Chapter 22

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~~ WARNING: This chapter contains a lot of cheese. If thee is lactoseintolerent then thy should be wary. But also... it's kinda cute so you may won't to read... with caution... 

Also, I know it's summer (apparently but it's raining right now. STUPID BRITISH WEATHER!) but listen to Slade. They make my Christmas every year!!! :D ~~

CHAPTER 22      

“Jodi, Mandy wants you,” growling, I threw my powder brush down and stormed to where Ben was yelling into the girls’ dressing room from the hallway.

Once in the corridor I rounded on him, pout on my face. “Can’t she pester me some other time?” The girl had been at me all day; wanting my opinion on what shade of gold for the lighting, what font the ‘reserved’ writing should be in, et cetera, et cetera. With a sigh, I rolled my eyes and looked at my dance partner. “What does the dumb blonde want now?”

“You can’t say much, Darling,” he smirked, nodding at my curly mess that had been pulled, yanked and gelled into a high ponytail.

“Whatever,” I mumbled, patting down my hair. Sighing, I started down the crowded corridor to the backstage where I knew Mandy would be in a tizz about the amount of frills in a skirt or something stupid like that.

Let me tell you one thing about walking down that corridor; it was freaking hard. There were acts all over everywhere! Some people practicing for the last time, people gargling salt water and stuff like that. Others were running through the corridors, happy that they perfected their routine and were epic on stage.

Once through, I was backstage where wires and ropes and other things that you could easily strangle yourself hung low and people were tip-toing around as someone was rapping on stage.

Finding Mandy, I tapped her on the shoulder and gave a tug of a smile. On the other hand, Mandy’s face bloomed into the most beautiful smile and she started bobbing on the spot. “Hey!” she chirped in a whisper. Her eyes shot behind my head and with a grin and the smallest nod she took my hand and started pulling me through the hazardous area which is back stage.

“What’s the matter, Mandy?” I whispered back but all she did as a reply was press her index finger to her smiling, mistletoe red lips. “Mandy,” I tried, rolling my eyes. This time I was replied with a hard squeeze of my wrist that actually hurt. For a petite thing she sure had muscle in her hands.

“Stay here,” she whispered when we got to the right side wing. She pointed her finger in my face in warning before walking off.

“Wait, no, Mandy. Our set isn’t until–”

“Hey, Guys!” my words died when I heard that voice that boomed around the theatre. Closing my eyes and taking a deep breath I whirled on my heels so I was facing back to the stage and Noah.

He better not be doing any effing pranks because I do know how to castrate!

“So, you having a good night?” my eyes snapped open then, when the crowd went wild.

Oh sorry, I didn’t know I was living under the same roof as Dermot O’Leary.

“Right, well, um…” he cleared his throat and that’s when I took in what he was wearing. He was wearing a jumper, a big, thick woolly one that was burgundy with a big fat N in the centre. A smirk pulled at my lips; Mum’s made him a Harry Potter jumper. “There has been a problem in the schedule; someone’s dropped out, but…” his eyes flickered to me and that’s when I stopped dead. He’s done something… “I found something to fill the time in, enjoy,” he purposely went to the left wing to exit the stage.

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