jimin's small frame and rested his cheek against the top of his head. Jimin clutched Yoongi's shirt and Yoongi could feel his tears soaking through his shirt.

"D-daddy, I'm scared," Jimin cried. Yoongi stiffened slightly but quickly decided he'd deal with it later; Jimin needed him right now and it was definitely not the time to be weirded out by the fact Jimin had called him daddy. Which was fine, totally and completely fine, no big deal.

"Don't worry, Jimin. I'm here. I won't let the storm get you, I promise. Where's Cornelius?" Yoongi asked. He wanted to take the blanket off because it was getting a little warm, but Jimin seemed to be calming down and he didn't want to do anything to compromise that.

"He f-fell." Jimin said quietly, pouting away from the bed. Yoongi wrapped one arm tighter around Jimin and used the other to reach down off the bed and grab the stuffed bear. He pushed it into Jimin's arms and the younger boy immediately clung to it, then wrapped his arms around Yoongi so the Bears beaded nose pressed uncomfortable into Yoongi's chest. "Paci," Jimin said quietly.

"Where is it?" Yoongi asked. Jimin shrugged and Yoongi sighed. The pacifier could be anywhere in the house and he couldn't exactly leave Jimin to go find it. He thought for a second, maybe it was on the bedside table? No, probably not. Under the bed with his coloring books? That would be stupid. Jimin was starting to get restless again and Yoongi reached his hand up and pressed it against Jimin's mouth. "Here, if you want."

Jimin started sucking on Yoongi's fingers lightly, like he wasn't really sure if all of this was okay but he was doing it anyway. Jimin cuddled further into Yoongi's chest while Yoongi tried to distance his mind from the fact that Jimin was sucking on his fingers which could ultimately lead to a few different things but Jimin was crying and Yoongi couldn't think about that right now. Not ever.

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