Chapter 38

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~~~ A/N    So I said I would get this up before September. Sad thing is it was all editted and ready to put up yesterday when my laptop c0cked up. So re-edited and here we are! Enjoy mon petites xoxo

Also, I really, really, really want to thank Sammie for the beautiful trailer! Whenever I have a really bad day I find myself watching it and smiling (had a bad day when I recieved it, had a bad day typing this >.<) Anyways; Sammie you are crazy talented and thank you so, so much for making this trailer for me! I really do appreciate the time and effort you put in to making it!! And I'm serious about you being my trailer person ;)

Another also; isn't the cover on the side brilliant? Thanks @Codestyles for making it for me. Love youuuu xoxo She is a babe and is making a lot of covers at the moment because she's trying to 'gain experience' I think :S But you should go and see her about covers 'cause this is just the beginning :O xx


“Jodi, can I ask him a question?”

I wanted to cry right now but with Harmony wide eyed and staring in awe at Noah all I could do was smile. I guess that’s why I loved her, loved my friends; they had the ability to make anything funny even when it sucked b*llocks.

“Well, you’re going to have to ask him the quest–”

“Noah, why do Americans have three pronged ring-binders whereas we have four or two pronged folders?” She raised her eyebrows and smirked like was declaring the greatest mind-f*ck of all times.

Honestly, Harmony…

“Are you honestly having a conversation with me about stationary?” I laughed as Noah raised his own brows.

“Yes,” she made it sound like him questioning this was beyond stupid. Seriously, Harmony… “The unfairness and inequality that we do not have the tri-prongs and instead are stuck with a crummy di- and tetra-prong absolutely astounds me.”

“Maybe write that up with David Cameron, not complain to Noh, Harm,” I tried.

“Or the next time I go to Target I will send you some three-pronged binders and thrice punch-holed paper,” Noah added as another option.

Harmony bobbed her head from side to side, balancing out the options and with a shrug and a smile she said; “Can’t be arsed writing to the PM, he hasn’t taken any of my letters seriously so far.” She beamed at Noah. “I’ll take your offer, thank you!” She turned to me with an impish smile. “That’s why I like you, Jodes; you have really good taste in friends.”

I snorted as she jumped me into a hug and held me close. My smile turned as I held onto her for dear life; I hated this part.

“Babe, it’s only a year,” Harmony tried as she ran her fingers through my curls. “It will go so fast; I mean, I know I’m f*cking ace but come on; hold yourself together girl.” I laughed bitterly into her shoulder and held on tighter. “I’ll miss you, Honey.”

“I’ll miss you too.”

“And if you aren’t with that boy to your left by the time you come back I am going to f*cking kill you.” I laughed again and slowly, unwillingly pulled away from her.

Bobbie turned to me with a bright lipped smile and held her arms out. It felt like a show – it always was with Bob – but I wrapped my arms around her and we held each other silently. She pulled away and I was shocked to see that her brown eyes were red and the mascara framing was leaking.

“Oh, Bob,” I whispered and reaching up I wiped her tears away.

“Shut up,” she snapped sulkily and I laughed. “I’ll miss you, Lovely.” I sighed and stepped to Noah’s side again. My eyes trailed to the drive which was filled with the rest of the family, all wrapped around Nick and Maud who were too escaping the country.

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