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( ͡☉ ͜ʖ ͡☉)
this will be the last explicit sexy chapter until july sixth !!! (if there's anything that i think may be kinda debatable i will put it at the beginning of the chapter) lookin out for you guys, i am
@-phyteocity !!!
if any of you do any art for this book (or any of the other ones) that would be so fuckin COOL and you would be guaranteed ONE BILLION INTERNET HUGS FROM ME TO YOU

Yoongi sipped on his coffee and looked out of the window above his sink. It was early, probably too early to be awake but he was buzzing. His hands were shaking and his whole body seemed to be vibrating as the conversation he and Jin had had two days ago played over in his mind. He hadn't done anything to Jimin quite yet, mostly because Jimin was the type to say sorry a day late, and because Yoongi was the type to always forgive him, but this time is seemed as if Jimin was going to remain stubborn.

Yoongi heard the gentle padding of feet behind him and turned around to see Jimin, fully naked walking into the kitchen. At this point he was completely unfazed, for Jimin had refused to wear any type of clothing that might irritate his sunburn. Yoongi turned to walk out of the kitchen, and on his way he brought a hand down, flicked Jimin's dick lightly and patted his ass before leaving the kitchen, all while sipping his coffee nonchalantly.

Jimin let out a squeak of surprise and looked over his shoulder at Yoongi, but the older boy had already disappeared down the hall. Yoongi walked back to his room and busied himself with checking his email, forwarding invoices and periodically checking the time, just to see how long it will take Jimin to sneak into the room and cuddle up in his bed like he did every time Yoongi did work at home.

       Usually it took nearly twenty minutes, for Jimin would at least try to entertain himself for a little bit, but today it only took eight minutes before Jimin was padding into the room and crawling into Yoongi's bed. He sat criss cross applesauce, giving Yoongi a good view of Jimin's dick, if Yoongi chose to look. Normally Yoongi would look. Normally Yoongi would look and blush and Jimin would crawl into his lap with a smirk on his face. This time around Yoongi didn't give him the time of day and drank from his mug.

Yoongi could hear Jimin shifting, could see him star fishing out on the bed in an attempt to gain Yoongi's attention. Yoongi continued typing away at his computer, mostly just hitting random keys in an attempt to look busy. Jimin let out a disgruntled humph and turned over on the bed, and Yoongi let himself spare a glance at the younger boy. His ass was still unbelievably burnt, and it was around the time Jimin would normally ask him to rub more aloe on it. Maybe later.

       Yoongi turned back to his computer and Jimin flipped over, squirming up the bed so Yoongi could see him. He reached up and plopped two fingers in his mouth and used his free hand to tweak his nipples. Yoongi huffed and turned away.

       He heard the bed springs squeak as Jimin laid down, and Yoongi could see him adjusting pillows so he was propped up and he saw Jimin take a discarded one and drop it between his legs. Yoongi turned his face away from Jimin and started to absentmindedly doodle on a piece of paper while listening to Jimin's soft pants of breath casually increase until they stopped completely and Yoongi had to force himself not to glance over.

       "D-daddy." Jimin whimpered, hand reaching off the bed to pull at Yoongi's pajama pants. Yoongi collected himself and looked over at Jimin, cool expression on his face. He flicked his eyes down Jimin's body, taking in his swollen lips from where he had bit down on them, and his flushed dick laying hard against his stomach. The pillow Jimin had been grinding against was still clenched between his thighs, pre come smeared across the pillow case. "D-daddy, I need—"

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