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~August 5, 2016~

Kaleb took a step closer, making me take a step back. He continued to stalk towards me until I was pressed up against the wall. He had a menacing look on his face, his eyes dark, his lips pulled up in a snarl. My body shook with fear as he stepped closer and closer until he was about half a foot in front of me. I tried looking away but he grabs my jaw and forces me to look at him.

"Have I ever told you Maci, that I was only hard on you because you were never good enough? If only you were a little smarter, more beautiful, more...everything, I may have been able to tolerate you." His words were like acid, eating at me from the inside.

I don't say anything as I stand there and squeeze my eyes shut, praying that this ends soon. My whole body is shaking, it's hard to breathe and my heart is racing out of fear. Kaleb keeps going on and on about how I'm not good enough and I try to block him out, to ignore him but when his voice starts morphing into a voice I found so calming, I snapped my eyes open.

Kaleb was gone, instead, the person who was holding me so roughly was Harry. His green eyes were swallowed by black, soulless eyes and he looked so angry, so, so angry. Harsh shadows hit his face, making him look frightening.

"Harry..." I whispered but stop when he squeezes my jaw tighter, making me wince in pain.

"I didn't say you could speak," he shakes his head, "Always so pathetic, Maci. Always holding out hope that things will get better, that you will get better. Well news flash, Maci. No matter what you do, you'll never be good enough for me. You're always so nervous and anxious. And so fucking timid!" His voice grows louder as he speaks, jumping me when he yells out at the end. I'm starting to panic at this point. Harry has never spoken to me like this, he's never like this, so angry and hostile. It's scary.

"Always holding back with me. You hold back your laughter, your smiles, you hold back your fun, flirty side, hell you hold out sex." He says the last part with so much disgust I cringe.

"But...you knew that with everything that happened with Kaleb..." I stutter, completely taken back by Harry's words. I always worried he would resent me for not sleeping with him.

"Forget Kaleb. You probably held out on him too, that's why he hit you. If you would have just given me what I wanted, I wouldn't have had to turn to Kendall..."

His words hit me like a ton of bricks, hitting me right in the chest, crushing my heart. The heart that was beating so fast it blocked every other sound out, except for Harry's menacing, evil laugh. He let go of my jaw with one last tighten of his hand, my body slid to the floor with a thump.

I jolt awake, looking frantically around trying to gauge my surroundings. Harrys guest room. The one furthest from his room. After crying in a heap on the floor down by the front door, I managed to drag myself up stairs to take a shower, where I sat and cried some more. I didn't want to be in Harry's room, knowing that's the first place he will go when he gets home, if he came home. I didn't want to be anywhere near him. He hurt me so terribly bad, I don't know if I could forgive him.

After a shaky breath to try and calm my nerves from the terrible dream I just had, I reach out and grab my phone from the nightstand, only to stop short. There was a weight on my waist that I hadn't noticed until now. I peak down and see a tattooed covered arm slung over my waist and with further inspection I see Harry's sleeping body next to me, his hair a mess around his head. I start to panic a little but managed to stay calm enough to slowly slip out from under his arm. He's so deep in sleep he doesn't even stir. I grab my phone real quick and tip toe out the door, shutting it quietly behind me.

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