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Again, sorry for the wait. This is shitty. Basically 900 words of yoonmin making out.I'm taking a hiatus though, a short one (maybe) after I finish cupid.

It's always a bit worrying coming home to a dark, quiet household. Even more worrying when Yoongi realized that the last time it happened Jimin had been drop kicked back into big space, and so Yoongi rushed to put down his bag and run to Jimin's room, praying that he'd find his bright bubbly boy and not a kid reliving his seventh grade 'it's not a phase, mom' years.

Yoongi pushed open the door to see Jimin standing in front of his mirror, attempting to tie a tie around his neck. Yoongi took a second to look him up and down, to let his breath be taken away before looking back up at Jimin through the mirror.

"Baby...?" Yoongi tested, reaching out slightly. Jimin jumped and turned around, fingers hanging limply from his collar.

"Hyung!" Jimin yelled happily, tie all but forgotten as he rushed towards Yoongi to give him a hug. Yoongi stiffened but accepted the hug anyway, trying to force his brain to slow down and not assume the worst. Maybe Jimin wasn't upset, maybe he just wasn't feeling little. That's plausible, right? "You were supposed to be home later, I'm not ready."

Jimin pouted and Yoongi opened his mouth, still unsure of how to assess the situation. "Um, I – sorry. Are you okay?" Yoongi asked, holding Jimin in his arms still. Jimin's eyebrows pulled together as he nodded.

"Yes...? Why wouldn't I be?" Jimin asked, and Yoongi can't help but think about how much alike it was to the last time.

"You... you called me hyung, and you're in a suit, and–"

"No, no! Hyung, daddy, I'm fine, I just wanted to like, like go on a date." Jimin said, grabbing onto Yoongi's hands and pulling the older man closer to him. "Like a real date, at a restaurant or something without all of the others, just us."

"Oh," Yoongi said quietly, and Jimin laughed at him.

"You're cute when you're worried. But seriously, I'm okay. I put out half of your suit on your bed because I thought we could dress nice but not too nice, you know? Like maybe a button up, but no tie because I can't get mine done up and the lady said when I called that people usually looked a little bit nice but not really nice, and I don't really know what that means but–" Yoongi leant forward and pressed his mouth against Jimin's, effectively cutting off his ramble.

"Did you make reservations for us somewhere?" Yoongi asked, pulling Jimin closet to him by his belt loops. Jimin blushed and looked down before shaking his head.

"I... I got too nervous so I just hung up." Jimin said. Yoongi cooed at him and pulled the younger boy into a hug, practically engulfing his head in his arms. Jimin whined and pushed against his chest, but Yoongi refused to let him go.

"You're so cute, I love you so much." Yoongi said, releasing Jimin just enough so he could lean back and glare at him. Jimin pouted and Yoongi pinched his cheeks. "Adorable."

Jimin blushed and kissed Yoongi to try and hide it, but Yoongi just smiled against his mouth and pulled him closer. Jimin giggled and twisted his fingers into Yoongi's hair, making sure that he couldn't pull back. It was different, kissing Jimin when he wasn't in little space. Although Yoongi knew Jimin would still do anything he asked, he felt like he may get a bit of resistance just because Jimin is a little shit.

"Hyung," Jimin whispered, pulling back from Yoongi ever so slightly. Yoongi hummed and moved to kiss gently at Jimin's jawline. "I don't - ah - I don't want to go out anymore, I think."

Yoongi laughed and pressed a kiss to the corner of his mouth. "Really? Why is that? I was excited for our date." Yoongi said, pulling back from Jimin completely and wiping off his shoulders. Jimin licked his lips and flicked his eyes down to Yoongi's mouth before looking back at his eyes.

"I just... I wanna kiss you–" Jimin seemed to cut himself off by pressing himself against Yoongi and pulling their mouths together with a hand on the back of Yoongi's head. Yoongi grinned and gripped onto the front of Jimin's shirt and pushed him backwards. Jimin shrieked a little when his knees hit the bed, tipping them backwards onto the mattress.

Yoongi rolled off of Jimin and scooted back until his back was resting against the wall, kicked off his shoes and patted his lap. Jimin immediately crawled into it, knees on either side of Yoongi's thighs before leaning down and kissing him again. He wasn't really sure where it was going to go - if anywhere - but Jimin had never gotten to kiss Yoongi seriously, and fuck you if you tried to stop him now.

Yoongi ran his hands up Jimin's back and held onto the back of his neck while Jimin busied himself with touching each and every one of Yoongi's hairs individually. Jimin bit down on Yoongi's bottom lip and pulled away slightly, pulling the lip with him. Yoongi grunted and pulled Jimin back down before slipping his tongue into Jimin's mouth. Jimin sighed and slumped against him, letting his body go limp against Yoongi's as Yoongi pulled him closer.

"Are you–?" Yoongi started, stopping again when Jimin's mouth latched onto his collarbone. "Are you sure you don't want to go out? We can do this later."

"I don't wanna do it later." Jimin said, holding Yoongi's face and looking back at his face. "I wanna do it until later." Yoongi nodded and pulled at Jimin's undone tie, pulling him back down. Yoongi laughed and shifted slightly, and before Jimin knew it he was being pushed backwards onto the bed and Yoongi was hovering over him, pressing kisses to his neck and reaching down to lace their fingers together. Jimin whined and used his free hand to pull at the top of Yoongi's hair. "Come back."

"Yeah yeah," Yoongi muttered, crawling next to Jimin on the bed and rolling the younger boy and pulling him close. The mood had gone from hot to sleepily calm in the span of two seconds, but Jimin couldn't bring himself to care when Yoongi gently grabbed his cheeks and pressed their lips together. Jimin sighed and leant into him, letting his hands come to rest over Yoongi's waist. Jimin pushed his legs in between Yoongi's, successfully entangling them together in a kind of warm, mind numbing knot.

Jimin sleepily pushed his tongue into Yoongi's mouth and he could feel Yoongi smile against his mouth. "Hey," Jimin mumbled, tracing one finger up and down Yoongi's arm. "Remember when you said you loved me?"

"Mm," Yoongi hummed, taking one of his hands off of Jimin's cheek and running it through the hair just above his ear. "Yeah, I remember."

"Okay good. Wanted to make sure I wasn't dreaming." Jimin said, kissing Yoongi softly. "'cause I love you too, you know?"

Yoongi smiled and pulled Jimin even closer to him, so their noses were touching. "Yeah, I know." Yoongi said, curling his hands into Jimin's shirt and pulling him back down. Jimin grinned and wrapped his arms around Yoongi's neck, willingly falling into the warmth of of Yoongi's embrace, letting himself get lost in his lips.

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