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~June 5, 2016~

The atmosphere when I got to work this morning made me incredibly nervous. Dr. Thayer and his wife wouldn't make eye contact with me and only talked to me when we had a patient. I was getting frustrated and a little worried. We were only down to a handful of patients and i knew things were getting stressful but they needed to talk to me. I've been keeping my eye out for jobs and I haven't been able to find one, so if I lost this job I have no idea what I would do.

At one o'clock, after I come back from my break, Dr. Thayer pulls me into his office. The room is small and shows the years and years worth of time spent in this tiny office. There were pictures of his family everywhere, stacks of medical books and patient files strewn everywhere. I took the one seat that wasn't covered with papers.

"So Maci, as you know things have been dying down around here. I wish we would have seen this coming sooner, to save you the trouble of having to find yet another job." He frowns at me and my heart races. "Things just aren't going to get better so I'm afraid we will have to close the doors. We have already sent out letters and emails to our remaining patients. Today is our last day."

"Today? Isn't that kind of soon? Shouldn't there be more of a notice than that?" I ask, trying to stay calm despite the panic I felt. I felt like not only the patients needed a longer notice but me as well. It was t right to just drop this on me all of a sudden.

"No point in delaying the inevitable," he states, his tired eyes watching me from across his desk.

"I see. Well, thank you for the opportunity," I tell him, my mind running in a million different directions. Wondering where I was going to find a job so quick and how I was going to break the news to Kaleb. Things have been alright since my birthday. He was gone again this weekend so he has still been acting strangely calm and nice. He would occasionally raise his voice but nothing physical, thank goodness.

"You can leave now if you'd like, since we have no other patients today." He busy a himself with stacking papers on his desk, not giving me a second thought. I didn't let it bother me since that was just how he was, straight to the point and doesn't like to much interaction with people, which is odd since he's a doctor. He was a nice man though and the patients he had liked him a lot. I thanked him and walked out. After grabbing my things I went and thanked Mrs. Thayer, who started crying and saying how sorry she was for having to let me go. After making sure she was alright I left, walking aimlessly down the street. I wasn't sure where I was going to go. It was Wednesday, so I wasn't use to being out so early.

I pull out my phone and call Gemma. It rang three times before she picked up.

"Hey lovely!" She sounds out of breath and I hear a clang of metal.

"Hey. Did I call at a bad time?" I laugh when I hear her swear at something.

"Oh no, I'm just moving the last of the boxes out of the guest house. You wouldn't believe how much junk my parents have!"

"I can only imagine. Did you want some help?" I ask. I know I need to go home and look for another job but I needed to just get my mind off of things for a little while. Plus it would be nice to see Anne and Robin again. I've been over there quite a bit since my birthday and have gotten pretty close with both of them.

"Aren't you working?"

"Dr. Thayer closed today. Indefinitely." My voice dropped as I told her, feeling helpless.

"Oh no! Maci, I'm so sorry. Come on over! Just come on in when you get here!"

"Thanks Gemma. See you soon!" I hang up and call a cab. As I wait for the cab to show up I brows my phone, looking for any job postings that may have popped up. I'm so surprised there isn't a need for more nurses. I would have to travel almost an hour to find a nursing job. This village was just so small that there wasn't much need for many nurses. I shove my phone in my bag, a little more frustrated now that I've have time to let the whole jobless title sink in.

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