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Warning! Video above may make you angry, panic, cry, scream or all of the above. If you can watch the whole thing, you are braver than I am!  I'm still trying to get over my mini panic attack :(

~July 29, 2016~

Doesn't matter how little I need to pack, it's still stressful. Do I bring just shorts or should I bring a pair of jeans? Should I bring something sort of fancy to wear incase we go out somewhere nice? What should I bring for shoes? How many bathing suits should I bring? I know I was being ridiculous and freaking out way more than necessary but I always worry that I won't pack enough or forget something. Gemma got fed up with my craziness and said she was going outside with Harry. I just waved at her as she left, going back to checking things off my mental list of things I needed. In the end I just decided to pack whatever and if I needed something I could always buy it. I still worried though and double checked what I had in my bag before zipping it up, reminding myself to throw my makeup bag in the side pocket in the morning.

Once I was done I decided to take a little break before booking a hotel. I ran down stairs, a task much harder when your whole body hurt from working out. I swear, muscles I didn't even know I had hurt, making my every move still and slow. So I think it's best to describe my run downstairs as a slow crawl that made me wince with every step.

I slowly made my way outside, about ready to head inside the main house when I heard music coming from the pool area. I change my course and head down to the pool. Slowly. I'm glad the weather is nice again, the sun bright and hot against my skin. The music I hear is not just any music, it's just a guitar. A few cords would be heard before pausing for a second before starting again. The closer I got the more I could hear a soft hum along with the guitar. I spot Harry sitting in one of the lounge chairs, his back to me as he sits with the guitar on his lap, a leather bound notebook spread out in front of him. Gemma is laying back on another lounge chair as she listened to Harry play. I didn't know he could play guitar. Was there anything this man couldn't do?

The gate to the fence squeaked as I opened it, alerting Harry and Gemma of my presence. Gemma sat up, pushing her glasses off her head, Harry shut the book he had open in front hope him, quite suspiciously if you ask me. He flashes me an embarrassed smile, placing the guitar on the chair beside him.

"Don't stop on my account. It sounded pretty, whatever it was you were working on." I tell Harry, flopping down onto the lounge chair beside Gemma, wincing as my body relaxed into the hard surface.

"It's not finished yet. Maybe once it's done you can hear it," Harry tells me, sounding a little nervous. Gemma chuckles next to me, laying back on the chair again.

"Ok," I say, groaning as I bend my knees as I placed my sandal clad feet up on the chair, causing my whole body to tense up.

Harry chuckles and I glare at him as he shakes his head. "Sore are we? Last night too much for you?"

"Oh my god! I do not want to hear this! I love you both but I think my ears will bleed if I hear about whatever you two did that was too much!" Gemma screeches, putting air quotes around 'too much'. I couldn't hold back my laugh as I realized that Harry's words could have a double meaning and Gemma took them the wrong way. Her face was priceless. The comical look of disgust had me laughing even harder. Harry too, he was getting a kick out of Gemmas hysterics.

"Calm down Gemma! That's not what I meant," Harry tries to explain through fits of laughter. "I taught Maci how to box last night." I think back to last night and how Harry showed me some more moves, different punches I could do and alternate with the others he taught me. There was more touching, not just my stomach, but my thighs as he showed me how to stand for a certain punch, my hips as he showed me the right position to be in. Never once losing patience with me, or getting frustrated when he had to remind me of how to stand or to keep my arms up. With each touch, my heart rate increased, effecting me more than the actual workout. The fact the Harry lost his gloves somewhere after he showed me the first sequence of punches had me going crazy. I could have handled it if it was his gloved hand touching me and moving me to the right position, but no, it was his taped hands that touched me. His fingers digging into my thigh lightly as he moved my leg, his fingers trailing slowly up my bare thigh when he finished moving my leg. His long fingers digging into my hip bone, his chest pressing into my back as he moved me to the right position, my butt brushing against the front of his shorts. It got a little harder to concentrate on delivering the punches correctly and Harry noticed, only smirking once in awhile when I would mess up. He knew what he was doing and damn him for doing it. It got me all hot and bothered and made me work harder at keeping my self control in check.

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