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[ ha, say the name ]
the art in the media above is so cute i love it look at yoongi's blush and look at jimin's lil smirk i love
drawn by the lovely @JIMINWHY
thank you so much !!
also sorry for being away so long, i don't really have an excuse
ps : how do you feel about jihope

"Daddy does this match?" Jimin asked, walking into the living room. Yoongi looked back over the couch to find Jimin standing proudly in front of him, looking somewhat worn out but glowing all the same. Yoongi could only assume it was because he'd actually dressed himself that day instead of making Yoongi do it.

Yoongi looked him up and down, at his sandals (must have been Taehyung's influence) and his overalls. Jimin was smiling and Yoongi couldn't bring himself to tell Jimin that he kinda looked like a wannabe jesus, so he just nodded and smiled instead. "But you'll have to take socks, we're going bowling."

"Can I take my lacy socks?" Jimin asked. Yoongi wanted to say, wanted to say hell no, but instead he nodded and Jimin smiled and skipped back to his room. When he reappeared Yoongi was shrugging on his jacket and lacing up his shoes, and Jimin stood impatiently beside him. "Do you... do you think they'll let me have the bumpers?"

"What?" Yoongi asked, standing back up. Jimin was biting at his bottom lip nervously and Yoongi reached his hand out. "Of course, baby. And if they don't I'll go out and pull them up myself." Yoongi kissed Jimin's forehead and opened the door.

Jimin smiled at him and ran out the door, pink lace socks hanging from one hand as the other gripped tight to Yoongi's sleeve, yanking him out the door after him. Yoongi barely had time to lock the door before Jimin was dragging him towards the elevator and bouncing happily on the balls of his feet.

The drive to the bowling alley was short and filled with Jimin's excited babbling, and when they walked in he immediately ran from Yoongi's side to the end of the bowling alley, where Jungkook and Taehyung where fighting over who got to put the names in the system.

"Jimin! You have to come get your shoes!" Yoongi yelled, and Jimin turned around and slumped back towards him, pout on his face. Yoongi grabbing onto his hand and gently kissed his knuckles, bringing a shy smile back to Jimin's face. "There's my smiley boy."

Jimin giggled and buried his head in Yoongi's shoulder as they walked to the shoe counter. The girl behind the counter looked uninterested as she handed them their shoes, and had practically walked away when Jimin tugged at Yoongi's shirt. Yoongi looked down at him and Jimin was staring at him with big doe eyes, and it took Yoongi a moment to remember that he needed the bumpers.

"Hey, I'm sorry to bother you... but you think you could put the bumpers up for us?" Yoongi asked. Jimin nuzzled his head into Yoongi's arm appreciatively and Yoongi patted his hair before looking back at the girl. She was staring at him like he's grown another head. "I'm being serious, if I don't get those bumpers I'm not going to have a chance in hell at winning."

Jimin laughed lightly and Yoongi smiled sweetly at the girl, who yanked the bumper tool away from the wall with a sneer. Yoongi rolled his eyes and they followed her to their lane, where Jin was setting up the names while Jungkook sat in his lap, pouting, and Taehyung was eating candy.

When they got close enough to hear what they were saying, Yoongi heard Jin mutter a "that's fucking disgusting" followed by Hoseok's defensive, "is not!"

"What's disgusting?" Yoongi asked, pulling out a chair for Jimin so he could sit down. Jimin busied himself with putting on his shoes and talking to Namjoon while Yoongi turned to Jin in curiosity.

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