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By the time they left Jin's house, they'd watched four Disney movies and Jimin was still Big as ever. Yoongi found himself starting to pout, much like the way Jimin would if he didn't get his way. Yoongi didn't know what to do, or how to go about anything. Should he try to get Jimin back into little space so he doesn't feel as miserable? Or should he leave him alone and wait for Jimin to come to him?

Yoongi opened his mouth to ask Jimin if he was hungry, he would make him chicken nuggets, but Jimin went straight to his room without giving Yoongi a second glance. Yoongi stood in the hallway, defeated. He kicked off his shoes and hung up his coat slowly, listening for any sounds coming from Jimin's room to ensure that the younger boy was okay. The history documentary was still playing and Yoongi switched the channel before flopping down on the couch.

        Yoongi had subconsciously turned it to the kid channel, fingers so used to hitting 103 that he didn't even notice until the bright music of Jimin's favorite show started playing. Yoongi took a sideways glance at Jimin's room, wondering if the boy would emerge, and frowned when he didn't. Yoongi just turned around and watched the show by himself, even though he didn't have to.

Yoongi let it go on for three days. Three days of no cuddles, no kisses, and no small smiles from him to Jimin, or vise versa. Jimin would make breakfast, Yoongi would wake up and join him to eat, they'd talk about the weather, the fucking weather, Yoongi would wash the dishes, sometimes Jimin would join him, then they'd go their separate ways. Jimin usually went back to his room and Yoongi normally stayed in the kitchen, leaning against the counter, staring at nothing before realizing he had work and he should probably get dressed.

Three days was when Yoongi had decided he'd had enough. He woke up at five thirty, called off work, and got to work on something a little different. Yoongi spent the next few hours digging out Jimin's drawings and taping them back on the refrigerator, then he went to the living room and set out every stuffed animal he could find. He lined them up on the couch, even taking the time to make it look like some of them were talking to each other, and then walked to the bathroom.

He started a bath and dropped in a rose scented bath bomb, something Jimin had practically begged him for the last time they'd gone to the store. Yoongi checked the clock, and breathed out a sigh of relief at the sight of a bright red nine thirty blinking at him. It was the latest Jimin had slept in in three days, and Yoongi let himself believe it was because he falling back into his headspace.

       Yoongi walked to Jimin's room and opened the door softly. Jimin was laying in bed staring at his phone, headphones in and music so loud Yoongi could hear it. He had on all black and, by the looks of it, all of his stuffed animals were trapped inside his closet with the door shut tight.

       "Jimin," Yoongi said quietly, stepping the rest of the way into the younger boys room. Jimin didn't move, eyes glued to his phone screen and Yoongi shut the door behind him. He walked over to Jimin's bed and sat down on the end of it, pulling Jimin's feet into his lap.

      Jimin pulled a headphone out of his ear, "hyung? What's up?" Jimin asked. Yoongi leant forward and pulled the other headphone out of Jimin's ear before pulling him the rest of the way onto his lap. Yoongi forced Jimin's head onto his shoulder and wrapped his arms around the younger. Jimin just sat in his arms, not necessarily resisting, but not making any attempt to cuddle back.

Jimin stiffened when Yoongi stood up, but wrapped his legs around Yoongi's waist nonetheless. Yoongi walked them to the bathroom, now steamy since the hot water had been running and Yoongi dropped Jimin lightly on his feet. He turned off the water and turned around to Jimin, who was standing awkwardly with his back against the wall.

"C'mon," Yoongi said softly, guiding Jimin to sit down on the toilet so he could help him undress. "I don't really care what you think, but kittens need baths too."

Jimin let Yoongi pull off his shirt and pants, and when he was left in just his briefs Yoongi's hands stuttered and stopped completely, suspended in air. Jimin kicked off his underwear and climbed into the bathtub, the warm water immediately making him feel better. He sat with his back to Yoongi and stared at the tile wall blankly until he felt Yoongi's hands running through his hair.

"Close your eyes," Yoongi said. Jimin complied and shut his eyes, automatically leaning his head back. Yoongi dumped a cup of water over Jimin's hair, careful not to get it in his ears and then reached for the shampoo. Jimin leant back into Yoongi's touch as the older boy rubbed the soap into his hair. Suddenly something fell into the water beside Jimin's hand and he opened his eyes to see a small rubber duck floating next to him. Jimin immediately grabbed it and made it swim through the water as Yoongi rinsed out his hair.

Jimin happily played with the duck as Yoongi washed him, and Yoongi silently rejoiced that he'd gotten him to slip back into little space so easily. Jimin was still a little tense, but for the most part (as far as Yoongi could tell) he was feeling better.

When the bath was over and the water was all drained out of the tub, Yoongi wrapped Jimin in the fluffiest towel he could find and led him back to his room. It was quiet as Jimin rooted around in his drawers for clothes, and eventually Yoongi took it upon himself to find something for the younger to wear.

Yoongi looked through Jimin's clothes for a few minutes before leaving the room entirely and going to his own. He pulled the biggest hoodie he could find out of his closet and went back to Jimin's room to find him sitting on his bed, water from his hair dripping down his body as his eyes flickered between two pairs of underwear. When he finally decided on the dinosaur ones, (Yoongi was secretly hoping he'd pick those ones) Yoongi stepped forward and took them out of Jimin's hands gently.

"Let me do that, you're too little." Yoongi said. He bent down and Jimin put his hands on Yoongi's shoulders to keep himself from falling over. Jimin stepped into the underwear and Yoongi pulled them up his legs, and Jimin giggled when Yoongi left a light kiss on his stomach, just below his belly button. Yoongi held up his hoodie, "do you want to wear this?"

Jimin didn't offer him any verbal agreement, just lifted his arms, and Yoongi figured that was a good enough yes and slipped the soft fabric over Jimin's torso. The hoodie ended about mid thigh, and if Yoongi thought about it he looked like he wasn't wearing anything under the hoodie. Yoongi didn't think about it.

Jimin clung to Yoongi afterwards, and it took him a moment that Jimin wanted to be held. Yoongi put his hands under Jimin's butt and Jimin jumped, wrapping his arms around Yoongi's waist and burying his head into his neck. Yoongi walked them to the living room and put on the first movie he could reach. Thankfully it ended up to be Hercules and not some horror movie that would have Jimin being drop kicked back into his big headspace merely minutes after he'd relaxed.

Yoongi sat down on the couch and Jimin crawled into his lap, being careful not to knock any of the stuffed animals onto the floor as he pushed himself into the crook of Yoongi's arm. Yoongi wrinkled his nose when Jimin's hair nearly went up his nose, but he couldn't bring himself to move.

       Hercules was in the middle of singing something about distance when Jimin looked back to see Yoongi with his head lolled back against the back of the couch. Jimin giggled and kissed his Adam's apple, then his chin and his nose until Yoongi woke up.

       "What's up, baby?" Yoongi asked, squeezing his arm from where it was wrapped around Jimin's waist. Jimin waited for Yoongi to open his eyes before talking.

      "Thank you," Jimin said quietly, nuzzling his nose against Yoongi's jaw. Yoongi sighed and leant his head against Jimin's, rubbing his cheek against his hair subconsciously.

"Don't thank me, I'm just glad you're happy again." Yoongi said, pulling Jimin closer to himself. Jimin put his arms around Yoongi's neck and laid his head against his chest.

"I'm always happy when I'm with you." Jimin said quietly. A burst of heat bloomed in Yoongi's chest and he left a kiss on the top of Jimin's head in silent thanks.

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